WB sucks

they could of started the Superhero movie Boom they could just try to make good superhero movies now that they are late instead of trying to win some race of lets make superhero movies before they get tired of them like the westerns a bad Dc Movie is killing superhero movies faster than Disney's flood of Marvel movies i bet also stop trying to make Superman Batman and less of a boy scout...I should watch the Last Boy scout


They do and they've RUINED the DCEU!!

I want to watch a Man of Steel 2 movie. Superman is the most iconic SH of all time and in the current environment of Marvel making a killing with the Avenger flicks, WB puts Superman on the shelf and gives us endless garbage like a movie about Joker, yet another Batman movie (love bats, but yawn), suicide squad and other unwanted stuff.

I wouldn't mind all those movies, as long as I get a lot more of Superman, Green Lantern, Flash and JL flicks. Fuck WB and their moronic MO :(


This right here. Aquaman and Shazam and Wonder Woman are all proof that people want to see the DC heroes. Not just simply Batman and his rogues gallery spin-offs. Audiences are dumb up to a point and are willing to forgive and forget.
I get that recasting 3 key characters is gonna take a while but don't let it stop em in their tracks.


Yeah man, Cavill's open to do Man of Steel 2 and with a good director, they can make a serious SH movie with a good villain (no Lex Luthor please, altho he can be the main villain's ally, like Brainiac) that will be far better than anything we've seen so far.

Instead we get another Batman movie with a new guy playing batsy. I mean, FFS, how many Batman movies is that? As great as the Batman character is, Superman is way better and can be made better than any of the Marvel SH if done right. Flash and Green lantern are also great picks with the right cast and production team.

They should do Flashpoint with the existing cast for the next movie, use it to reboot the DC universe and then go with individual movies for the main heroes before making a team project a la Marvel. Sick of getting crap like Joker and a sequel to Suicide squad - those aren't bad, but they just can't take the place of the DC trinity of Superman, Batman and WW.


Totally. Ironically their most ambitious project sounds like Black Adam of all things. If even that one gets made.
