MovieChat Forums > Burn After Reading (2008) Discussion > Is Osborne Cox the biggest a-hole in mov...

Is Osborne Cox the biggest a-hole in movie history?

The guy is complete scum, he only talks in f-words, he is a drunk, psychotic son of a bitch with a enormous complex of inferiority, not to mention that he kills the only simpathetic character in the movie.

Is there a bigger douche in cinema? I can only think in Harry Cooper, from Night of the Living Dead, or Oits from Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer. And note that these two are played by Tom Towles, because nobody can play an a-hole as good as Tom Towles. Nobody but Malcovich.

Any toughts?

Freddy Krueger without Robert Englund is like a unicorn without a horn.


Buddy Ackerman from Swimming with Sharks is probably the biggest a'hole I can think of.

Never defend crap with 'It's just a movie'


Mr. Blonde from Reservoir Dogs


Is Osborne Cox the biggest a-hole in movie history?

Well, if you consider his surname is spelled "Cocks"...

But seriously, he is hardly the biggest douche ever and no match to Don Logan (Ben Kingsley) in "Sexy Beast", Buddy Ackerman (Kevin Spacey) in "Swimming with Sharks", Blake (Alec Baldwin) in "Glengarry Glen Ross", and Begbie (Robert Carlyle) in "Trainspotting".

Do you have any tobacco?


I'm surprised no one mentioned Harry. He was the epitome of selfishness. He had absolutely no regard for anyone but himself. He was cheating on his mistress, FFS!!
