MovieChat Forums > Ghosts (2021) Discussion > Sassapis's Life Span

Sassapis's Life Span

In the episode "Halloween", Oct. 28, 2021, Sassappis said he was 500 yeas. old.

On Halloween night, Samantha punished the ghosts by ordering no tv for a week, and one protested that the day was Sunday and a favorite show would be on that night.

Halloween is always on Oct. 31, which is a Sunday in 2021. So the episode "Halloween" shoulld happen in 2021.

Did Sassappis mean that he lived to be 500 years old and has been dead for centuries after dying at the age of 500?

Obviously not. Obviously Sassappis meant either that he was born 500 years earlier or he died 500 years earlier, counting that as the start of his afterlife as a ghost.

I doubt whether Sassappis was born or died exactly 500 years ago in 1521. Instead Sassappis's 500 years was probably somewhere between 400 and 600 years, and thus sometime between about 1421 and 1621.

I think that Sassappis looks young, under 30, and certainly under 40. Thus Sassappis was probably born sometime between about 1381 and 1621, and probably died aged about 20 to 40 sometime between about 1421 to 1661.

Since sassappis is said to have been a Lenape, and the location where he died seems to be somewhere in the Hudson River Valley, the date range when he could have lived and died gives some clues as to his possible cause of death.


Instead Sassappis's 500 years was probably somewhere between 400 and 600 years,

While this is all very interesting, if the 500 years number was approximate, it is more likely between 451 and 550 years.

No one would refer to 401 years as 500, just as no one would refer to 599 years as 500. But 451 and 550 are certainly within range.


I believe there was a recent episode with a flashback to Sassappis's lifetime and his struggle to become a storyteller, with a date onscreen of 1619 or 1629. Sassappis should have died soon after the flashback period since he looked about the same as his ghost does.

So if Sassappis was aged 20 to 40 in the flashback he would have been born about 1579 to 1609. And thus he would have been born about 413 to 443 years before 2022 (if ghosts happens in 2021-2022).
