MovieChat Forums > Trump Card (2020) Discussion > Things someone needs to tell this guy:

Things someone needs to tell this guy:

1) Abraham Lincoln wasn't fighting the confederacy

2)The Parties Racially/Socially swapped in the 1960s. This happened because Democratic President JFK pushed for the Civil Rights Bill.

3)Your Hero Ronald Reagan supported gun control

4)Calling the Democrats a bunch of "socialists" makes sense for people like AOC and Bernie Sanders, but not the bulk of the Democratic Establishment. They turned center left during the Clinton era in order to recover voters loss during the Reaganomics. Biden, Hillary and Obama are closer to the Republicans then Democrats. Meanwhile those progressives like Bernie and AOC are always trashing the Democratic Party for not actually being Leftist

Overall, a good movie when Souza stays on topic about economics, but his narrative falls apart whenever he rants on social issues.


Thats why we need Trump back as the Real President.


I'm confused why you would want Trump back. There's like 10 other Republicans that also hard support capitalism. Wouldn't DeSantis make a better candidate since he has more right winged policies? Also why would need Trump back? Didn't he already passed his economic bill the first time?


DeSantis is a career Politician and will just continue the status quo. He will also be owned by all the mega donors that gave him money during the campaign. He might be a Republican but he wont make America great again.

We need Trump back to get us out of this war. We have given Ukraine $160b so far and not much has happened.


Part of Trump status quo is his gun control agenda. We don't need that at all.








Thats why we need Trump back as the Real President.


You are definitely a bot. But nobody cares about Trump anymore and he won’t generate interest and intellectually based discussion to MovieChat or FilmBoards.

Delete your account now, or I will alert all the advertisers to pull their funding.

You can tell Jeff Bezos I said so, too, with your retarded, degenerate AI brain processor.



Please no. Trump pays me good money to do this.

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Money is good.
