MovieChat Forums > Eye of the Beast Discussion > Unintentional comedy [spoiler alert]

Unintentional comedy [spoiler alert]

A truly BAD movie.

Never mind that it's just another hackneyed attempt at a standard horror flick using a script that could have been written 20 years ago. How about the fact that the action is supposed to take place in a "fishing village in Nova Scotia" and it was filmed somewhere in Manitoba on a lake.
There are no lake fisheries in NS. Possibly because it's an isthmus that is surrounded on three sides by ocean. The only large lake is ocean fed and has no islands in it.

Then there's the fact that other than a few quick pointless scenes involving some flailing actors in or near the water there is not a single scrap of action for the entire first HOUR. Snore!

If I want to learn about the realities of the modern struggle of independent fishermen I'll walk down to the dock and talk to them about it.

I hate it when they attempt to make a movie about a subject the writer and director clearly have no knowledge of. Try doing a little research next time. It might help.

The only pluses this movie brings are the excellent native actors and all the laughs we had tearing it to tiny little pieces.

Other than that it had totally unlikeable, unrealistic characters, a painfully slow plot and a premise that makes "Space Cowboys" look like a documentary.

The big finale wherein they slay the beast was bloody hysterical.


Try putting yourself in the place of the characters, feeling what they feel while watching this movie. You should be able to like it much better.
