MovieChat Forums > La Mission (2009) Discussion > Homosexual agenda in this film was surpr...

Homosexual agenda in this film was surprising

I was surprised to know that this film was supporting the gay agenda. To those of you who may think this is some gangster movie or cool low-rider movie better brace yourself. Don't get caught off-guard like I was. I don't condone that sort of lifestlye and it is totally against the natural law of God.

Those who live in homosexual lifestyles are doing it our of their own choice and are danger of God's wrath. This wrath will come upon the world shortly as the signs are already manifesting themselves throughout the world as I type. Read Matthew chapter 24 for verification. Eathquakes, wars, pestilence, famines, diseases and homosexuality are all signs of the soon impeding judgement of God.


I'm all for freedom of speech, however it's regretful that the internet opens up doors to sick scum like yourself, to puke your insane religious hate all over the net. Why don't you do like all other religious nuts do and strap a bomb to yourself. Please, do the world a favor you freak. Incidentally, if there is a "God" as you say, he surely does not like you...freak.

"IMdB; where 14 year olds can act like jaded 40 year old critics...'


If we are created in his image, his plan, then GOD has all of our emotions, remember the great flood? It maybe how He can forgive us daily. He knows our troubles. As for your agenda statement, we are all GODs children. Men shaped the bible, so we must keep an open heart when deciding our fate. We are all different, we will never be the same. When groups try to ignore others because of their differences, it won't work. The group will not grow, but become smaller, because we are not identical. Embracing that "you are acceptable if you are like me" will only allow for one person remaining. We would continue to find fault and exclude people. Our individuality is our strength.

Also, have you noticed that must of us only accept what we want in the bible, not everything. That is a flaw in our logic. But could also be a sign to accept differences.

How it is the perfect job, when it's killing you from the inside out.


Stupid religious pig...gays have it bad enough leading a disgusting, dangerous lifestyle and AIDS. They don't need the religious crap. Pity them.


You missed the entire point of the film. From the first second we are bombarded with images of the culture and heritage of the main characters. We are constantly reminded by their language, imagery and nods to their identity. It is ingrained into them, they cannot change who they are or their heritage/identity.

You cannot change your sexuality, it is how you are born and how you identify. You can choose to try deny it and pretend to be a different sexuality but you cannot change it. Che is constantly reminding those around him to be proud of their heritage and culture yet he is telling Jes that he had to change who he is and how he is born.

Che is only comfortable around Jes when he doesn't know the full details of his life, just as many people try to subdue their culture to "fit in" with society. Only when he realises that Jes can't change his sexuality just like he can't change his cultural identity does he truly accept it.

"My life is a show, a commercial for people to see how normal I am,when I am really anything but."


This film had no agenda other than to tell a meandering story – several actually – that went nowhere. "La Mission" accomplished. I'd settle for a pro- or anti-gay agenda over this overly long but well-intentioned mess of a movie. 6/10 stars at best from me.


The second paragraph is just proselytizing, but I'm curious about the first. Can someone explain what "the gay agenda" is, please?


I don't condone that sort of lifestlye and it is totally against the natural law of God.

Those who live in homosexual lifestyles are doing it our of their own choice and are danger of God's wrath. This wrath will come upon the world shortly as the signs are already manifesting themselves throughout the world as I type. Read Matthew chapter 24 for verification. Eathquakes, wars, pestilence, famines, diseases and homosexuality are all signs of the soon impeding judgement of God.

Oh, shut up.

The food came and so did I.



1. Despite what Fox News is telling you there is no homosexual agenda.

2. Your "God" made everyone, including gay people, and according to your beliefs "God" doesn't make mistakes. So I don't know where that leaves you.

3. Some people are gay. Get used to it.

4. If you don't like movies dealing with gay issues don't watch them.
