MovieChat Forums > Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal (2007) Discussion > Help me get this off the air. How do i ...

Help me get this off the air. How do i sue these people

I'm schizophrenic and i'm absolutly appauled by this show. Face it these kids have mental illnesses like me. I hear voices, I see and feel things that aren't there. For a long time I thought I was talking to people telepathically.

The cameramen keep asking the kids if what they see or feel is real. Of course the kids will say yes. They are not lieing, and strapping em to a lie detector (which i'm sure they will do) does not prove they are pyschic. It proves they are mentally ill. I truely believed that i was pyschic and it took a long time for me to realize i wasn't.

I wish I could sue these parents for messing with their children's condition. One day these parent's will finally realize their kids are insane and sue the tv production company for exploiting them. Mark my words.

What can I do to get this show off the air. I will do anything. Please help me with ideas of how to do this.

I was tortured in my head when I wasnt on medication. I know how these kids feel. And THE ONLY thing that will help is medication. Not therapy or a tv show telling them they are pyschic.

Seriously lawyers need to sue these parents and seperate them from their kids if they don't treat their mental illnesses. It will only get worse and worse without treatment.




Hello angry SChitzo lady,
I am a mom from the show and I feel that you passed judgment without knowing anything at all. If you paid attention you would see that all of the kids went through a lot of professional help and diagnosis "NO MENTAL ILLNESSES". I took my son to so many specialist and not one thing they offered helped because they had nooooo answers. You have a mental illness and sorry about that but you cant go around calling us bad moms because we were at our whits end. Try sitting up all night every night with your child (which i am sure u have none) and raise a new born while juggling therapist appointments 3 times a week and pediatrician appointments every two weeks.
You need to know that your words will do nothing but show people you are a bitter angry person who isnt loved enough in there life.


This lady "Calebs mom" needs help. If your child is a psychic or a medium contact

you'll get a million bucks if you demonstrate their talents in a controlled environment in a test both parties agree upon. i bet you won't though, because deep down you know its BS. and again, you saw airing your child's story on A&E with "Dog the Bounty Hunter" more help then working with trained professionals. thats a little sick. psychics/mediums don't exist, they're charlatans. Being a parent you are only validating their misconceptions which is hurting them more.
