Gonna lose money

Hard times for the movie industry if not even Denzel can carry a movie across the finish line. This all makes me a little sad as it feels like the end of an era. The days of going to a saturday matinee at the movie theater and watching a fun flick seem to be over. Now, they are going to try and cram politically motivated garbage down our throats through streaming services because they killed the theater industry.


Doubt it, already made $30 million and only released 6 months ago. More coming and then foreign and domestic video sales, syndication. It'll do okay.


If no one went to see it originally, why would they buy the video or put it into syndication? It has another 30 million to go to break even and another 30 million after that for it to be called a success. Also, even if it went into syndication, that money wouldn't roll in until years afterwards. Still a loss for the studio.
