MovieChat Forums > The Final Destination (2009) Discussion > Which is your favorite Final Destination...

Which is your favorite Final Destination Movie

I think mine had to be the second Final Destination movie, the highway accident at the beginning of the movie is insane!


Outside of the deaths all of the movies but the first one sucked. First one was kind of a new cool, scary concept, second was *beep* with awesome deaths, third and fourth just sucked.


1. Final Destination - Didn't rely on gore for scares. Instead, it used suspense. The characters were much more likeable. The idea was new and original. Plus it has the best combo with Alex and Clear. They had such a great connection.

2. Final Destination 2 - great sequel. It had gore but also had a story that connected to the first one.

3. Final Destination 3 - likeable. Deaths were clever. I wasn't into the characters at all.

4. The Final Destination - this was more like a parody film. No connection to the previous 3 films. No story. I wanted everyone to die except the black guy, the only decent character. The only thing I liked about this movie was the intro with all the deaths from the 3 movies.


Final Destination
Final Destination 3
Final Destination 2
The Final Destination.

FD 1+3 had director James Wong, who i prefer over David Ellis,
i think four was great for interesting/different ways to die, but that's it. you're basically sitting there waiting for the next person to die, to see how, but i feel that with the first final destination you did care a little about the cast. but that's just my opinion :)

"Now...bring me that horizon"


Here's my order and I will say why:

Final Destination- Because it is the very first one after all and Devon Sawa's character had to figure out what was going on all by himself with no help with internet or anything. And he didn't just have to deal with death after them but he had to worry about the cops after him too. And I really liked the characters, and the deaths were more realistic, like they could really happen.

Final Destination 2- I loved how they connected the first set of characters with these characters. And the crash was pretty awesome. And again I liked the characters. In the first two films you got to really know the characters more and you had a chance to care about them.

Final Destination 3- The opening scene was pretty awesome also. And the deaths were pretty good and shocking but I just wish you had a chance to get to know the other characters more then the main two.

Final Destination 4- I don't really have much to say about his one, lol.


FD 1 - Original, and most unexpected (6.9)
FD 3 - Had the best deaths (6.3)
FD 2 - Good, but didn't care for any of the characters (6.0)
FD 4 - Sucked major monkey balls, at the start, but picked up at the end (5.8)



You should rephrase your question to which is your favorite death in the series, because the movies are all exactly the same. They have the same beginning, middle and endings.


1st, very closely followed by 2nd. Had to think a bit between the two, I enjoyed them both a lot.
3rd was ok, 4th was absolutely pathetic. I can't believe I actually watched the whole damn thing.
I have the first 3 on DVD, and have watched them all a few times. no way in hell will I be adding the 4th to my collection though.


"If they give you lined paper, write the other way"


2nd one for me too

Randal Graves: This job would be great if it wasn't for the *beep* customers.


I guess i'm going to be the first person with trouble putting them in a prefered order. I look at it this way; the first 3 are all very entertaining, the 4th just isn't.

The first three all had a way of making themselves unique. The first, and original, introduced us to the whole concept, which is simply brilliant. The acting was great, and the characters were interesting.

The second movie had some great death scenes, and was able to tie itself to the original making it a proper sequal. The characters weren't that amazing, but still okay.

The third movie had some great characters in my opinion, the death scenes were clever and respectful to the original. I personally liked the characters "Ian McKinley" and "Erin". Erin who i also believe fell victim to one of the more clever deaths.

The fourth movie i'll explain my opinion with a reference to the second movie. Imagine the kid at the dentist, being the concept and respect of the Final Destination franchise. And the glass window being the fourth movie smashing everything to bits. "CGI killed the movie star." anyone? Oh wait, there were no stars in the fourth one, i'm not even sure they were actors.


^^ I gotta agree with this but the only people I knew of were Mykelti Williamson who played George & Krista Allen, the mother. Anyway, here's how I rated them.

Final Destination
Final Destination 2
Final Destination 3
The Final Destination

1. This is my favorite, I loved all the characters, even Carter, especially when he peed on himself later on, . I loved Devon Sawa as Alex Browning, I really felt for his character and really felt like a really good film. I also believed that FD1 had the best characters, come on Billy, Carter, Tod, Clear, Alex even the cops were awesome. The ending is probably the best one in the series. The death scenes I think were the most realistic in this one and of course, the plane crash in the beginning was seriously disturbing, which is why I think the first two resignate to the viewers, most people are fearful of riding on airplanes anyway and many people know how dangerous it is to drive on the expressway like they did in FD2. Last but not least, Tony Todd's character, Mr. Bludworth was an AWESOME character, so creepy, I always thought his character WAS Death himself, he just knew too much about the design not to be him.

2. I loved this one, especially after seeing the Highway Pileup in the opening scene, I was hooked. The deaths were so damn brutal and I loved how it took you back to the first one with why these people were connected to the Flight 180 crash in the first one. FD2 had some great characters, I was really glad Clear was back but I HATED the fact that they killed off Alex the way they did, I mean, all he went through and he gets killed by a falling brick?! Tim & Rory's death scenes were insane and the highway pileup was seriously crazy. Great sequel to the first, but I hated when Clear & Eugene died. Though I was glad to see Tony Todd's character return, he was great in this one as well, still creepy.

3. I loved this one as well, I really liked Mary Elizabeth Winstead in this one, also, she was seriously hot in this movie, I was always a fan but I couldn't believe this was the same girl that I saw in Death Proof or Live Free or Die Hard. Also, some of the characters here were just annoying like the jock and the guy with the camera. Loved how Tony Todd was brought back as the voice of the Devil at the Carnival and the conductor on the train at the end. I did like the deaths and the end scene in the train and the tanning salon death were easily my favorites, probably THE BEST death scenes in the series. I really thought the roller coaster scene was pretty brutal, also, I hated how they killed off Burke & Kimberly in this one, it was already bad when they got Alex & Clear, but that was too much for me, those were my favorite characters.

4. I tried really hard to like this one, for me I didn't care enough for the characters, the only one I really liked was Mykelti Williamson's character, George. He was really cool, Krista Allen was only in this one for about 12 minutes, but the BEST scenes in the movie were the movie theater scene and the opening credits. I loved how they nodded back to the first three with the death scenes. I didn't like how he saw how certain people were gonna die next, the race track mishap in the beginning wasn't as big and wild as the first three started off, but the ending was sick (in a good way.)

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.


Final Destination (The best)

Final Destination 2 (I think this is the one with the most "action")

The Final Destination (It´s ok, stupid CGI deaths, but was funny)

Final Destination 3 (slow, long, very long dialogs)



Definetly Final Destination 2.

Final Destination 2
Final Destination 3
Final Destination
The Final Destination

