MovieChat Forums > The Duchess (2008) Discussion > Could they not have cast a handsome Char...

Could they not have cast a handsome Charles Grey?

We're supposed to believe that the most famous woman of that time hooked up with a Charles Grey that is two inches taller than her, not particularly attractive, and has a high voice. Give us a good romantic lead, people.


Actually, if you look up Grey in Wikipedia, you'll be surprised to see a portrait of an older Grey who looks very much like he could have looked like our actor in a younger day. Perhaps the emphasis was on accuracy rather than storytelling.



While Henry Cavil would have been GREAT I still liked Dominic. I actually thought he was pretty cute.

"Adultery makes a party go such a swing!" Naomi——Skins.


I was thinking the same thing, too! I was like The Duke (Ralph Fines) is way attractive than Charles Gray, even if the Duke was a lot older. Should have done better casting for Charles Gray.


I liked the guy. He seemed real, passionate and lovable.


Oh, my god, this thread...You people...And that post in all caps had me rollin'. That said...

Uhhhhh have any of you ever looked up the real Charles Grey on wikipedia? He is not an attractive man. I looked him up because of this movie and I was like Oh, my god. I can't believe he was handsome even when he was younger. I actually think they made an improvement with Dominic Cooper, and I think DC is strange looking.

I saw him in S&S and I was like, Really? Him as Whilloughby? I thought Whilloughby was supposed to be like, a little good looking? DC isn't hideous, but I have NO attraction to him AT ALL, and he is not handsome in any way. Cute, maybe. Maybe.

And I didn't know DC was in Mamma Mia. Was he the main character girl's (Amanda Seyfried's) douchey boyfriend? Huh, didn't recognize him.

So, really? You expect them to cast a handsome Charles Grey? Not everyone is handsome. And attraction is based more than on looks. G obviously liked him for more than his looks. Obviously. Obviously....

Sometimes, I wish I was a ho.



I think Dominic Cooper is so ugly. They should have picked someone else to play "Charles Grey". Cooper being cast as "Dominic Grey" didn't really ruin the movie for me, it just disapointed me that they couldn't pick an attractive man to play his part. I know looks aren't everything but when you cast Keira, who is a really attractive woman at least have an equally attractive male. He was totally miscast for this role. I agree with another poster Ralph Fiennes, although he is older looked much better than Dominic Cooper.
