EPISODE 4: Poor Sisyphus

With Mare forced to take a backseat on the case, Colin presses a local priest about the vague circumstances that prompted his transfer to the parish. Meanwhile, an anonymous call gives Dawn hope that Katie might still be alive.

Since Sisyphus is the mythical character who is condemned to FOREVER SHOVE the BIG ROCK UP the HILL -- only to have it fall down again -- and then need to SHOVE IT back up the HILL again -- which character in this story could this be a reference to???


What kind of REPETITIVE BEHAVIOR is she involved in???

Could it be she couldn't FIGURE OUT how to SAVE her SON, so that's why she's motivated to try to save her grandson ( plus trying to FIGURE out what's happened to ERIN and to the other missing girl named Katie)???

Perhaps her SHRINK will also discuss this SISYPHUS matter with her on Sunday?



This LINK has a PREVIEW for something that happens in Ep. 5 and it also explains the THERAPY SESSION that is coming up this SUNDAY:


that episode five buttons up the grisliest of the plot lines.

There’s a scene in a later episode where Mare finally sees a therapist; here, director Zobel lets Winslet hold longer and longer takes as she unpacks, at long last, some of the worst baggage. The scene doesn’t have that easy catharsis of so many therapy-breakthrough β€œaha!” moments in so many series. It’s simply and powerfully real.

Perhaps "The GRISLIEST PLOT LINE" remark is in REFERENCE to the DEATH of ERIN'S INFANT -- (which may also be killed by DYLAN -- who will be pissed about the DNA TEST revealing that it's not his child -- and maybe then he will also want to find a way to get back at ERIN'S Father for his trying to KILL HIM -- because Erin's father also thought that DYLAN had killed ERIN)???


Can also HARDLY WAIT to find out what SOME of the WORST BAGGAGE will be that MARE has been lunging around with her for so long.

Something tells me being called "LADYHAWK" will also be a part of whatever it is that she UNPACKS from her MENTAL SUITCASE where she keeps stuff stored???

Hopefully we'll also get to see a FAMILY THERAPY SESSION as well, so that we can find out more about why her teenage daughter keeps HIDING stuff from her mother???

Or maybe with MARE NOT WORKING anymore (now that she's been FORCED to turn in her GUN and BADGE), that means she'll also find that PROJECT that her daughter's been doing about the DEATH of her brother???

It's the one that she's doing for some kind of a school project where we see the VIDEO of someone's feet by the water.

If MARE finds it and watches it, then maybe that could also result in both MARE and her daughter having a much needed THERAPY SESSION together with MARE'S "LADY SHRINK ???"



Anyone else looking forward to watching Ep. 4 tonight???


Still Another Reminder that it's getting close to SHOWTIME again for MARE on HBO tonight, and that TONIGHT will also be when she has her THERAPY session with the SHRINK.

And that probably also means we'll learn more about the reasons why her son killed himself.

It's also interesting to note how a HAWK is a PREDATOR.

So doesn't calling MARE "LADYHAWK" also seem to imply that she has a PREDATORY NATURE of some kind???

And maybe that's also the reason why other members of her family feel the need to HIDE things from her???


So ...

was anyone else surprised when DYLAN walks over to the crib with the pillow and then ends up picking up the infant and comforting it instead of killing it???

And what's up with MARE having RICHARD ask her out for a date on his BIRTHDAY and then telling her mother that she wasn't sure if she was going out with him or not (because her partner also asked her out on a date that same night)???

Is she planning on going out with BOTH of them or something that same night???

I was also DISAPPOINTED that we didn't get to see more of the THERAPY session MARE had with her shrink. But maybe the FAMILY MEETING she had with her mom and with her daughter was also a suggestion she made for her to try???

Anyone else have any other thoughts they'd care to share???

I'm also thinking the SISYPHUS reference is to the 3RD DEAD GIRL -- who was talking about how she kept going on the SPACE MOUNTAIN ride over and over again -- which pissed off her father -- right before the KILLER attacks her.

And who do we know that we've seen before driving around in a work VAN that has ladders on the top of it???


