MovieChat Forums > Orphan: First Kill (2022) Discussion > Was the first one even that memorable?

Was the first one even that memorable?

I wasn't aware that the first movie either had that much of a following or that it even did especially well financially. I'm sure that it had it's fans and made it's money back, but is there really a large fanbase that's craving a sequel?


I saw the first one in the movie theaters in 2009-2010. I, and the others who saw the movie with me, thought the film was good.

But the movie didn’t have such a large following or box-office performance . The movie didn’t do bad, but it didn’t so awesome either


I enjoyed it when I saw it but was still a little surprised when I saw there was a prequel coming (just watched it, not bad). After reading your post I checked it's box office and the original made $78 million at the theatres (and that's before rentals/VOD/Dvd and Blu ray sales). A movie like that probably only cost $5-$10 million to make (without looking it up), so that's a possible 7 to 15 times return on investment. No surprise they made another.
This one only made $37 million, but still a decent return I'd think.

Sorry for the long winded reply 🙂


I paid Vudu $3.99
