Actor director stuntman Sam Hargrave starred Extraction 1 where he is killed on an operation in India or Bangladesh. However he spawns in part 2 as a grave digger in Georgia. I mean wtf, I was shouting at my wife the whole screening “how is this possible” “ he died” “he’s dead” wtf this guy died and now he’s back ?
I wish they had included a trigger warning as this was too much 😡
My wife is not happy! I’m out for a walk now. I need air.


I hope this is a joke and not something to make that big of a deal about. It's not like he made himself a main character or became THE main character. Plus it happens in movies all the time.


I didn't even recognize him in the first one because I was not facially familiar with SH, much less in the sequel; besides, the grave digger's face was so brief that it was inconsequential. When I saw Zurab and the Governor walking towards a man digging a grave, I realized that he was walking him to his permanent resting place.


I don't see the problem if he's portraying 2 different characters. It's not uncommon. A quick example that springs to mind is Joe Don Baker. He portrayed two major characters in 3 James Bond movies: (1) the villain in "The Living Daylights", and (2) a CIA agent in "GoldenEye" and "Tomorrow Never Dies".

Also found this in a quick Google:

If this sort of thing triggers you enough that your wife gets concerned, you might want to talk to someone.
