i really hate

i really hate how bad people make religion look in movies. and i hate how people get extremist mixed up with religion. i am a christian and i've gone to church countless times. we mainly learn about love, acceptance and peace. i will still see this movie bc i like the actors and i love horror movies. i'm just a little annoyed with all the hate on religion.


Three words for you. Westboro Baptist Church.


Look at the news. Religion is very twisted.


Gonna agree with a lot of the people on here. This film isn't a critique of religion, but of extremists. This is essentially Smith asking: What if the Westboro Baptist Church people were violent and militarized? He's on record for saying that the seeds of this story started when he say an interview his friend conducted with the head of the church.


I'm an atheist and I admit constantly bashing religion in movies has got tiring.
