MovieChat Forums > Mare of Easttown (2021) Discussion > What else happened the night when Erin d...

What else happened the night when Erin died???

We know she was BEATEN UP by Dylan's girlfriend Brianna. We know Erin offers to help her and she refused her help. We know Erin calls the Deacon who drops her off in the other area when he begs her to let him take her home.

So who was she meeting there where she's SHOT???

Could she have been MEETING the COUSIN of her father there who gives her MONEY for the EAR SURGERY that she needed for her son??? Because in the PREVIEW we also see him HIDE a GUN inside of a TACKEL BOX.

And we also saw DYLAN STEAL that MONEY for the SURGERY from the ENVELOPE the night when he burns up her JOURNALS.

So could something have happened where the COUSIN meets ERIN to give her the MONEY, and then DYLAN shows up and they get into a fight with each other and the GUN goes off and kills ERIN???

So to try to cover up what happened, maybe they put Erin's body back at the other location, because DYLAN also hopes Brianna would be blamed for Erin's death??? Or maybe they were hoping they'd think the person who kidnapped KATIE was responsible for what happened to Erin???

Anyhow else have any other ideas???


It could br that Billy, the father's cousin, had been giving Erin money. However, the deacon said that while in his car, Erin got a text that made her "hysterical" and insisted on going to the other park. I can't think of anything that would make her hysterical other than someone threatening to hurt her baby if she didn't go meet them. Which would point to Dylan or Brianna, since the baby was with them/their parents at the time. This could have been the case, maybe she met up with them, and either during or after that meeting the real killer showed up.
I want to know 1) who drove Erin's body back to the site she was found, why haven't a bunch of car trunks been searched? 2) what possible purpose could there have been for undressing her, if sexual assault was not the motive? If just humiliation, who would want to humiliate her in that particular way? Her father perhaps? Thinking of her as a little hussy? I think her father may have sexually abused Erin and I've thought he might even be her baby's father. He kept saying "HIS son. Not mine!" because he needed it to be Dylan who got her pregnant?? He did lay in the same spot and position as his daughter's body after he shot Dylan.
And 3) why no bullet in the body? Someone removed it? Their investigation showed no registered firearms other than Erin's father....but all cops have guns too, which brings me back to my Mare theory. She certainly knew right where to look for ricochet marks and bullet holes in the trees.
4) where are Erin's clothes?
5) May 29, 2017 on the necklace...the day her mother died? A previous baby no one knew about who died? Drew's birthday and maybe Kevin gave the necklace to Erin? Mare would have recognized Drew's birthday instantly...did she, and we just haven't been told yet?
So many delicious mysteries.


EXCELLENT OBSERVATION about Erin being HYSTERICAL!!! Yes I can see DYLAN sending her a TEXT saying that something was wrong with the baby and to meet him there at the park so she could pick him up, because he was too wasted or something, but that still doesn't explain why the DEACON had to drop her off and leave, or she didn't call the cops.

So maybe someone like her father found that advertisement on the internet where Erin posed for that photo selling her body??? That might also be the reason why she seemed so upset???

1. That's a great question about how her body got back to the other area!! And a finger and head wound from a bullet would probably also have caused lots of bleeding??? I suppose Dylan would also have cleaned it up or something if he moved her body??? Or put her body in some trash bags or plastic or something???

2. I also think you might be right about her father raping her. And that's also another GREAT CATCH about how he said it's NOT HIS child (as if it could or might be) !!!

3. Did they say there was no bullet in her body? Apparently the reason for that is because it hit her head and then bounced off her head and hits the tree??? That might also explain why there isn't a ROUND HOLE in her head. But it also doesn't explain why she's DEAD if the bullet bounced off and didn't penetrate into her skull and brain. Perhaps whoever examined her body was also paid to LIE about what happened to her???

And the reason why MARE finds the BULLET in the tree was because she had the DOGS SNIFF the area and they indicated the murder had taken place near the tree. Then Mare sees the BULLET HOLE in the WOOD and figures out how it BOUNCED OFF that area and then went into the TREE. Which also doesn't explain why it BOUNCED off the top of that structure if it also bounced off Erin's forehead area (unless it bounced twice)???

And Someone owning a REGISTERED FIREARM also doesn't rule out others who may have UNREGISTERED GUNS.

4. That's also another GREAT QUESTION about where's her clothes. Maybe that's why they're missing? Because someone's DNA is on them???

