MovieChat Forums > Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal (2007) Discussion > Help me get this off the air. How do i ...

Help me get this off the air. How do i sue these people

I'm schizophrenic and i'm absolutly appauled by this show. Face it these kids have mental illnesses like me. I hear voices, I see and feel things that aren't there. For a long time I thought I was talking to people telepathically.

The cameramen keep asking the kids if what they see or feel is real. Of course the kids will say yes. They are not lieing, and strapping em to a lie detector (which i'm sure they will do) does not prove they are pyschic. It proves they are mentally ill. I truely believed that i was pyschic and it took a long time for me to realize i wasn't.

I wish I could sue these parents for messing with their children's condition. One day these parent's will finally realize their kids are insane and sue the tv production company for exploiting them. Mark my words.

What can I do to get this show off the air. I will do anything. Please help me with ideas of how to do this.

I was tortured in my head when I wasnt on medication. I know how these kids feel. And THE ONLY thing that will help is medication. Not therapy or a tv show telling them they are pyschic.

Seriously lawyers need to sue these parents and seperate them from their kids if they don't treat their mental illnesses. It will only get worse and worse without treatment.


Okay, Schizophrenia is different from this.

Although there are doctors who'd assert that, yes, but theyre ignoramuses.

Im sorry, deeply, that you suffer so much with your schizophrenia. I'm sure its hard.

Now, on to the existence of these voices. Firstly, modern psychology is absurdly idiotic. To think, Mystic schools have existed since time began and you fools think this "paranormal" stuff is fake. Im sorry to implode this image you have of the world, but indeed, spirits exists beyond this dimension, in the 4/d/5d/6d etc.......

All mystics know this...They know it because at will they can take their consciousness out of their bodies. ..They can enter a deep state of meditation, and take their minds into a higher mode of consciousness..They utilize sexual energy(kundalini - The creative force of nature) to elevate their consciousness..In chritianity this is called "the holy spirit". Jesus was just a mystic like buddah, abraham, moses, mohommad, lao Tzu, confucius. Anywho, when one attains this spiritual state he can "hear" voices.. its called clairaudience... Seeing things is seeing things like auras(which most of these kids on A&E see) means they see the etheric energy that surrounds a body... The colours reflect the mood/thought of the person.... Most of these kids are indeed psychic...And its absurdly malignant to think they suffer from a mental illness..Theres a difference between schizophrenia and this..... It really does seem as if another entity is conversing with you. And it is another entity...It Cant be seen or heard by most people simply because these people have a clairvoyant sensitivity to higher dimensions of consciousness...The world of the astral/etheric/mental intertwines at times with the physical.....

Anywho, When you leave your body during a state of deep meditaion, see it beneath you and you, hovering above. Im sure youre view would change.. So dont tell me the physical world is all that exists. the influx is spiritual INTO the physical. The physical sciences deal with the outside world. The inside world, the world of "consciousness" is a secret kept by mystics of all ages... Now, with the emergence of the new age movement, Kabbalah, Sufism, all religious people are being drawn back to the Truth. The truth explained at an esoteric mystical level..

Im sorry about your problems, but NOT all people who hear voices are hearing them from within their imagination....


I don't care how long mystics have been around. I do not feel compelled to follow an unsubstatiated belief system, especially if it was developed before the wheel was invented. The argument from antiquity holds no weight here.

Your post demonstrates that you have created a very elaborate, fantasy-based mythology to describe the world around you.


Just because these kids are on TV claiming they hear voices doesn't mean they are schizophrenic. Hallucinations and delusions don't give one an automatic diagnosis of schizophrenia. Obviously your experiences have included these and it's great that medication has helped you, but it doesn't mean that all the show's participants have it.

They do have a mental health worker that accompanies the crew, I'd say she knows to look for mental illnesses. I'm not a believer in the premise of the show so I'm not going to say 'they're really sensitives', but I don't think medicating them is an obvious alternative. That's like dosing kids with imaginary friends. Sometimes they grow out of it, and sometimes they continue to believe in themselves without it interfering with their lives. If their behavior progresses then they probably do need some form of medical intervention, but I can't see schizophrenia being at the basis of every child's behavior.


