MovieChat Forums > Untraceable (2008) Discussion > 100 Things We Learned from Untraceable

100 Things We Learned from Untraceable

1. Shining a light in a cat's face can kill it.

2. You can transmit messages by just blinking your eyes.

3. You can hack into other people's accounts and take control over what they're downloading.

4. You can transmit video by a webcam on top of a car without any wires, all the way from your basement which is VERY far away.

5. Games about riding "Horsez" is a perfect way to hack in to other people's accounts.

6. You can get fired for planting webcams in men's locker rooms.

7. Sulfuric acid can burn off a man's skin but not his underwear.

"Blood is falling like the rain, its crimson cloak unveils again."-Iron Maiden


55. Left eye dot. Right eye dash. So intuitively obvious no need to write down the dots and dashes in case it was right eye dot left eye dash or right eye dot both eyes dash left eye uncontrollable twitch from the sulfuric acid working its way up my spinal column!

56. You can set your own TTL on your DNS registration, making a new registration available in seconds instead of days! (Gosh, that would be nice!)

57. You can change the DNS lookups for a particular site every thirty seconds to distribute load across a botnet.

58. The truly gifted hacker is able to not only hack into a car's engine timing computer, but also the OnStar system and the LoJack system to disable tracking the car. Also, this is immediately obvious to the local police officer, so they don't even need to try activating the LoJack system.

59. No one will notice a couple dozen kilowatts more energy being consumed in your house when frying a reporter, and both the line going down to your basement and the main neighborhood power grid will have no problem at all keeping both that and your internet webcam going without a spike or glitch.

60. Warrants are not needed if you are suspected in stealing a credit card to order internet porn and a watch. If you also have bought guns in the past, the FBI will tear open your front door with a winch and battering ram and storm through your house guns drawn. Your best bet is to hide under your desk.

61. If you happen to live next door to an old woman whose wireless has been hacked by someone stealing credit cards to buy internet porn and watches, your house will be invaded by the FBI. Hide under your desk.

62. If you are going to use someone else's wireless to steal credit cards to buy internet porn and watches, use a $30 directional WiFi antenna and target the house two houses down from yours instead of your neighbor. When you hear his door being torn out by an FBI Hummer, hide under your desk. They'll never find you there.

63. When burning pirated DVDs off the internet, don't include the FBI warning. That way, they can't say they warned you.

64. A good way to commit suicide if you are diabetic is to refuse to take your insulin for a few days. Wouldn't look suspicious at all. (REALLY???)

65. When taking a few days off from your highly stressful work to be with your family who have been directly threatened by a serial killer, leave your well-secured home and instead shack up in a two-bit motel. Don't go see your family.

66. It is still unsafe to see a Hollywood movie portraying "hacking" and expect anything other than the most uninformed caricatures and stereotypes.


67. If you're the FBI director, you "have to" give live, nationwide press conferences, even if that means people will die. Don't even think about asking/ordering network executives to temporarily stop any reporting on this issue.

68. Even if a killer streams footage of the daughter of the FBI agent in charge and has gathered their personal information, other FBI agents working on the same case are not alarmed and show no signs of higher alertness. Especially not when they think they have a lead to the killer.

69. If there's a new stream on the internet and you can't do anything about it, you have to leave IMMEDIATELY. But when you finally have a breakthrough and are the only one knowing about it, you can squeeze in a quick date.

70. In Russia, the FBI has no jurisdiction. So forget the Russian authorities. If you can't order them, don't bother asking them. They're probably evil, anyway.


Attempting to kill someone on their "home turf" live on the internet can result in the perp getting his ass whupped and killed by the victim.


72) Highly skilled hackers, those capable of stopping and starting cars at will and operating webcams without wires, consider Internet Explorer the best web browser.


73. If you stop the crowd of gawkers at a crime scene you will find your perp!


Holy shít you are all laughably clinical morons. I clicked this thread in the hopes of finding some mildly amusing parody of the obvious feats of dipshíttery this sweet movie shamelessly demonstrated to us. Most of these "what we learned from this film" threads are made by bored mentally-challenged queers by default anyway but this one went even below that.

I guess the directors of this film were right. The net needs regulation, perhaps a license for usage so I can stop running into handicapped manchildren like all of you who posted in this thread.



My, aren't you an angry, arrogant, condescending asshole.


@ #7 - It depends what his underwear was made of. Yes, most underwear is cotton, but if it's a synthetic fiber such as polyester, or any other petro-fiber, H2SO4 won't touch it.

And actually, the agent probably would've been killed by the heat. As anyone who remembers their high school chemistry knows, acid dissociating is highly exothermic, especially strong acids.

Yep, everyone concentrates on the techy elements of the movie, yet know nothing about chemistry.


You CAN transmit messages by blinking your eyes. It's called Morse code, he even said it close to the beginning of the movie. Then, later on, the person decoding it said "right eye is dots, left is dashes." That's very possible. To steal someone else on this board's phrase, that's one of the LEAST implausible parts of this movie.


victim under torture being broadcast on the internet & blinking in morse code - very similar to a scene in the 2011 Swedish/Danish crime drama "The Bridge" - S01E03.


Actually, I saw a man who DID transmit a message by blinking his eyes. He blinked the word "TORTURE" in Morse Code as he was being filmed for broadcast. Not my dad, but my dad was a Navy signalman in WWII.

"Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?"


I love these things I learnt!

67. All killings take place in basements, never lofts
68. Former house/basement owners never contact the police
69. All motels in America are rundown, on the outskirts of town and full of people hiding out
70. Choppers can locate houses that use heater lamps to grow "you know" but not people dying.
71. Dianne Lane never has to wait for computers to startup
72. Killers are brilliant at hiding in cars but can never strike without being seen in the mirror
73. Smashing your way out of car in a motel will not draw any attention from omnlookers allowing killers to hide in your car


74. The FBI will never try to look for link between two high profile internet murder victims. The veteran news reporter and the chopper pilot working for a tv channel.

Its that man again!!


75. The head of the FBI Cyber Crimes Division is unfamiliar with terms like IP address, mirror server and botnet ("I don't understand a single word of what you just said.")

76. FBI analysts like to setup their computers so that they make annoying bleeping sounds every time they display a line of text or a graphic.


"2. You can transmit messages by just blinking your eyes. "

You've never heard of morse code before...?


77: 11 years later and this thread is still trying to make it to 100 - c'mon people!


78. Box is a funny name but he had no choice in the matter.
79. When sleeping fully clothed with a co-worker in a motel room with two beds, make sure to sleep in the same bed.
80. When you ask your mother about your child, she will pantomime, rather than speak that she's sleeping UPSTAIRS because she apparently has bionic hearing and would hear you from DOWNSTAIRS.... if you said anything... when she's asleep.... UPSTAIRS.
