MovieChat Forums > Flight of the Conchords (2007) Discussion > What's your favorite Murray quote?

What's your favorite Murray quote?

I'm so angry I feel like swearing!


"You'll be offered drugs, you know. You'll have threesomes. Dinners. You know, you'll end up going into town in a taxi, have a couple of drugs, have dinner, have a threesome, go home again, have a shower, go out again, more drugs, more threesomes. Happens all the time."

reply most of them

classic.... bret ..check...jermaine ...check... murray ...check....alright band meeting



“Excuse me, Sir…hi…I’ve got a couple of very cool looking guys in the back of my car…I don’t know if you’re keen to…have them…in your club…”



"go *beep* yourself Bret!"


My favorite:

"I've never seen him so angry" -- about Greg, who actually looked as bored as always.


She sounds like Marilyn Monroe

Murray: "I suppose if you squint your ears." HAHA


There are so many that I love, the one that comes to mind is
MURRAY:You're a three person band now, you're a proper band you're like the

Not sure if thats the exact quote but the way he says always makes me laugh


oh and...

MURRAY:Like that John Lennon song
BRET:Give peace a chance
MURRAY:Yeh, give pete a chance


From the interesting buildings tour:
"Imagine that! Come down and touch it, Jemaine!"

When Jemaine and Murray are talking about Coco:
"Is she into peace?"

On how to look cool:
"A bit of hay..."

And I love it when he asks Jemaine and Bret and if they knew that he wasn't invited to Dave's party and when they say they knew he wasn't invited, Murray writes it down in his meeting minutes.

* * * * * * *
The seal is for marksmenship, and the gorilla is for sand racing.


My favorite is we don't wanna offend the pro aids crowd and then he asks if anyone is pro aids in the office.


"Well, I've said a lot of things in my time bret.....not all of it worth, listening to"

My other account is a homosexual


Early in season one when Murray is giving examples of insults hurled at him:
"On your way to a dick meeting??"
Cracks me up every time


I just love when he says to Bret and Jemaine : "scram", he has that false confidence he often has, it's hilarious... I don't remember if he said it once though, or more. And so many others, but if you love him and haven't seen The Office with Ricky Gervais, watch it, I suspect Murray Hewitt wouldn't exist if it wasn't for David Brent. But Rhys darby is really good. To keep up with Gervais is not that simple.


"...let's not get all bogged down in AIDS."


"R. Kelly wants to sing on your next song. Should I find out who he is?"

"I don't need you guys. You're un-needed. I've got the Crazy Dogs. They're making hit after hit. 'Doggy Bounce', number 1, 'Doggy Dance' number 5, 'In the pound', number 37. It's not going to stop, it's never going to stop, they're a hit-making machine."

And looking at his Commodore 64 computer, "can you believe it, 20 years and it's outdated already"


The whole line about blank cds.

I got some hand for you, punk bitch.


Murray : "Who were those guys that you were dissing ? The only one I could make out was Snoopy. What's your problem with him ?"
Bret : "No it was Snoop Dogg"
Murray : "I know he's a dog, Bret, I'm not totally in the dark ages, I do go out once in a while. He's lovable, leave him alone."


Bret: "Are you living in your car, Murray?"

Murray: "No!Of course not!That's illegal. You can't do that...apparently! Unless you move your car every three hours..."

