MovieChat Forums > Madea Goes to Jail (2009) Discussion > Tyler Perry movies are UNREALISTIC. This...

Tyler Perry movies are UNREALISTIC. This is coming from a BLACK MAN!

I know I'm gonna get labeled as a troll, hater, sellout, whatever you name it but I think that TP movies are redicilously farfetched! Why is it that the main antangoinist black man or woman always has a lavish lifestyle, when in truth the average black man in america makes about $30k per year! And it's always a drop dead gorgeous black woman who happens to be " a LAWYER or DOCTOR!!!" And why the main characters have to let it be known about their careers??? What rich azz black group couples camp out in the Rocky Mountains when we all know that black folks don't like the cold!!!!! Whay can't there be characters who drive hondas, toyotas, fords, etc living in a 1500 sq ft home making a household income like $80- 90k COMBINED!!!!! I'm sick and tired of seeing unrealistic lifestyles on these freaking black movies!!!!! This is comin from a black man!!! And why does somebody always have to have marriage issues!!!! Oh yeah aint no way in America will the white man let a black man be that sucessful in his or her career anyway!!!!!


troll is obvious troll...


Why do you have to put people down? Maybe it's unrealistic for you, or maybe it's doesn't portray the average, but there is nothing unrealistic about it. I'm white, and I make less money then what you consider to be a low household income, and I have friends who are black who have great careers, drive nice new cars, and live in some nice houses. And what do you mean no white man will let a black man have a good career? I know a black man who has a great job in the medical field. Nobody is holding him back. You need to get this chip off your shoulder. Stop generalizing people based on their race. Some people have more money, more career success, but it's not based on race. Sure, there is still racism in the world, and it does play a part at times. But people can become who they want if they want to work hard at it. I mean, even in this movie he talked about how he worked two jobs to put himself through college. His friend on the other hand became a prostitute. Both are black, neither are average. If they had been white, would you have been ok with him going through college to become a lawyer? Do you not like seeing a black man portrayed as someone who can lead a successful life? I cannot see your complaint here.


The thing I think is unrealistic part is when Joshua goes to visit Candace in jail and he goes to kiss her. If she was in jail the only way he would see her is behind a glass window. He would not have been able to get that close to her.

join swagbuck


The reason why people hate Tyler Perry movies is because his characters aren't bowing down to Caucasians, like many movies that come out by hollywood directors. Plus he's making a crap load of money out of it. Smart? Very smart. Positive black images as well, which aren't seen in alot of movies created by, yet again,"hollywood," directors. People hate Tyler Perry for stupid reasons, but aren't seeing the financial and socio aspect of his movies.

If you don't understand his movies you're probably: Caucasian or a black person who's distant from most black issues in life. Noone isn't calling out Quentin Tarantino's movies who put blacks in a bad light, or have the word,"kneeger," every single line.


It's plenty of black men who thinks Tyler Perry movies are unrealistic.


I'm sure if you got out more often instead of watching movies who only cast black people as janitors,tv sales men you would know there's more to black people then what they show in the movies.
