The way Dr. Ogden talks

Considering that Julia is an educated woman and a doctor, the only female in her graduating class at medical school...WHY does she talk in that little girl, nasal voice? I haven't seen Hélène Joy in anything else, so this may be her regular way of talking. To me it is very disconcerting for a character to speak/act in a way that defies the character.


I love the sort of breathless way she talks. She's a good actress as well.


If you watch interview video, her voice is nothing like her character's so I suppose it's a choice she made for this project.


This is nitpicking for the sake of nitpicking. She has her voice, occupation be damned. Sheesh.

Tomorrow's forecast is high chance of boredom with a 28% chance of dreariness.


Much ado about nothing. She is fabulous


I mostly don't mind her voice. It always sounded very sweet. It's just she gets so breathy, then she starts sounding a little whimsical and child-like in her speech.
