Sounds delightful

An incoming masterpiece from the 'smash the patriarchy' mob.

A google image search of the novel's author tells you all you need to know.


Haha I googled her name after seeing your post and wasn't surprised. She's like the writer of the She Hulk series - obese and unattractive. You can see why she resents men and conjures up fantasies like this, same as Jessica Cow from She Hulk.

The funny thing is, if the patriarchy really was "smashed", losers like these women would have nothing to bitch and moan about for the 2-3 days before civilization collapses.

P.S: Would "trans"women have the power too? Or would they just make a zap gesture with their hand and expect us to act like we got an electric shock (cause otherwise it would be transphobic)?


Yup. To be an ally you would have to carry a taser at all times and zap yourself just for this circumstance. See a 'chick' with a beard and prepare for a shock. Another shock.


Yes, tRaNSwOmeN aRe wOmXN!
