MovieChat Forums > Paranormal Activity (2009) Discussion > so why is Micah such a dumbass?

so why is Micah such a dumbass?

He is basically the cause of all the problems. He makes it get worse. And he acts like a moron, keeps saying he has a plan. But nothing he does actually does anything. He's just trying stupid stuff like making footprints appear and yelling at it. Yea.... that helps Micah. It really helps...... And then at the end he has a chance to get them out of the house, but he doesn't do it just because his oh so obviously possessed girlfriend says she doesn't want to. Instead of forcing her to go and saving their lives, he stays like a dumbass and gets what he deserves. What a pathetic boyfriend.



I think we all enjoyed the anticipation of watching this douchebag get what he deserved in the end, but my only complaint is he's not very believable as a character. We all know skeptics/atheists who don't believe in the supernatural. And we all know people who are believers in the supernatural and fear it. But I can't imagine someone like Micah who clearly believes there is a supernatural entity messing around with him and his girlfriend but at the same time does not fear it.


I think he did fear it in a way, but I don't think he even realized WHAT it could do! Up until it dragged Katie away, all it did was turn on lights or slam doors or whisper or move objects.

Micah, besides not being the sharpest pencil in the box, also felt he was 'the alpha male' and could deal with it himself.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


I think we really have to look at this movie on its own, it wasn't initially meant to be a franchise, which should be evident in the steady decline in quality and the repetition of each movie. The original ending was simply Katie sitting in their room for like 2 days until the police show up and shoot her because a friend comes in and finds Micah. This is indicative of Demonic behavior, destroying two lives for no real reason other than fun. Part 2 introduced the concept of Toby and then the coven came and then it was all down hill from there.

1: Negative energy isn't all that vague of a term. When people argue heatedly and tempers soar, that's negative energy, something a demon soaks up like a sponge. It's true the Ouiji board did nothing on its own. Demons can be invited in by using it, but they didn't use it. Micah getting it though caused a HUGE fight, because Katie had asked him not to bring one home. They bicker many other times throughout the movie as well, which is only empowering the creature further.

2: Micah says they aren't calling the demonologist. This should be self explanatory as to why it was stupid not to call. The demonologist -would- have been able to help. Martine is able to get rid of it in the second movie, so it shouldn't be too much to assume a demonologist knows how to get rid of one too. Again, it wasn't a series at this point, so we can also assume if the demonologist had been called and was able to get rid of it, that would be the end and it would go torment someone else.

3: Micah challenging it verbally by yelling and saying this is his house, as well as filming and experimenting. It leaves the footprints because it wants to. It wants Micah to know its there, and that it was standing right over them while they slept. It claws his picture because it wants him to know he is no challenge, at all, and that he is expendable.

4: Demons exist to terrify and cause misery, something Micah and Katie are experiencing all too well by the end of the movie. They break the will of a person until they are helpless, and attempt to sever all ties to God, one of the few things they fear or otherwise cannot tolerate. While watching the movie it's plainly obvious Katie is broken by the end. It also nods to the God concept as well, as Katie is holding a cross so tight she is bleeding. What does Micah do? He goes and burns it, and that is the end of the movie right there. In fact, if I remember correctly (haven't seen it in awhile), I believe Katie (possessed at this time) can be seen smirking briefly when he puts it in the fire.

Micah was an idiot, who did nothing to help the situation, and made it worse on several occasions. The psychic gave them a number to call, he tried to help them. Personally, if I woke up and there were footprints in the powder I laid out over night, I wouldn't even be able to BE in the house, let alone actually *sleep* there again.


It's criticism of both brainless macho guys and brainless females who think that's "sooo hawt".
Katie must have liked his borderline idiotic self assuredness because if she didn't, she wouldn't be with him in the first place.
