MovieChat Forums > Jackass 3D (2010) Discussion > what movies do the haters like?

what movies do the haters like?

I see threads where people talk about how this movie is the decline of America and blah blah blah. But I'm just curious, what movies do you haters enjoy? What would you see in theaters instead? Or what are your favorite comedies? I'm not saying that I will insult them, I'm just genuinely curious.


City Lights
Modern Times
Annie Hall
Blazing Saddles
It Happened One Night
The Apartment
In the Loop
Mon Oncle

Well, judging from wearyyourlove's list of comedies i'd one of two things is true. Either Zog661 is right and this person copied and pasted some movies from an AFI top 100 list of comedies. Or there is a serious generation gap here. Now i'm willing to bet it's the latter. And for the 50 year olds and up I have one thing to say. This movie is not for you!! It's not trying to be for you!! I get that you don't think it's funny but come on. If you don't get it and don't want to see it, why bother coming on here to hate? It's waste of time.

And Louis Bacon

World's Greatest Dad
Modern Times
Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
Idle Hands (I know, I know...)
Big Nothing
The Gold Rush
Annie Hall

Really, apart from Ghostbusters these movies aren't that funny. Hell, idiocracy is one of the least funny movies ever.

I know, now I must give my own list if i'm gonna bash other peoples. So....

Super Troopers
Wedding Crashers
The Big Lebowski
The Royal Tenembaums
Clerks 2
Dumb and Dumber
Walk Hard
40 Year Old Virgin
Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Anyways, I guess one of my points is that a lot of the haters seem like they're probably 20 to 30 years older than the target audience and only really know anything about the Jackass films b/c they probably have a kid who is in the target audience. Which is 15 to 30 yr old males.

Trust me I know you either love or hate Jackass. Obvisouly I land in the love category, but I'm also 25 and grew up watching Jackass since I was 15 and hope to see more.

Is that something you might be interested in?


HORSEtheMan, I'm 19. No generational gap here. And it would be quite interesting if I copied that list from AFI, seeing as how In the Loop and Mon Oncle aren't on there. I find it absolutely disgusting that one not liking modern populous drivel must mean they're lying, or making their tastes up. Isn't it possible one could just have an affinity for, you know, REAL movies? I feel ashamed of my generation, and of Jackass in general.


Really, apart from Ghostbusters these movies aren't that funny.

WOW... I get so depressed every time I see someone type as much as you, only to find out they don't understand the word "subjectivity".


Hey, what's does subjectivity mean???

Is that something you might be interested in?


<<<Hey, what's does subjectivity mean???

given their IQ level, Jackass fans wouldn't know what subjectivity is even after having it explained to them.


I'm tired of reading these threads about how stupid jackass is and therefore so must be the fans. If you think it's stupid then you just don't get it plain and simple. Hearing it compared to movies like Meet the Spartants and Epic Movies is just silly. here in NYC Jackass 3d opened at the Museum of Modern Art before it was in the theatres. I'm sure in the early days of film and television people were saying that Buster Keaton movies were stupid as well as the 3 stooges. Jackass is clever plain and simple. every person that i'm friends with that says jackass is stupid I make them watch jackass number two and they end up laughing in the first ten minutes


People paying to see the pointless stunts of Jackass is no different than people paying to see the pointless explosions of a Michael Bay film.

I guess as far as Everret is concerned, experimental films aren't really movies either. Who'd of thunk it!


Kevlar, Experimental films don't make fifty million in a weekend. So I guess I'm wrong, 99.9% of movies don't have a basic plot. I didn't realize all these years I've been one of the most productive directors, with my camcorder I shot MY SISTERS WEDDING, then there's MY BROTHERS BIRTHDAY PARTY, then there's MY OTHER BROTHER'S BIRTHDAY PARTY - (people got sick, threw up and got diarrhea, which I filmed, you might like that one). The list of feature films I have made goes on and on, wow I just realized I've directed more movies then Scorcese. And if you don't think the movies I directed are real films then you are just being closed minded because they don't conform to Hollywood standards.



A lot of the comedies mentioned of the AFI like list are classics. Not just in terms of being funny or the comedy genre, but of cinema itself.

Annie Hall is not a laugh riot, but there are some amazing parts. Such as Duane's confession and the Marshall McLuhan scenes.

As for the other list, they simply like those movies. Idiocracy is not that funny either, but it is an amazing satire of our society. the library is empty at the army reserve, the future is a bit over-exaggerated but it's still worth seeing.

As for Jackass 3D, the buzz disappears after seeing it once. You can watch it again, but it'll be less funny because you've seen all the extreme stunts and everything.

Pop in a classic comedy like Airplane!, and you'll find yourself noticing jokes in the background that weren't apparent before or a funny line you don't remember.



omfg you guys are such dikks
yeah my favourite movies are eternal sunshine, city of god, all about lily chou chou, godfather....

and i also like black comedies a serious man, american psycho

and then watch the wire, sopranos (good tv)

that does not mean i can't enjoy jackass. It's easy to watch and *beep* funny.

*beep* you guys seriously.

Not everything has to artsy, original and clever to be enjoyed.


I loved this movie. I remember my dad took me and my cousins to go see it in theaters. It really was a great film. I respect these dudes big time for the sacrifices they made in order to make me laugh as a kid. Helped take my mind off some series things going on at the time. I dont understand how anyone could be a hater...
