MovieChat Forums > What If...? (2021) Discussion > Rate the series out of 10

Rate the series out of 10

I give a 7.5. It was good, for the most part. The idea is great & potential is there but it feels like they rarely went all in.

The quips that the MCU is famous for was a bit much in some episodes in my opinion. The episodes felt rushed. Like they had to cram everything into a 20+ to 30 min episodes.

Most of them just abruptly end. The voice work was mostly fine but not great. The animation style didn't really wow me. I saw it getting a lot of praise for some reason but I thought it was good enough


I give it a 6.5.

The concept is good. The animation was good enough. The voice work was good.

Bad things:
- Most of the episodes seemed rushed
- Most episodes were OK at best, and a couple were just bad
- Many situations seen in these episodes don't seem to make a lot of sense
- It takes some value out of the characters we have seen and loved in the movies when we are shown that just a simple event will turn them from heroic and good, to evil and villanous people; example, Vision turns evil when we see in the movies he would not turn against humans; Senior Ant-Man turns villain because his daughter dies, in a mission she chose to do herself; Dr. Strange turns evil when we see in the movies he's a nice guy.
