
She's crazier than a very very crazy person but she does look good.


Kelly comes in as a solid #2 very very crazy person.


Bensimmon? I rather liked her!


I wonder if Bravo will ask her back now that Carole's gone? That Colombia trip would've been even more crazy had Kelly been there.


What did you think of the boat ride? It didn't look as bad as they made out to me. Although Carole was vomiting!
I will miss Carole but I'm glad she's going, she's far too sane for this show.
I can't remember why Kelly went crazy but I think Bethenny took against her big style.


It was definitely over exaggerated. Especially Bethenny's account of a "15 foot wave" heading for the boat and chairs and tables flying at her. I'm sure I would've been as seasick as Carole though. Lol.

I don't blame Carole for leaving either and she's better than me because I would've gone off on Bethenny the first time she started with her theatrics. She's like an overgrown tween with the crying and "you just don't like me!" whining.


I know! I thought they'd talked it through but she just kept on and on about it, Carole was very patient. I do like Bethenny but there are times when she's been so cruel first to Kelly Bensimmon, then to Jill Zarin (I'd love to see Jill back too) and she was really horrible to Heather. Weird how everyone she took against is gone!

Nice to meet you breathfromanother I'm so pleased to find another RHONY fan!


Nice to meet you too Dazed! :)

I didn't get into the show until the reunion for Bethenny's last season so I always assumed that it was Kelly who was mean/trying to goad Bethenny into fights (particularly the Scary Island trip) and not the other way around. I wish Bravo would do a marathon of the early seasons so I can see what really went down.

What do you think about the drama between Dorinda and LuAnn?


It was a while since I watched Scary Island and people see things differently don't they! But my take on it was that Kelly was indeed having some sort of psychotic incident and the only one who behaved kindly was Sonja. She basically said that they were beating up a sick person.
I watch on Hayu and they have all the seasons, do you watch any of the others?

Dorinda is a terrible drunk (I've seen her referred to as Slurrinda on social media!) and she tends to lash out and be really mean and there's no doubt that her goading LuAnn over her arrest was mean, but I do think that newly sober LuAnn was also having a pop at Dorinda over her drinking which was sanctimonious. How about you, what are your thoughts?


I'm a bit of a Luddite when it comes to Hayu and Hulu and the like. Lol. I watch pretty much all of the Housewives but my faves are (other than NYC) Atlanta, Beverly Hills, Potomac and the Dallas. NJ has run it's course and I just watch it out of habit. I have a love/hate relationship with the OC. Vicki is vile for the Brooks cancer scam but she makes me laugh sometimes. What other franchises do you like?

I feel the same way. Dorinda is in deep denial and I understand that it must be embarrassing having everyone point out to you that you have a drinking problem but at the same time she's putting herself out there. Lu should've left it alone after the first time she said "Dorinda's turning!" She knows how aggressive Dorinda gets when she drinks and repeating that was like waving a red flag at a bull.


I got Hayu specifically to watch Housewives, as I'm in the UK, is that sad? The alternative is to wait for ITV to show them at their whim. Who cares, I love it lol
NY is my favourite, followed by OC. I dip into BH, I'm up to the first Dorit season and her husband is just awful PJ is it? Also I can't stand Kim Richards, but it is funny with the two Lisa's and Kyle, kind of miss Brandi too. Not Yolando though.
I know what you mean about Vicki but I can't help watching! She's like an embarrassing drunken aunt who just blunders along.
I can't help liking Dorinda too, in fact I like most of the NY ladies most of the time.


Ha! Speaking of the UK and television shows, about a year ago PBS started airing episodes of Eastenders (from 2006 but it was all new to me so it didn't matter) here every Sunday night and I got hooked. Then out of the blue they just stopped. It bummed me out a little. Lol.
Not a PJ fan either. Dorit is pretentious and the fake accent is annoying, but I felt bad for her when Erika and Lisa Rinna ganged up on her. The sympathy went right out the window this past season and soon you'll see why. Never liked Kim Richards either. She can be quite hateful and nasty. Yolanda was so obnoxious and holier than thou with her lemon trees and "hello, my love (that'll divorce me because the 'through sickness and in health' bit of our vows meant nothing to him) 'King David' talk.
Did you always like LuAnn? I could not stand her the season after Bethenny left when she turned mean girl against Alex. Alex was definitely an odd bird but I didn't understand why Lu was mean to her.


Erika doesn't usually involve herself in that sort of thing, surprising. But yes Dorit and her phoney accent and creepy husband yuk! I'm wondering if she and Lisa V stay friends for long. I'll need to catch up once NY is finished! I just watched the finale so just the reunions to go. Oh god LuAnn's caberet! Money really cannot buy you class😂

I was always a bit dubious about Yolanda and her sickness, she seemed quite selective as to when it left her bedridden and when she could go out!

LuAnn- I go through phases with her! Her pretentiousness drives me nuts, she's probably my least favourite of the current crew. I remember Alex, it never felt like she fitted in. I didn't care for Simon at all! Beware the husband who gets too involved like creepy PJ!

What did you think of Aviva?


I DETESTED Aviva! She was such a pain in the butt and quite nasty. She was on my "love to hate" list for awhile and then she completely crossed over to "fire her now!" Lol. I was glad to see her go.


Same, she was okay-ish at first but then crossed over into batshit crazy!


And her dad was so repulsive with his inappropriate touching and sexual innuendo. I'd have slapped him across the face if he'd touched me the way he did Sonya.


Yes I agree, he once complimented Aviva on her body and said to her "If you weren't my daughter..." her


So Trump like. Blech!


Who was the other Lisa? She may have come on after I stopped watching.

I liked British Lisa and her husband. I went back and forth on Kyle and Kim whenever they were fighting. Brandi was entertaining in her way. A lot of it because I'm so glad to not have someone like her in my life 😄

Haven't seen any of the ones with Dorinda, but The Countess is like nails on a chalk board to me.

I've only seen a handful of the OC show, so don't remember it that well. None of them interested me enough to keep watching. Vapid people. I do remember disliking Vicki.


Cat books s,
the other Lisa is Lisa Rinna who used to be on the soap Days of Our Lives and she's married to Harry Hamlin.


Thanks, BFA. I do remember her being on the show. It was in the last season I watched.


You're welcome, Cat. :)


Yes, her. What did you like about her?

I didn't exactly dislike her, but there's no question she's batsh!t! Remember that trip they all went on and she had that bizarre meltdown? And when she asked Bethenny to meet her for a drink to talk things out, and then made no sense whatsoever?

ETA: Just read the rest of this thread and yes, it was the Scary Island trip I was referring to.

I didn't like Yolanda on BH.


Well weirdly she felt like quite a strong ch and she was stunning to look at.
It felt to me like she definitely had a psychotic incident at that time and only Sonja (of all people) picked it up. Once you see that someone is ill and people are relentlessly attacking her it feels like deliberate cruelty and there is no doubt that Bethenny goes for the jugular when she goes.


A strong ch ... chick?

I agree she had some kind of psychotic incident on Scary Island, but it became obvious to me it wasn't just about what happened there, and she played her part in it, yet perceived herself as only a victim. I do have to give Sonja credit for picking up on it being more serious than the others realised. Maybe because she's got several screws loose herself, so she could see it more readily?

Bethenny can go for the jugular for sure. But most of the time I found her the most rational and reasonable (plus funny!) of the bunch. ... Which feels a bit like damning her with faint praise, but there you go!