That's also pretty FUNNY how MARE's MOM hides her ICE CREAM inside of the ASSORTED VEGGIES bag.


And what could that GOLD HEART that MARE found in Erin's stuff with the 5-29-17 date on it mean??? If it's suppose to be the year 2021 in this story, surely that's also not the birthday of her son (who only looks like a one year old and doesn't look like he's 3 yrs old yet).


1. Well, no, I'd be surprised if he killed the baby instead. That would take a special kind of monster, and besides, you don't MURDER A BABY just because it isn't yours.

2. She might like Zabel better than Richard, who knows. Also, I saw a theory on another forum that Richard and Zabel are father and son. Now, wouldn't THAT be something...

In fact, when I read that it reminded me how Richard sort of glossed over it when Mare asked him about his relationship with his son. Well, just like Zabel seemed to be hiding something when asked how he solved that case in his town.

3. I was wondering that, too.

4. I missed the van thing, will have to watch it again. I am actually planning to rewatch all the episodes in time for the finale - I am sure there were clues I missed at the time.

6. Could it be the birthday of Mare's grandson?.. πŸ€”


1. The previews last week made it look like he was trying to kill Erin's child. PLUS they also had that other VERY CREEPY scene last week where Dylan demanded that they place the baby on his lap and then he stares at it like he wanted to kill it.

Then he wins me over when he didn't, but now the PREVIEWS for next week have me worried again due to the way he's MISTREATING ERIN's BEST FRIEND and saying something about the 3 of them made a PLEDGE or something???

And he still also did nothing to stop his NEW GIRLFRIEND from beating up Erin the night she died either. If anything he also looked like he enjoyed watching it happen to her.

2. OMG!!! Thanks for the theory about how she's being propositioned by BOTH Richard and HIS SON !!!

What's also interesting is how if MARE gets angry with her daughter for her dating 2 people at the same time (which results in her mother going to the hospital), then her daughter can also remind Mare of how HYPOCRITCAL she's being by dating 2 guys at the same time. But at least her daughter also broke up with the other girl before going out with the new friend.

3. You were wondering if the FAMILY MEETING was the idea of her shrink???

4. Don't BLINK or you'll miss being able to see how there's 2 LADDERS on each side on top of the van. So that probably also means someone uses it for some kind of business. Or maybe the ladders are used for peeping in windows at girls taking a shower???

5. What happened to this one???

6. WOW again!!! BRILLIANT observation!!! Because IF that heart belonged to MARE's son KEVIN then my theory that he's the father of MARE's baby might be right. But since his father's DNA didn't MATCH, that would also seem to rule out that idea (due to the way Kevin would also share 50% of his DNA with his dad). But that also wouldn't be the case if Mare got pregnant with KEVIN by someone else besides Frank.

Anyhow thanks for the heads up regarding Richard possibly being the father of MARE's partner and for the other suggestion that the GOLD HEART has the birthdate of Mare's grandson on it.


4. I missed the van thing, will have to watch it again. I am actually planning to rewatch all the episodes in time for the finale - I am sure there were clues I missed at the time.

Just remembered how the father of Brianna who STALKED MARE and threw the GALLON of MILK through the WINDOW at her also drove around inside of a VAN.

Can't recall if it had LADDERS on top of it or not, but he also had enough of a TEMPER to be a KILLER.

And his TEMPER also explains the reason why his daughter is just like him and BEATS UP Erin simply because she sent a TEXT MESSAGE to DYLAN.

Plus it's also ODD that we haven't heard anything else about HIM or about his daughter either ever since MARE arrested her.

Because you'd also think she'd BE THERE at the hospital to visit DYLAN after he's been shot (if for no other reason than to make sure no attractive nurse was coming on to him or flirting with him).

So perhaps the disappearance of that PSYCHO Brianna and her father is also deliberate as a way to try to get us to forget about him and concentrate on other characters who could be the killer???

Still another question is HAVE WE SEEN or where have we seen this place named "BENNIE's" before??? It's also really CREEPY to imagine that poor KATIE's been held hostage in there for a YEAR now with only that mattress there on the floor. There's probably also no shower or toilet for her to use either.

