Good. Hooked. Wow.

First ep set the hook for me. Not Game of Thrones hooked. Not quite Euphoria hooked, but almost Big Little Lies hooked. And that’s some thunderstorm-level of hooking. GOOD casting and perhaps even better level of directing and editing. A female Lord of the Flies?! Bring it! Most men have ZERO idea of how savage and visceral women are, and I say that with all the respect in the world. I like savage and visceral. The production design is also quite good.

I’m impressed that this is original material and not based on a novel though probably derived from the story of the rugby team that crashed in the Andes and ate each other.


Yeah I've just finished S1 E1 and I enjoyed it too. Like yourself I was definitely getting the Andes Cannibal vibe watching this. This show is pretty much the reason why I signed up for Paramount+. It'll be interesting to see what happens.


I'm about four episodes in and absolutely loving it. I just hope Missy meets a terrible end at some point!


I’ve always liked you, Dazed. But you know that.

I’m revisiting the second season, and it goes deeper.


I'm on the second season now and just wow!


Hey, I've just finished the second season.

I found that Misty the adult definitely grew on me but as a girl she's still hateful! I enjoyed the addition of Walter and I'm relieved that the Adam storyline has concluded.

Shauna's baby plot was incredibly emotive from start to finish and I grew to enjoy her prickly relationship with her daughter.Obviously the ending was disappointing because Nat was a brilliant character and horribly underused this season.

I much preferred the scenes from the past, how about you?

Will there be another season do you think?


Hi. I’ve been in and out of hospitals since the 1st of the year. Nothing life/threatening, but my focus is not much on entertainment biz. I think they’ve planned 5 seasons for Yellowjackets. Juliette Lewis.
said she’d read a 5-year outline. Been a while since I’ve seen the show, but Ricci and Lewis are the frosting atop this cake. It would be a shame to lost Yellowjackets.

MC is dead. There is NOTHING interesting there. The site’s collective IQ is about 70, and there is no one who is (intentionally) funny. I hope you are healthy and happy. I miss you and Miss Margot and HarvardBarbie. She and I got to know each other quite well. We are 2 peas in a pod. I miss her more than tongue can tell.
