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2017, A Year of Truly Great Comic Books Movies.....and then theres JL

lol its fitting that JL SHITS the bed.

JL for most is a dream come true, a once in a lifetime film....Before BvS, Justice League was probably the most anticipated upcoming CBM(I remember in 2013, when BvS was announced, and it was also announced JL would follow) BOTH BvS and JL instantly became the 2 most hyped Movies, at the time Hardcore DC fans were desperate due to the success Marvel Studios were having, and when BvS and JL were announced, DC fans simply went crazy, I was on IMDB boards at the time, Literally no fan base in History Trolled and Hyped movies like Hardcore DC fans did with BvS and JL....when these movies were announced, it wasn't a question of "IF" they would make 1 Billion but Would they make 1.5 to 2 Billion....I'm not kidding , The Majority of DC fans all guaranteed BvS to Make more than The Avengers and Make 1.5 Billion + and then JL would make 2 Billion.

again at the time, DC fans were really desperate, Most DC fans also predicted BvS would be the downfall of Marvel Studios and The MCU films, claiming that now that WB/DC has started a Cinematic Universe, The MCU films would not be able to compete....DC fans Literally went to every Big upcoming Movies boards including Jurassic World, Age Of Ultron, Star Wars,Civil War and upcoming x-Men films and claimed BvS would destroy their films in box office....

I remember at the time thinking, "Man Its going to be hilarious if BvS and JL is awful and Under performs", Based on the behavior of the Majority of Hardcore DC fans, I even at the time felt they DESERVED IT...

lol I must say, Even I kinda feel bad now...No one DESERVED BvS....I dont care how absurd their behavior was....and now again with JL....DC fans Literally waited YEARS and TROLLED Non stops for years and in the end the got 2 awful movies where 1 in BvS Badly Under Performed and now JL is set to make even LESS than BvS

lol No fan base in history Trolled Like DC fans did with BvS, and in the end, No Fan base in history Got BURNT like DC fans did with BvS and now JL...I mean, Literally If you tried to come up with a worst case scenario for BvS and JL in 2014, you literally would not have been able to think of a scenario worse than what actually played out in reality

anyways BvS KILLED a ton of HYPE for JL, even hardcore DC fans lost a lot of hype, But JL was still A very anticipated film, and Out of the 5 CBM's released in 2017, JL was the BIGGEST and Most MOST important....and embarrassingly, JL by far was the worst and biggest letdown

Logan-91% on RT-Universally Praised, Great box office
GOTG2-82% ON RT-Good reviews, Great Box office
Wonder Woman-93% on RT, FVcking GRAND SLAM in every way
Spider-Man Homecoming-92% on RT, Universally Praised, Great Box office

Justice League-Sub 40% on RT, Set to make LESS than BvS

lol like seriously....2017 equal GREAT CBM's but then theres JL

leave it to JL to just SHIT the BED...The one film that need to be Great most....and it by far was the worst


I remember at IMDB some idiot claiming BvS would do anywhere between 2 billion an 3 billion... cuz... Buttman. And then... no one ever saw him again.... wonder why.

Funny enough, a THOR movie [imagine that] now has all the opportunities to do a lot more money. A THOR MOVIE!!!! ahah.

There's also a lot of Hype for both IW and [to a lot lesser degree] BP. But Deadpoll 2 will take the cake again.


do you remember Ah Fan.....

He claimed BvS would Make at least 1.6 Billion(topping The Avengers)

and Then JL would out gross Avatar to become the highest grossing movie of all time...

of course he also claimed Marvel Studios would be shut down by 2018 because every upcoming MCU would flop once BvS was announced in 2013....he claimed Cap2, GOTG, AOU, Ant-Man, Civil War, Doctor Strange, and Thor 3 would all make LESS and Less and all make under 500 Million because Audiences simply wouldnt go see MCU films anymore now that they knew DCEU films were coming out...

late 2013(when BvS was announced) all the way until March 2016 (when The film came out and was revealed to be a trainwreck) was DC fans ONLY true happiness...They went on a 3 year trolling rampage where they truly went FULL RETARD, they were so sure BvS was going to dominate, They simply went crazy...

and truthfully...they weren't entirely wrong...BOTH BvS and JL really had Avengers type box office Potential....WB and Snyder simply crippled the movies box office by making terrible movies...BvS and JL had they been Great movies...could have made 1.2 to 1.5 Billion

lol thats by far the worst part about BvS and JL....WB didn't just screw up movies....They Screwed up 2 movies that had the Potential to easily make 1 Billion +,

By making awful movies they literally KILLED BvS and JL's Box Office Potential...


That's the one. ahah. I remember him. What an idiot.