So that's 2 things to keep in mind whenever you watch the episodes again. Look for some LADDERS on top of that VAN Brianna's father drives and look for that BENNIE's sign.


Tried to check out the EP. 2 ON DEMAND with BRIANNA's father Tony in it as a way to have another look at that VAN, but can't because it's MISSING !!!

Ep. 1, 3, and 4 are there for viewing BUT for some reason Ep. 2 is NOT THERE !!!

So perhaps that's also ON PURPOSE so that we can't check out that VAN to see if it has any LADDERS sitting there on top of it???

So If anyone else has access to Ep. 2 and can watch it or SKIM through again it, please check it out and let us know if you see any LADDERS sitting there on top of the VAN that TONY drives when he arrives at the store where the lady with the CANCER (KATIE's MOM) works.

Because you also see the VAN in that scene where Tony buys the gallon of milk that he later on throws at Mare when he breaks the window of her house.

And how CREEPY it is to think that Tony could also be the one who is holding Katie hostage (due to the way it was also KATIE's mom who tries to STOP Tony from harassing Mare there inside of the store where she works).

Yet she also does NOTHING about it when she's harassed by the brother of her other friend who tried to STEAL $5,000 from her by telling her he would return her missing daughter back to her again once she paid him the money???

And she also knows that he recently OD'd and had to be brought back to life again??? So turning him in could also help to SAVE his LIFE and prevent that from happening to him again by having him arrested???

This is definitely a VERY STRANGE town where people keep doing things that don't seem to make very much sense.

Could BENNIE's also be the BAR where MARE first meets RICHARD and then has sex with him at his place???

For some reason they're also very careful NOT to show a sign sitting outside on the front part of that place when we see it.





And IF WAWA is the name of the STORE where KATIE's mom works ...

And IF that's TONY's van sitting there in front of it ...

it also looks like it's got some kind of a RACK on top of the ROOF part of it where LADDERS could be placed on top of it.

But we still also can't see enough of it to be sure if it's even the VAN that he drove or not. Because it could also be another vehicle that not a VAN.

So if anyone else can find an IMAGE of TONY's van please POST a LINK to here!!!

Because CURIOSITY is KILLING ME (due to the way that ON DEMAND hasn't loaded Ep. 2 of the SHOW for some reason) !!!

Found this PREVIEW CLIP for Ep 5 that has the VAN in it -- which also indicates that's probably NOT the VAN that's sitting there in front of the WAWA place. Go to the 43 SECOND TIME MARK and PAUSE it where you can also see the RACK that's sitting on top of it (which may also not have LADDERS sitting there on top of it):


Mare of Easttown 1x05 Promo - Season 1 Episode 5 Promo

PAUSE IT AGAIN at the 45 SECOND TIME MARK and you can see a LARGER IMAGE of the VAN and how it also has something sitting on top of it (even if it's not a LADDER).

It also has SQUARE SHAPED HEADLIGHTS on it whereas the other vehicle in front of WAWA has SLANTED HEADLIGHTS and a SLANTED windshield (which the other OLDER LOOKING VAN does not have).

At the 1:17 TIME MARK Dylan also tells Erin's friend JESS that the 3 of us are joined TOGETHER FOREVER before she RUNS AWAY from him when he tells her to get into the car. And it also looks like she hands something to the police chief (maybe something from Erin's journal)???

And if you PAUSE it just right then we can also see someone PULLING the BODY of JESS across the floor at the 1:23 TIME MARK (maybe DYLAN or the KILLER)???



PAUSE the video at the 9:40 TIME MARK to see it.



The GOOD NEWS is how it has SQUARE HEADLIGHTS like the image of the other VAN the KIDNAPPER used.

The Bad news is there's no RACK on top of it, but that could also have been added on to it later on.

But since he also runs a restaurant, perhaps that may also mean he has more than one of these work vans???

Because it also has something written on the side of it that starts with the letter D??

Defrasso or something like that???

Also found this:


A company located in TIPTON, PA.
