Lord Royce of the Vale

Have you seen him in S08E03? Brienne and Jamie fought alongside the knights of Vale but was lord Royce there as well? I don't think I spotted him once in the whole episode.


Maybe he fled to Vale.


Maybe it is far-fetched but there are still three episodes to go and might not be only about the war against Cercei. So - last time we saw him talking to Sansa. He is loyal to Sansa and doesn't seem to like Danearys. What if they plotted something together? Sansa couldn't hold her tongue even in crypts when talking to Tyrion. The sentence about double loyalty uttered at the moment when Sansa was hiding and Danearys fighting was really mean.


Well, the remark about Tyrion's divided loyalties has two possible meanings. The obvious one was that Tyrion would make a shitty husband because he was actually in love with the Dragon Queen, but there's also the fact that he still has some feeling of loyalty to House Lannister and that's a big problem.

Of course, Sansa shouldn't be aware of the latter issue, not unless Varys has been sitting down for girl talk with her.


Well, who represents House Lannister now? Jamie doesn't want to hurt Sansa, so no need to choose a side there for Tyrion. And he would never choose Cersei over Sansa. No, they are in the same boat there. The problem is Danearys.


"Sansa shouldn't be aware of the latter issue"

Why wouldn't she? She castigated him in the first episode over his trust for Cersei. This was the first thing I thought of, being in love with Dany didn't occur to me but it could mean that too.


He'll probably show up in the next episode, cause we didn't see him fighting and certainly not dying.

And speaking of the Vale, why didn't everyone take the stand at the Vale rather than Winterfell? I get that Winterfell is the HQ of all the main characters, but the Vale is strategically advantageous when it comes to battle. Is it too small compared to Winterfell?


Yes, the Aerie (sp?) Tower is much more defensible than Winterfell in case of a zombie apocalypse, but they couldn't get there. The Vale is surrounded by mountains, and in winter the passes get blocked by snow and nobody can get in our out, I believe Littlefinger said something about leaving just in time.

But yes, I believe the high and defensible portions of the Aerie are small compared to Winterfell, you couldn't shelter thousands up there.
