MovieChat Forums > Madea Goes to Jail (2009) Discussion > Tyler Perry movies are UNREALISTIC. This...

Tyler Perry movies are UNREALISTIC. This is coming from a BLACK MAN!

I know I'm gonna get labeled as a troll, hater, sellout, whatever you name it but I think that TP movies are redicilously farfetched! Why is it that the main antangoinist black man or woman always has a lavish lifestyle, when in truth the average black man in america makes about $30k per year! And it's always a drop dead gorgeous black woman who happens to be " a LAWYER or DOCTOR!!!" And why the main characters have to let it be known about their careers??? What rich azz black group couples camp out in the Rocky Mountains when we all know that black folks don't like the cold!!!!! Whay can't there be characters who drive hondas, toyotas, fords, etc living in a 1500 sq ft home making a household income like $80- 90k COMBINED!!!!! I'm sick and tired of seeing unrealistic lifestyles on these freaking black movies!!!!! This is comin from a black man!!! And why does somebody always have to have marriage issues!!!! Oh yeah aint no way in America will the white man let a black man be that sucessful in his or her career anyway!!!!!


I'm going to go ahead and admit that I'm not good with words OR expressing myself without it coming out to sound stupid but I'm going to try anyway.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, like you are to yours. But honestly, I think that was a bit of an over-reaction. What's wrong with black men and women being wealthy in movies? That's not realistic? Many black people have lavish lifestyles. That's a huge stereotype. All black people are supposed to be middle-lower class? WRONG. All black people don't like the cold? WRONG. And this is coming from a black man? Why aren't you happy with how Tyler Perry portrays how far African American's have come? That may not be his main goal when giving these charachters backgrounds but I don't think it's far fetched. Also, what movies actually have everyone in them driving hondas, toyotas, or fords? Not many. Most movies have everything new because that's what people want to see. The latest fashion, cars, accessories, televisions, homes, wealth, power, control.

The marriage issues in Tyler Perry's movies are supposed to be life lessons, showing what real people deal with on a daily basis. Divorce rates are higher now than they ever have been, so why is it unrealistic or wrong to have relationship issues in a movie? All of his plays/movies are supposed to teach us something but in a way that we can enjoy it. Instead of sitting at church counting down until it lets out, being completely bored out of our minds. It's real life situations in the center of comedy & drama. If you don't like the movies, it's as simple as.. Not watching them.

And this is coming from a white woman. I would be ashamed of myself if I had such low expectations of my race. It's about time black people got some recognition for all the changes they have made, and how far they have come.

Tisk Tisk

I wanna do bad things to you*


Hollywood in general shows mostly upper middle class lifestyles, it's not just Tyler Perry.



dude i have met many black people who are there career.just like have met many white people who arnt the white people are the minority now.



People of all races are complex. There are rich, poor and middle class in all races. Most people in my family are successful and educated. Some have degrees, some don't. Some drive nice cars, some don't own one at all. I don't like black/white or any other kinds of stereotypes. I lived in the mountains of Wyoming where it gets very cold. We do hike, ski, camp, etc. (I do.) I loved it. When people are pigeon-holed, that's limiting.

No one is ever happy with Hollywood depictions. "Good Times" was criticized because they were too poor. "The Cosby Show" was criticized because they were too rich. I will never understand why there is such scrutiny placed on "blacks".

Just passing through


So black people can't be successful? Is that what you're saying.. He may not make movies you like but others do. It shows what some people won't show in movies/plays. All Spike Lee's movies were about racism from all sides including blacks, but in your eyes he was right cause that's normal unlike black successful people other than rappers or athletes huh? Why don't you educate yourself. I love his plays, why because the message is always touching and on point. What about Daddy's Little Girls? Was that better for you? Showing a drug dealer who puts bruises on a little girl's back, and has young kids selling drugs, let's not forget their mother, she didn't want them, but because Tyler Perry is showing them living a good life but not in a positive way cause they sell drugs is better because hey all black people are involved in crime instead of honest jobs? What was your point of starting this post again?


I live in Atlanta, and let me tell you, there are plenty of successful black people here who have lavish lifestyles. BTW, with regard to the previous poster who said "You must be from the south or somewhere where racism still occurs.." (can't remember the exact words, but it was something like that), I've got news for you: the south is no guiltier of racism than any other place. There are dozens of black rappers, actors, etc., who make their homes and lives here. Tyler Perry's studio is here. Might want to check your facts before you make such a statement.


Wow this really demonstrates how slavery has destroyed the mentality of black people. How they have been comfortable in being supressed by the white men, instead of reaching their true potential. They always have a low mentality that poverty is ineveitable for the black man as demonstrated by posts as above
