
Mare of Easttown Episode 5 is titled, “Illusions”. The official synopsis of the episode talks about Mare opening up to the therapist about the history of her family regarding mental health. Furthermore, coming to the murders and kidnappings, the promo teases Mare approaching a semi-retired officer. Someone who could provide a little more insight on the case.

The promo also teases building and breaking relationships. While Mare connects with Richard, the same way the date with Zabel is falling down. Also with her daughter which we can see in the promo. Jess is there to provide some help but is also seen harassed. The Priest Deacon is facing all the hate he can once his relationship with Erin is out in the air. Also, a slight clue regarding the Kidnapper in the form of the cigarette he smokes might have led Mare and Zabel closer to him.


Mare of Easttown 1x05 Promo - Season 1 Episode 5 Promo

PAUSE IT at the 45 SECOND TIME MARK and you can see an IMAGE of the VAN that the KIDNAPPER drives and how it also has a RACK and something sitting on top of it.

At the 1:17 TIME MARK Dylan tells Erin's best friend JESS that "The 3 of them are joined TOGETHER FOREVER," and demands that she get into the car, before she RUNS AWAY from him.

And it also looks like she hands something to the police chief (maybe something from Erin's journal)???

And if you PAUSE it just right, then we can also see someone PULLING the BODY of JESS across the floor at the 1:23 TIME MARK (maybe DYLAN or Erin's KILLER)???


0:45- Bunch of ladders on top of van

1:17 - Dylan and Jess are joined together by Erin, her murder, her lies.

1:23 - who is Jess again?


Jess is the BEST FRIEND of the now DEAD ERIN. Erin went to her house right before the date that she thought she had, and Jess and her Mom fixed her up and put some make up on her for the date that she incorrectly assumed that she had in the wooded area where her DEAD BODY is found.

Jess also told MARE where to find Erin's journals (hidden under the drawer in the dresser in her bedroom), and she also told her that DYLAN's not the father of Erin's child, and said she thought Mare's former husband Frank might be the father.

In the PREVIEW CLIP she's also seen handing something to the CHIEF of POLICE. Since MARE couldn't find Erin's journals, maybe she also handed something from her journal to the cop and it also says something about DYLAN that he's not going to like???

Dylan saying the 3 of them being "JOINED TOGETHER FOREVER" also makes it sound like Dylan's a member of some kind of a CULT???

I'm also thinking DYLAN might have access to that WORK VAN that kidnaps the other girl (due to the way that Brianna is his girlfriend and her father runs that restaurant).

Plus there's also the name of a place on the side of the VAN ( the one that Brianna's father used to STALK MARE) that sells food that's located in TIPTON, PA.

Here's a link to the "DELGROSSOS" company name that we see there on the SIDE of the VAN that Brianna's father TONY was driving the night he attacks MARE and breaks her window with the GALLON of MILK that he purchased:


And that VAN that Brianna's father used, and the Van that the kidnapper used, both also have the same shape and the same SQUARE shaped HEADLIGHTS on them.

So if DYLAN borrows or used the VAN that belongs to the father of Brianna, perhaps Erin's father is also right about how it was DYLAN who killed Erin???

And maybe that scene where we see him pick up and comfort Erin's crying infant (instead of killing it with the PILLOW in his hand) was also a RED HERRING or way to try and DIVERT our attentions away from how he might have MURDERED ERIN???

It's also WEIRD how someone who has PARENTS as nice as his are could end up with a son like him. Wonder if he might be ADOPTED???

That might also explain the reason why he changed his mind about killing the INFANT who's also an ORPHAN now as well???



What's clear enough is how this TOWN is full of people who are under "ILLUSIONS" of thinking that it's ok to take matters into their own hands when it is not.

Brianna thinks it's fine to BEAT UP and ASSAULT Erin.

Her father thinks if ok for him to STALK Mare and BREAK her window with a gallon of milk when that's not ok.

Erin's father thinks he has the right to MURDER DYLAN when he doesn't.

The Deacon throws Erin's bike into the river.

Mare thinks she can FRAME Carrie with the HEROIN that she steals from the storage area where she works when that's also NOT ok.

And now she's also acting like she's still a DETECTIVE when her BOSS told her that it's not ok for her to do that.

So wonder what will happen when that SHOOT OUT that we see in the PREVIEW CLIP takes place???

And where did MARE get a GUN to use after her BOSS also took away that other GUN from her???

Also Wonder what kind of trouble she could be in for "IMPERSONATING a POLICE OFFICER" when she's not one anymore while she's on SUSPENSION???

Don't they also come down pretty hard on others who get caught driving without a LICENSE while their Driver's license has been SUSPENDED???

Something tells me MARE could be in a $hit load of trouble after this next eppy takes place on Sunday where we see all of those BULLET HOLES in the wall after a SHOOT OUT takes place !!!



Ever notice how hardly anyone in this town is made accountable for their actions???

I'm also thinking MAYBE the behavior of MARE's son (and the mother of his son Carrie) -- who we also see ABUSE MARE in that FLASHBACK scene -- where they STEAL MONEY from her PURSE for DRUGS -- may also have something to do with the disappearance of her friend's daughter KATIE.

In other words, perhaps KATIE was also handled with KID GLOVES (so to speak) the same way as her mother deals with the other guy who tried to STEAL $5,000 from her??? Or maybe Katie, Kevin, and the other drug user were also using the same DRUG PUSHER or something?

Plus we also see that other girl taking some kind of a PILL before she exposes her breast and asked her customer in the VAN if they'd ever done that before.

