I liked the ending...

It wasn't done up to seem like a fairy-tale. It was much like real life: we often don't end up with the one we want so we make the most of what we have. I like it when a movie gives a believable portrayal of how things might actually turn out.


Me too I think it was good, plus he maybe was infatuated of Michelle but in time he would have learned that beauty pass and you are left with a person you don't match. Sandra would make him happy.


Poor Sandra got cheated on and is unknowing wearing a ring meant for another woman she's the sole blameless victim in this story and her ending was unknowingly engaged to a cheater


She knew


Yes! So great. This kind of ending will of course infuriate most moviegoers, which is why it's so amazing the film even got made.

My top 250: http://www.flickchart.com/Charts.aspx?user=SlackerInc&perpage=250


One of the best ending ever .there are a lot of Michelle in real life they think they are honest and victim and they take an action against the guy like man are rocks they don't think man have heart too that can be easily broken .


I think Sandra in long term is probably going to be better for someone as fragile as Leonard. She clearly loves him and will as she said in the film will take care of him. And will always be there for him in hard times. I think Michelle is just a damaged person and would just end up hurting Leonard over and over again.

I feel bad for Sandra, she's getting a ring that was for someone else and was cheated on by Leonard. I liked her character, she's just someone who wants to love and be loved. She's a bit like Leonard's mom in a way, just a caring person.


"cheated on by Leonard"

I disagree with this part. There was sex, but never was a committed relationship established.
I very much agree with you on everything else.

An awkward but beautiful movie.
