MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > What purpose does the Nights Watch serve...

What purpose does the Nights Watch serve now?

The White walkers are dead and the wildlings are allys. What exactly will the nights watchmen do other than freeze their balls off and wish someone would rebuild moles town.


Yeah. I've been asking myself the same question. The Night's Watch was established to guard the realms of Men against the Night King and the army of the dead. That threat has been definitively eliminated. Why would the Night's Watch even exist anymore? Why would the other kingdoms send even token funds to maintain a wall and a guard force against a threat that no longer exists, and is known no longer to exist.


Maybe they'll do weather monitoring now.

It appears Jon has gone north with the wildlings instead of staying at Castle Black. He could marry and have children up there - why not? No one's ever going to come check on him. As long as he doesn't go south there won't be a problem.

It would seem rather pointless rebuilding The Wall. To keep out what? Maybe Bran will just quietly order the Night's Watch disbanded and not tell anyone. Grey Worm doesn't need to know.
