MovieChat Forums > Gran Torino (2009) Discussion > Wow, how did this not get nominated for ...

Wow, how did this not get nominated for ANY Oscar?

Obviously every Oscar award can have its naysayers, but at the very least this was a Best Picture Nominee and Best Actor (Eastwood) nominee. It's easily one of if not the best movies I saw of that year.


ccaudle ... You sure had them fooled with your sarcastic review of this movie!!!, that was hilarious, and people actually thought you were being serious!!!


you get nominated for oscars for killing iraqi children but not for telling jokes against the jews, beside tao's acting was terrible


An Oscar? Are you really asking why this didn't get an Oscar nomination? How about because the story was contrived and, other than Clint Eastwood, the acting was complete amateur hour -- like high school play bad. Honestly, I'd give the film 5 or 6 out of 10 because it was mildly entertaining. But why watch this watered-down version of Death Wish meets American History X when you could just watch Death Wish or American History X? The best thing about Gran Torino was the Gran Torino. Nice car. And, if anything, it deserves the Oscar for best acting here.


It would never be nominated because its totally againt everything demo-liberals stand for.. And they give out Oscars.


Some people can't appreciate greatness. It was a powerful movie! The soundtrack was really edgy!