5. And yeah that "HEART SHAPED" necklace with the date on it is also strange. Maybe it was the date that she met someone and falls in love with them? Maybe Kevin was really also in love with Erin instead of with Carrie? And maybe it was also CARRIE who sends Erin a TEXT that night threatening to call CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES, and report her for PROSTITUTION, because she found that website where Erin posed for that photo??? That might also explain why Erin was so HYSTERICAL and didn't want the DEACON there???

And IF CARRIE killed ERIN, then that probably also means MARE gets to KEEP CUSTODY of her grandson which could give us a happy ending???


I do think either Kevin or Erin's dad is DJ's father.
Carrie may be the killer. But...what relationship to Erin would she have had? If she had the baby because Kevin cheated on Carrie with her...Kevin is gone and Erin is still the baby's what is Carrie's motive. What would she stand to gain from Erin dying? I don't see it.
I noticed that Zabel was shot in the forehead in the same spot as Erin...I think that is a hint that, while I don't think the dead kidnapper is Erin's killer, I do think the two murders are still connected in some way.
May 29, 2017 sounds like Memorial Day. Who do we remember on Memorial Day? Those who have died. I think that must be the date of Erin's mother's death. The only reason I can think of for Erin to hide it is if John? was having an affair with her mother and they both mourned together. It may well be that John is Erin's father, that DJ is his grandson, and that is why he's willing to raise him??


Carrie was only recently released from REHAB or a mental hospital. So that means she's been locked up for awhile, which may also mean she's been unable to seek revenge on Erin for "Messing with her MAN" (which is also the same thing Brianna said was the reason why she seeks revenge and BEATS UP Erin).

So that's the relationship and the MOTIVE. Carrie could have been just as pissed off at Erin as Brianna was the night that Erin died. PLUS we also saw that FLASHBACK where Carrie stood there while Kevin was ABUSIVE to his mother (the same way as DYLAN also stands there while Brianna ABUSED Erin).

What did Brianna have to gain by ASSAULTING Erin? Since she also did it in PUBLIC in front of their friends who hang out in that area, apparently the idea was also to INSULT and HUMILIATE ERIN in front of everyone? And doesn't that also seem to be what Carrie and Kevin were doing to MARE in the bathroom? Trying to SHAME her for saying that she had no MONEY when they wanted to use it to buy DRUGS with it???

And since Colin got SHOT so quickly that's also AMAZING that you were able to see WHERE he was shot!!! Did you put it on PAUSE or something to be able to see that???

Isn't Memorial Day also the day that we honor and remember those who have fallen or died in battle or in some other way for their country?

Memorial Day

Federal Holiday

Memorial Day, formerly Decoration Day, in the United States, holiday (last Monday in May) honouring those who have died in the nation’s wars.

Because usually I honor the death of my mom on the day she died. But that's still also an interesting idea, especially since Memorial Day is coming up again soon and the LAST EPISODE will also air the NIGHT before MEMORIAL DAY.

Since people also automatically assumed the death of Erin was connected to Katie missing, that's already been a connection that's been established for us (even if it turns out not to have one). And one also has to wonder about that PEEPING TOM as well and if they have a connection to all of this??? Or if the death of that other woman who hit the tree could also have been caused in some other way??? Like maybe having the PEEPER POP UP in her back seat???

Because it's also interesting how her PURSE FALLS out of the car when the COP reaches for her wrist to see if she still had a PULSE. Because NORMALLY a PURSE would also usually NEVER be kept there by the car door and fall out like that. So one also gets the impression that someone may have gone through it looking for MONEY to buy DRUGS or something before the COPS show up.

After doing a search to see if anyone else had the same idea about what else had happened the night Erin dies, I found and read that "John is Erin's father" theory at another message board (where someone also went into great depth and detail about it).

Someone else there also said this:

>>if John is Erin's father, I would expect him to be more upset about her death.

So it will also be interesting to see how all of this turns out. And I'm also hoping we find out the reason why KEVIN killed himself as well. So far all we've seen was FLASHBACKS of him as a HAPPY KID, and someone's feet standing by some kind of a body of water lapping at their feet.

Would also LOVE to know the reason why DYLAN felt the NEED to BURN UP Erin's JOURNALS. What on EARTH could be inside of them that he wanted to KEEP HIDDEN???