You know how to get this show off the air? Don't watch it. And realize that you do not know the answers to these kids' problems-you aren't any sort of a professional and dumping pills down their throats and putting them in mental hospitals isn't the solution. It is pretty obvious that the parents on this show are desperate to help their children because they love them.


Shut up crazy man.


I am studying social work and often talk to people who have schitzophrenia or hear voices and hallucinate. I also have friends who see ghosts. I must tell you that the experiences and listening to the people are very different. The similarities of the people have to do with fear and alienation, but trust me, spirits are real. Being tormented by voices are probably at the same level as this, but the difference is that it is a personal thing and other people would not be able to connect with those voices and things. Mediums and people who see spirits can bring many similar things out of a situation or area. I am sorry you are ill, and trust me I have spoken to people who feel extreme pain over it, but I believe spirits and this show are real. Also, many times with mental illnesses (I don't know about yours, but others I know) have been told things by voices, like to hurt themselves, to do dangerous things, that no one loves them, and other terrible things. While some kids on this show say some spirits threaten them, many are just frightened by their simple prescence. You should research the differences, and perhaps fight for help for those with mental illness on a different spectrum.


I do agree that some of YOU people are suffering from illnesses and possibly jealousy because these kids are on TV and your loser asses isnt:) also I am a PYSCHIC and I believe these kids, and I love the show. Treatment these kids dont need, they need to continue what they are doing, its people like you who make pyschics feel uncomfortable with your retardation issues, seriously lawyers should seperate you people from your parents or children for being so stupid, and jealous and cutting down on other people's lifestyle, shows how much of a life you people have, making fun of other people, wow thats nice of you guys, I am gonna laugh my ass off when the time comes and you people are all burning in a pit of hell:) thanks for the time and F*&^K Off:)

Keep up the good work and Kids who are pyschic don't let these assclowns keep you down, keep reaching for the stars and doing what you are doing:)


Treatment these kids dont need, they need to continue what they are doing, its people like you who make pyschics feel uncomfortable with your retardation issues, seriously lawyers should seperate you people from your parents or children for being so stupid, and jealous and cutting down on other people's lifestyle, shows how much of a life you people have,
First of all, have you ever heard of punctuation? Second, psychic or not, the parents of these children refuse to even TRY to explore all possibilites regarding the children's symptoms of hearing voices, seeing things, etc. for fear that their kids will be taken away from them. There's many people including children who suffer from schizophrenia, epilepsy, bipolar disorder and even Reye's syndrome that experience what the children on this show may or may not be experiencing. But this show and the parents would rather ignore all other possibilities and assume the kids are "special" and "sensitive". If they were to have the kids on this show thoroughly examined by a pyschologist and a doctor to rule out any diseases or disorders, THEN maybe I would be more open to the suggestion of their psychic abilities.

making fun of other people, wow thats nice of you guys, I am gonna laugh my ass off when the time comes and you people are all burning in a pit of hell:) thanks for the time and F*&^K Off:)
Nice. You represent your people very well.

~"Whatsa happenin, hotstuff?"~


insult me as much as you want at least your giving the kids a break. If you wanna start some *beep* we can do that, I am up for it, I mean at least my people still have a culture and dont follow a thread that an anorexic girl does on tv. I am not even gonna start. Doctors and Pychologist always look for scientific ways at looking at people and not get the concept that some people do have a special gift. I wouldn't even be the least suprise if some where in the not so distant future people like you are gonna run there mouth to a kid who believes they have an ability and your gonna taunt them and make fun of them, and then there gonna go Carrie on your ass.I bet if these kids dont have an ability then Jesus Christ must not have any either, maybe he was schizophrenic who believed he was the son of god hmmm? maybe when you people stop makin asses of yourselfs would i be interested in what you saying until then, STFU! Now have A NICE DAY!



I didn't know that not agreeing with you was the same as insulting you.

