MovieChat Forums > The Nun II (2023) Discussion > I wonder how well this will do at the bo...

I wonder how well this will do at the box office.

The first was a huge hit. The fourth highest grossing horror film of the 21st Century thus far, only below It and it's sequel, plus The Meg if you consider it a horror, it's tagged as such on IMDB. This is after all the big horror hits have been adjusted for inflation to 2023.

The reviews were poor but I'm not sure that'll stop this sequel from being a big hit.

The Conjuring universe is a global blockbuster horror and if I've learnt something it's that international audiences gobble up jump scare laden supernatural horror, especially with a religious slant.

I feel like this is guranteed to do at least $200 million worldwide. If the stars align it could hit $400 million. That's a big difference of course but it's one of those things, a hit at worst and a mega hit if it's received well.

Could be the highest grossing horror film of 2023... unless The Exorcist pops off, which is a possibility.

The Nun (2018) grossed $365.6 million worldwide in 2018. Adjusted for inflation to 2023 that's akin too $439.4 million worldwide.

I don't think this one will quite match the first due to the poor reception of it and also the post-covid box office climate.


I think $120M world wide. Now way in hell this will reach $439.4 million.


I've a feeling it'll be a similar case to the first in that it'll be considered a poor film but rake in the dough worldwide. I could honestly see it making $250 million worldwide.

If it only makes $120 million that would still be profitable of course but a huge disaster all the same. Making just over a quarter of it's predecessor would be embarrassing.


It might do alright. Like it may break even or something similar.
