MovieChat Forums > Gran Torino (2009) Discussion > Wow, how did this not get nominated for ...

Wow, how did this not get nominated for ANY Oscar?

Obviously every Oscar award can have its naysayers, but at the very least this was a Best Picture Nominee and Best Actor (Eastwood) nominee. It's easily one of if not the best movies I saw of that year.


Hollywood is run by leftist multicult worshipers who do not appreciate seeing reality competing with their little fantasies. If Clint wanted Hollywood to love him, he would make a Holycaust film or adopt some African urchin, but he's Clint, so I really doubt he gives a rat's ass about what those posers think about him.


thats why I repeat all the time Oscar is full of Sh*t,its all about lobbies and connection a director or an actor gets the award,Gran Torino was a masterpiece,Oscar or no Oscar!


The movie was total crap. Most of the actors barely could mutter their lines. The story was uninteresting and the ending was laughable.


You are not very smart if you think this was a good movie. This movie appeals to the ignorant who think that just because a movie is about racism its awesome.


Yea, uhh this movie is way over-rated right now for some reason. I can think of like 400 films, easily, that are better then Gran Torino. It does not belong on the top #250, anywhere.

It wasnt bad however, but it was kindof cheesy and cliched, and not worthy of the rating it has right now. And those are the reasons why it was not nominated for any Oscars.


Because this movie was laughable bad. I loved Million dollar baby. But this was just awful.


Some of these reviews are a bit unfair (script written by a 5th grader? it isn't that bad).

Gran Torino isn't that bad of a movie but it wasn't that good of a movie.

A rainy Saturday afternoon type movie.

Now I'm wondering, who would think Gran Torino worthy of being mentioned in the context of Oscar.? A Troll?


I had quite a good laugh today, guys, thanks.

Some of the criticism of this movie just goes to show it's true: most moviegoers these days have the attention span of a goldfish.


Have to agree with you on that. Some comments like Eastwood can't direct is ridiculous.


Eastwood is the man. And this movie is one of the greatest.



He is such an amazing actor, and what is suprising - also an awesome director.

Why is it suprising? I mean, who would be expecting an actor to direct movies, and really good ones for that matter.

Some people complain about the acting in this movie - to be honest, while watching it, it didn't bother me, I didn't notice anything wrong with it.

I love the comedy moments in this.

I think the priest's 'description' of death, as being bitter-sweet fits well to this film.
There are moments that make you smile, but as a whole picture it moves my heart more than others ever did.

Another masterpiece of Clint Eastwood (next to Letters from Iwo Jima, which in my opinion is the best war film ever created).


I loved your comment. I was glad to read what I felt but could not find words to express. And one of the things that popped into my head was, "I wonder how many people will read your post and not 'get it'...."
Clint Eastwood is a great actor and he shines as a director.


Some of the criticism of this movie just goes to show it's true: most moviegoers these days have the attention span of a goldfish.

I know right. No movie is flawless, but in no way is this a bad movie, especially when in fact it's damn good one. I also took this movie as a homage and a sorta "ending" to his Dirty Harry years.

Without mercy, man is like a beast.


Ccaudle, I had the EXACT same reaction when I saw this movie (for the 2nd time) just now. I was interested to know what IMDB had it rated at, and then I see there were no Oscar nominations...
I thought it at least should get mentioned for Best Director, Best Actor and Best Picture.

Want to know the nominees for best picture in 2009? Umm... Curious Case of Benjamin Button (lol), Frost/Nixon (I can see that), Milk, The Reader, and Slumdog Millionaire. So what other movie is noticeably absent? Um... how about The Dark Knight? The fact that Dark Knight and Gran Torino weren't nominated for Best Picture shows you how absurd the Academy can be. Both the Dark Knight and Gran Torino have higher ratings than any of those movies, Dark Knight is #6 all time for goodness sakes.

After reading posts bashing Gran Torino I will quote another IMDB user who said "about 15% of people actually care about the quality of the movie, the rest just want to be entertained with bells and whistles that tickle their ears and of course, eye candy".

The people bashing this movie have no concept of what good film making entails. They probably all dislike There Will be Blood and No Country for Old Men. Pathetic.

Denzel, Leo, Damon, Norton, Gosling, Farrell and Daniel Day = best ever, Kate Beckinsale too =)


agreed, the one thing that really matter with this movie was it's racial content. if it's not there, this movie maybe nominated for best picture and got a high rating from metacritic. but if eastwood delete all the racial content in it, the storline will not as strong as now, because that racial thing supporting eastwood into a noble character inside the movie. so, that racial was too dependant to the plot.

beside that, i dunno why eastwood didnt got any best lead character nominee. maybe he's not match as walt character. but i think the opposite

my favourite director of all time : charlie chaplin, alfred hitchcock, stanley kubrick, billy wilder