So let me get this straight: my sister who recently started having intense headaches, see's white dots in her peripheral vision, and feels numbness and tingling throughout her hands and feet shouldn't be worried about peripheral neuropathy or worse (since her MRI revealed some splotches on her brain)? We should just give her a break and tell her that it's just the spirits being drawn to her and that she should enbrace her "gift" and ignore anyone who tells her different, is that right?

I bet if these kids dont have an ability then Jesus Christ must not have any either, maybe he was schizophrenic who believed he was the son of god hmmm?
No, not schizo, just a good story teller like some of these kids.

~"I found Jesus. He was behind the sofa the whole time!"~


Headaches, seeing dots and body tingles aren't the same as feeling the prescence of a spirit, seeing figures, the future, or other things like that. I've never seen anyone on this show with purely physiological problems like that. Some are intertwined with the other things, but never just that.


i really hope the editing is the culprit here, and these kids and their families are examining mental health issues more seriously and not feeding into a fantasy/attention-seeking behavior.
Most of the moms on the espisodes that I've seen have all said that they were afraid their kids will be taken away from them if they have their kid's mental health examined. That's the problem.

and i praaaaaaaaaay they are not exploiting these children and their mental states for ratings
Unfortunately, they are. Whether these kids are psychic or not, this whole show is based around exploitation (as is any other reality TV show).

~"I found Jesus. He was behind the sofa the whole time."~



I would like to offer my condolences to you because of your illness, but I do disagree with you.

I agree to an extent that the children and their gifts are being exploited, but both the parents and the children were informed and aware of everything that would happen if they agreed to it. As a result, I see nothing wrong with this. Personally, I believe people, especially those residing in the US, are OVER-medicated these days. As long as the alleged "illness" is causing the person no great physical or mental harm and is not constantly disrupting their life, there is no reason why they should be given medication. Finding a mentor or a counselor of some kind to confide in might be a wise idea - everyone has issues, so it's a good idea for everyone as far as I'm concerned - but unless there is evidence of it getting progressively worse and possibly harming the person, medication should not be necessary.

One could argue that, in the particular case of these children, their lives are being disrupted by the occasional fear they may experience from seeing, hearing, etc. these "spirits" and the rejection they usually suffer at school, but I'd like to make a couple of points on those matters. Yes, I'm worlds away from being an expert, but this is just how I see it.

1) Newsflash: yes, it's for very different reasons, but we "normal" people experience fear and rejection, too. These things alone are not signs of illness or things worthy of medication. Admittedly, it's nothing quite like saying "I see dead people," but there are a number of things I could tell any one of my friends and/or family about myself, my past, whatever, and I would be rejected for it. And how many of us can honestly say that we haven't experienced fear because of something seemingly irrational or something that couldn't be explained? I'm scared to death of being alone in the dark, even in my own house. Why? My reasoning makes sense to me, albeit in a weird way, but it probably wouldn't make sense to anyone else. I suppose I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I'm not crazy.

2) This doesn't relate entirely to the whole "fear and rejection" thing I planned on dicussing, but I'd still like to say it. Instead of sticking our children in a padded room or shoving a bunch of pills down their throats, how about we give accepting them as they are a try? How about trying to cope with their "quirks?" How about we help other "normal" kids learn how to accept them, too? Everyone's different, it's just that other people (yes, even kids) are better at hiding it than others. Making a child believe that they are "sick" and further isolating them from others to be "treated" is what worsens the problem. Whether you're a child or an adult suffering from a so-called "illness," what you want is to fit in, to be accepted and included, but I think it's rare that you also WANT to have to change yourself in order to do that.

Lastly, believe it or not, I do take these kinds of things with a grain of salt, but for the most part I believe these children. I know there are fakes, but I do believe there are psychics and people with certain gifts beyond what we would consider normal talents out there. Most of what we accept as fact about the world and the universe is based upon theory. It hasn't been proven either. Yes, it SOUNDS more sensible than someone trying to explain their belief in ghosts and even God, but I think this is merely because it's not the norm. It's not what we've been conditioned as a society living in the Information Age to accept. And how do you prove something that only a select few have access to anyway? Some things in life can only be proven, felt, understood, etc. through experience. Any human (including atheists, skeptics, and cynics) should know that.


Amen! You said it all loonygirl.
