This board is a crazy read!

I just thought of this film while I was reading about Inherit the Wind, the classic film that defended teaching evolution in the 1920’s American South and wow, the sheer insanity of the Navaros character who posted a majority of the post here is riveting!

It’s not shocking to me what he says as I come from a fundamentalist Evangelical home but having the mentality written out really creates a haunting picture of Religious extremism.


This board was abuzz with activity in the old IMDb, and it was pretty much the go-to place for everything dealing with creationism and evolution - even more so than the Religion board. I had some fun in here.


It seems like a specific group came to congregate at movie chat. On IMDB I felt like there was all kind of different folk. Nobody really wants to talk religion here, it’s all far Right politics and conspiracy theorists *sighhh*


there were some resident pretend-theist trolls here for at least 10+ years (amazingly long time), but they seem to have dried up 6 years ago now (I supposed when imdb boards were closed?).

I don't know who they really are (KiBL and Navarros in particular) or why they would spend such a large chunk of their life posting the most obvious transparent BS here, but they were instrumental in my deconversion.