So maybe there's a CONNECTION of some kind between Mare's son, and her friend Dawn's daughter Katie, and this other girl who was thrown into the same prison with Katie by way of their DRUG USE and ABUSE???

Because Mare and Katie's mom are both also taking care of and raising their grandkids now??? And Erin's father was also supporting her son or his grandson as well???

And maybe the reference to "ILLUSIONS" might also indicate how useless it is whenever you try to OVERLOOK certain behaviors where people do things (like STEAL MONEY from your PURSE, or try to STEAL $5,000 from you) in hopes that doing so won't lead to something else even worse happening later on???

Of course MARE stealing that HEROIN would also be included in this list of BAD BEHAVIORS as well (even though she also DRINKS BEERS instead of doing or using other DRUGS).

Which probably also means she's not been a very good ROLE MODEL for her kids (or for her son KEVIN who was abusing substances).

So if she wants to figure out her son KEVIN, it would probably also help to first figure out herself???



Still another thing that crossed one's mind is how the DEACON probably also hears the CONFESSIONS of other people.

So IF he's heard the KILLER confess to him that they killed ERIN, maybe the reason why he dumps the bike in the river is because he also knows that it has the FINGER PRINTS of the KILLER on it???

And maybe he dumps it into the water (where he knows someone will find it) so the cops can also find the killer by using the finger prints that they'll find on the BIKE???

If so, then perhaps we viewers could also be the victims of having been under still another "ILLUSION" about him???



Here's another PLOT SUMMARY for Ep. 5 where it says Lori's son has some kind of an "OUTBURST" at school:


In her mandated therapy, Mare opens up about her family’s history with mental health; Lori tries to get to the bottom of her son’s outburst at school; Mare meets with a semi-retired source to help find a possible connection to her three cases.

I vaguely recall him walking into the room when his parents were watching TV. He's a tall thin teenager. There's also another PREVIEW scene where we hear Lori telling Mare there's something she didn't tell her. So could it be something that her son told her about Mare's son KEVIN??? Or something that he knows about Carrie? Was he also there in the WOODS the night that ERIN died???


This link claims that we have "2 SEPARATE CASES" (meaning the Kidnapping of Katie and Missy isn't connected to the death of ERIN):


the episode's (EP. 4) big twist suggests fans may have been scouting off in the wrong direction

the ... promo for Episode 5 and beyond, which teases clips from the show's upcomig second half, suggests Mare's two cases are about to get a lot more dangerous.

So far, there are three cases:

Katie, Erin, and Missy. Erin is dead; there is a body. Katie and Missy are missing, although Mare has believed the former to be deceased up until now.

Katie is alive and living as a prisoner in a house that looks to be not far from Easttown. Missy is now there with her, having also been kidnapped.

That's good news for Dawn, Katie's mother, who still hopes against hope her daughter will be found.

But it does mean Mare has to figure out that she has two separate cases going on here. Moreover, it means that even if she solves one, there's no guarantee that will help her solve the other.

QUOTE from the other link:

>>Mare meets with a semi-retired source to help find a possible connection to her three cases.

Perhaps Mare meeting with the "SEMI-RETIRED" Person who worked on PAST CASES means she'll discover something from her that leads to Mare finding the KIDNAPPER???

These 2 links also seem to CONTRADICT each other with one suggesting there is a CONNECTION and the other one saying that there is NOT a connection.



So the RETIRED PERSON was not only NOT RETIRED, but she also wasn't another DETECTIVE !!!

And I'm still not sure why this episode was called ILLUSIONS or what that would be in reference to.

What is clear is how this town seems to have LOTS of BULLIES.

Brianna BULLIES ERIN (thank goodness she also got punished by not being able to attend college).


ERIN's father also BULLIED ERIN as well.

The boy who got his head BASHED with the cafeteria tray also BULLIES the other young girl with Down's Syndrome.

And it looked like Mare's son KEVIN and his girlfriend CARRIE also BULLIED MARE in that FLASHBACK that we saw in the other episode.

Here's a LINK to a REVIEW:



Found this other REVIEW of EP. 5 which may explain the reason for the ILLUSIONS title that it's been given:


Lori spots John telling a distraught-looking Ryan that some unknown thing should remain “our secret,” and given the subject matter of this show—including the strong suggestion in this very episode that John’s brother Billy molested their slain niece Erin, not to mention all the business with “Deacon” Mark and his activity at his prior parish—one’s mind leaps instantly to the idea that Ryan is being molested by his father.

But no, as we learn after a painfully long time thanks to a comment by Lori while asking Ryan what he was talking about—”Is it with the same woman as before?”—it’s an affair he’s being asked to cover up by his dad. It was only a feint, a head-fake in the direction of the unspeakable crime of child sexual abuse. Why on earth would you pull a trick like that on your audience? Doesn’t it trivialize the crime?

What the person doesn't seem to comprehend is this is what DETECTIVE FICTION does all the time --is fill up stories with characters who are "HEAD FAKES" or "FALSE LEADS"--as a way to keep you guessing about "WHO DID IT" or "WHO's the KILLER."

So the "ILLUSIONS" reference may also be to the way that this episode gave us the "ILLUSION" that child abuse had taken place that had not???

But we also saw Ryan try to put a STOP to the child ABUSE of his sister with DOWN'S SYNDROME. And we were also given the "ILLUSION" that she was NOT being ABUSED way back in Ep. 1 when MARE first asked her if she was being abused at school and she said no.

So the next question is did she LIE, or did the abuse by the BULLY who PICKED on her begin AFTER Mare had asked her that question???
