i really hate

i really hate how bad people make religion look in movies. and i hate how people get extremist mixed up with religion. i am a christian and i've gone to church countless times. we mainly learn about love, acceptance and peace. i will still see this movie bc i like the actors and i love horror movies. i'm just a little annoyed with all the hate on religion.



I don't think the movie is about hating religion. I think its about hating extremism wrapped around the cloak of religion. It also made a surprising dig about federal law enforcement.

As an aside, I hate religious people who think its okay to pass laws that would end up killing or maiming women, because they think a fetus is more important than an actual, living person. I consider those people extremists, no different than the ones killing people in the name of Allah.


Please learn how to create an accurate subject line for a forum thread. "I really hate" is not the subject of your thread. It's simply the first three words of the body of your post. Your subject line should be related to the main idea of your post, so that people can decide if they're interested in clicking on it. In this case, I'd recommend a subject line such as, "negative portrayal of religion". I would also advise spending a little less time learning about religion, and more about learning how to write in correct English if you're going to try to share ideas in a written format. People will likely take you more seriously. Just trying to help. Thanks.


This wasn't a hate on religion. This was a family that had used religion as a weapon of extremism. the leader in this film was akin to Charlie Manson. Charlie didn't make Christianity look bad. He just made it look misapplied.

Same with this family.

Same with most extremists, cultists, wacko nutjobs, etc.

Now, Keven Smith has a lot of fun with those who profess religious beliefs, but only if he feels it takes them away from the true message of Christian faith. I've never seen him treat Christianity with disrespect. Only "Christians".

My "#3" key is broken so I'm putting one here so i can cut & paste with it.


I really thought he was going to make a point of showing a good guy who was a Christian, so when John Goodman showed up I thought at some point he might shown that he was wearing a cross necklace or mention that he was a Christian at some point. Just one small moment or line of dialogue could have taken care of the perception that the movie wanted to demonize all of Christinaty.

As far as Muslim extremism goes for the movies, it's unlikely to be used in many movies because while you can criticize Christians and get protested you can get murdered for criticizing Muslims in a movie. And while that may not be likely, the threat is enough to scare people away from dealing with that issue... but in this case making it Christians in the south connects it to the clichés of a million other horror movies, and that's obviously the feeling Kevin Smith was trying to give the audience.


Yeah, because you can't learn about love, acceptance and peace outside of church. You make it sound like its some revelation and some kind of really good thing, like those mothers who are always going on about how they're proud they raised their kids themselves. Yeah, you're SUPPOSED TO.

Religion isn't "evil". It's just backwards, non-progressive, ignorant, biased, and, itself, intolerant. Extremist-religion IS religion. The only reason these extremists exist is because that particular religion does. The organized-religious system ALLOWS for both moderates and extremists. They follow the same books you do, or that others do. They say they believe in the same God you, or others do. It's religion, itself, that causes it. It's like police departments who try to blame corruption and misconduct on a few "bad apples", the sacrificial lambs that get scapegoated to protect the establishment. Are there good cops? Sure, probably. But does the system allow for corruption and misconduct to spread? Yes, it does. Religion is systematic, and it is all about systematic, collective behavior, and effectively kills individuality. You all sit there together and pray together and worship the same God together and cast out others who don't belong together, etc., etc., everything together. I'm afraid extremists are the ones who've simply taken your cause to another level. It's systematic.

edit: By the way, when I say "you", I don't mean you or your particular denomination, I mean organized religion as a whole. So you can feel free to be offended either way.


It's just backwards, non-progressive, ignorant, biased, and, itself, intolerant.

I totally agree. It all needs some common sense for religious extremists to figure that out, but they are too busy being brainwashed!



agreed, well, almost.

It's sad - People can't find love, peace and acceptance somewhere in themselves and have to learn it (according to the OP)? And what's worse, learn it from a church that has killed millions of people throughout history (and continues to kill people by condemning condoms)?

IMO these churches aren't much more than an anachronistic (and often bloody) cult. Pretty sure the majority of churchgoers and the spirit of their 'holy' books aren't 'evil'. The institution, however, is.


and Im sick of all the love for religion that saturates everything around me from the second I was born until the day I die


Same here...religious extremism is for the weak and easily brainwashed - no matter what the religion is.




"i'm just a little annoyed with all the hate on religion. "

yeah. so .

you see, this is a message board about a movie called "Red State".

if you actually, you know, watched the film? you might realize that it has absolutely nothing to do with 'hating on religion'.

so. you see, what you did here, is just write a completely irrelevant comment on a message board about a movie that you didnt see and/or didn't understand.

now, ordinarily, i personally would call that annoying. but i am willing to you know, let it slide, because we've all done it. this is the internet, after all, which makes us post dumb things we regret later in life.
