MovieChat Forums > Letters to Juliet (2010) Discussion > Anyone feel sorry for the fiance

Anyone feel sorry for the fiance

He was excited about the restaurant and she gave up on him so quick cause of a new crush.


She came off as aloof young and inexperienced...Victor did too, but I respect his passion and ambition. He'll be running several restaurants 10 years from now...I don't think she will be writing..unless someone "tells her to". This was a tough call because his zenith of stupidity was:

1.Pre-wedding Honeymoon..WTF?!
2.Did I hear ring..WTF??!
3.Leaving your fiance ALONE..on the "pre" wedding honeymoon...WTF?!?

...but socially he was a man living out his passion. If you truly love someone you motivate them to explore that thoroughly and fully. Her problem is she didn't display any true passions..she had a job as a "fact finder" but waited for "permission to write" to actually write...if she had been talking Hemmingway, Crane and Faulker day 1/week1/conversation1..Victor "A man of ACTION" would have taken notice and incorporated that into "all things Sophia"..but she wasn't..I would have taken her writing ambitions with a grain of salt also...she had no passion. The film never stated how long they were together but I'm positive she knew his level of passion for food day 1/hour1/conversation string him along and expect any better is diabolical and say yes to a marriage proposal is irresponsible and naive.

Now..she didn't dump Victor when she was HOT for Chris....noooo..she dumps him when she finally gets a sale and her "career" has a faint sign of mobility....then she has the nerve to put Victor on the spot in his own establishment (which looked magnificent BTW) and dump him....she came off as goldigger-ish then and her true colors were exposed...she goes for Chris the Lawyer...who was just as unstable as her...he didn't exhibit any interest in her work..what he was doing is called GAME ladies and gentlemen....that relationship doesn't get past the 6 month mark.

He'll start working "for real" and rack in that "75 hours a week attorney money" and she'll go cold and dump him....remember conversation1/day1/hour1.. CHRIS WAS AN *beep* jog her memory eventually...and she'll start calling him a "Granny's Boy" guaranteed...she reminds me of women I know..same upbringing and same treacherous behavior towards successful men..they spot the Alphas, movers-shakers and try to tear them down or one up them. Even if Victor gave her 100% diligence and attention she would still taken some other issue with him....long run...Victor works out because he has his sh!t together.

*Flip the tables...Victor cheats on Sophia and dumps her, you all would have burned the theater down.

"Mr.Purple is another guy on another job, you're not Mr.Purple!"


Bravo, spot on with all of your post.

They went way too far to force him into the 1-dimensional "bad guy" role. All the other replies here played right into it.

I actually believe they SHOULD have had Victor do a little cheating with a hot wine chick, then Sophie and the audience would have a better excuse to dislike him.

She herself was pretty lame, and what the hell is a "pre-honeymoon" anyway? This trip was obviously business.


you're right ...


I thought her timing could have been better, and considering how many other things they hadn't bothered talking about she could've e-mailed him from Italy and it would've worked just as well. On the other hand, no, they had no relationship whatever, so he didn't lose much other than pride.


agreed ;)


All he was excited about was the restaraunt. He talked on and on about food and ate food all the time; it was ridiculous that he wasn't even paying attention to her. I would've dumped him too; I didn't even understand why she was enganged to him in the first place.

"What are you looking at?"
"Wipe that face off your head, bitch."


He was more obsessed than just excited. He ignored all the things she wanted to do for his restaurant. He needed someone who loves and is as excited with food as much as he is. I would have chosen him over Charlie, because I love cooking. :)


No, I didn't - they were two people who were moving in two different directions. His passion for food and his restaurant will always come first with him - it's the way he is. I actually thought he was going to end up with the 'secretary' who's mother gave him cooking tips, but the scenarists apparently decided not to go in that direction.

"Remind me to tell you about the time I looked into the heart of an artichoke."



Nope I did not feel sorry for him at all....Everytime she would talk to him about her day he was uninterested and more into himself.When she told him about the letter she found and writing back....He was not listening he was too busy stuffing his face with the food she bought back....

I was glad she dumped him.

sig- Proud Disney channel and iCarly fan."


I felt like Victor's character was just used conveniently for the different plot points. So, he was a little distracted and didn't get a chance to read her story. Big deal. He was opening a restaurant. Do you know what's involved in opening a restaurant like that? Quite frankly, he seemed like a good guy. Always happy go lucky, ambitious, hard-working and loyal. He's not clingy and doesn't get bent out of shape over anything. The only thing bad that could be said about him was that he was a little pre-occupied and didn't get a chance to read her story. I'm sure if someone took only a portion of their lives, it's not always going to be flattering. In the beginning of the movie, the Amanda Seyfried character didn't seem to be very supportive at all...she should have saw that he's trying to build something towards his dream and trying his best to include her. Instead she was pouting and didn't go with him on the trip. She has only seen Charlie on a vacation mode...not back in real life where he's working. She lived day to day with Victor and he really didn't have that many bad traits. Successful ambitious people tend to be sorry and have a lot of distractions. Quite frankly, personality wise I see her more with Victor in real life. He's got a more carefree passionate personality. Charlie came around a little, but he was a little bit rigid.



Didn't Victor say that his suppliers were paying for their trip?

Hence him having to visit all his suppliers (something he was more than willing to do).

And for Charlie, did he express any interest in her writings, or read them? I can't remember cause all he was ever doing throughout the movie was whining about Sophie. He has one tender moment where he talks about breaking up with his GF and his parents car accident, then goes back to insulting Sophie and complaining on why she is even on this trip.

I guess that is how Romance is done in the United States.



My best friend and I spent the whole movie talking about what an ass Gael's character was because he was always rushing and never slowing down to hear what Sophie said even when she tried to talk to him. And then he made up that whole thing about "I was just about to call you!" when he was in the middle of the wine auction -- that was a jerk move. In my opinion, Sophie knew what she was getting into by marrying a chef, but that doesn't mean you put food before fiancee -- that's just ridiculous. It's like Charlie wanted to know (perhaps paraphrasing here), but "you're in the city of love and you're apart?"

That said, I did feel a bit bad for Victor when she broke up with him. I got the feeling that when Sophie said that, his world finally stopped running a million miles a second, just for a few minutes, and he was finally listening to her and realizing what had happened. I think he didn't recognize how he'd been coming off toward her until that scene -- he had good intentions and everything but in the end it wasn't what she was looking for.
