
"The 5 is silent."

What the hell is the point in that? Why not just be called 'Sam'?


yeah, i think it was a hipster thing to be honest with you. But i ultimately found it likabley quirky and added to the story.


Putting silent numbers in your name is not new. If you're familiar with Tom Lehrer's records, he has one that was recorded around 1960 where he talks about a fellow named "Hen3ry" with the "3" silent.


I haven't seen the movie. But it seems to me that by adding the 5, the resulting name Sa5m looks like a l33t-speak version of the slang word "gasm". I don't think this is just coincidence.

Apart from obvious "social satire" intentions (the character rewriting her name to associate herself with a word that means "intense", in order to appear cool), maybe it's also a case of Hollywood trying to increase the popularity of one of their marketable stars by subliminally instilling an association with sexuality into their target audience.


Joe Satriani - "Always With Me, Always With You"
