MovieChat Forums > La Mission (2009) Discussion > Homosexual agenda in this film was surpr...

Homosexual agenda in this film was surprising

I was surprised to know that this film was supporting the gay agenda. To those of you who may think this is some gangster movie or cool low-rider movie better brace yourself. Don't get caught off-guard like I was. I don't condone that sort of lifestlye and it is totally against the natural law of God.

Those who live in homosexual lifestyles are doing it our of their own choice and are danger of God's wrath. This wrath will come upon the world shortly as the signs are already manifesting themselves throughout the world as I type. Read Matthew chapter 24 for verification. Eathquakes, wars, pestilence, famines, diseases and homosexuality are all signs of the soon impeding judgement of God.


You ignorant tw@t it's a lifeway not a "lifestyle".

What's more dangerous than sincere ignorance?


Purposeful ignorance.

"The value of an idea has nothing to do with the honesty of the man expressing it."--Oscar Wilde




Yes the homosexual agenda huh? All this movie do was convey a story about reality. Some of us have lived it.

I'm Latino. I'm also homosexual. And it's not a choice. There is nothing proving anything you say about "god's wrath".

Earthquakes, wars, pestilence, famines and disease have been around for many centuries, with earthquakes being around far longer. I don't get what are the signs. Do me a favor. Look up the history of the world. You may be devastated. There have been all these things happening for a very long time. Take a look at the middle ages... certainly a time where people were closer to religion. Makes me begin to question your angry logic and lack of sense.

Perhaps science would also be of help. You know what tectonic plates are? You need a serious history lesson. People like you have been around forever saying the end is near. Yet it never seems to happen. It just seems to be we live in a chaotic world that has always been chaotic.

And homosexuality has always been around.


It's not our choice of lifestyle. It's just how we are born.

Have you been living under a rock?

And, there is no God's wrath!

You've been listening to "man" who has "interpreted" the bible for hundreds of years.

I feel sorry for your ignorance and hypocrisy.


Hey, numbnuts! Stop the trolling around on this thread and get a life.


So explain to me what it was about your same-sex encounters that made YOU choose to be straight. And before you go sputtering all self-righteously at your screen about how you didn't choose you just KNEW you were straight, also explain to me how you didn't have a choice but I did. It can't be both ways...if you didn't choose then you have to accept that I am who I am as well.

And BTW, regarding the "natural law" did you know that there are hundreds of species of animals that engage in same-sex behavior? Intelligent ones at that...dolphins, chimps, giraffes among many others. I think that occurring in nature pretty much defines "natural". Don't confuse "uncommon" with "unnatural".

Hey, welcome to the 21st century! Try to keep up ok?


Animals are beasts, they are not human. We humans know what skin we were born in male or female. We "CHOOSE" to disobey the natural laws of God and will ultimately pay for it in the END! Atleast, the heathen will.



how many cox does ur mom sux daily? on avaegae


It was way over top homo agenda, not surprising. Every other movie is like this, with the one person who is smart enough to know that stuff is abnormal portrayed like he is one who is out of touch. I mean, c'mon, not single person in entire neighborhood (aside from ones in gang) or family is even slightly disturbed, not one bit that teen has gay leanings? Not one? Bratt sold out, probably had to too keep career going.
