Season 2 thoughts?

I was a bit worried how season 2 would take things away from a plane and into a survival bunker.
But to be honest with you, I'm not sure how long they could realistically keep the whole plane stuff up for anyway. Naturally you would want to pitch down somewhere.

No spoilers here. But I kinda felt like it lost some uniqueness, and it basically became a story that has already been told before. There was some great character development though. The twists were great. There is a continuation of bad guys go good, good guys go bad and some guys stay in the middle kind of thing. And of course some continuing stupidity from some of the people!

But yup I enjoyed it at least anyway.


I think they should have extended season 1 a bit and ended it there.


I really enjoyed the plane / flying survival part of it, but I knew that wouldn't last forever with the ongoing need for fuel and maintenance, plus pilot fatigue. So I thought the show would lose some appeal for me in season 2, and while it did have some good moments, overall it wasn't as good as the first season. I felt it didn't really reach the heights of the first and ended with a whimper.


I have only just seen the first episode but I though they could go in a bunker and be like silo.
I am just seeing this after seeing silo.
