MovieChat Forums > The Visitor (2008) Discussion > TOP TEN PLOT HOLES: Here we gooooooooooo...

TOP TEN PLOT HOLES: Here we gooooooooooooo....... .........

True it is a touching film that tugs at the old hard strings. But really! Come on! Why can't anyone ever write a flawless movie that doesn't have any plot holes? It's starting to wear really thick on me. For example:

1.How could a PHD educated university professor afford two homes when he only teaches one class a weak and pretends to write books? DUH! 2.How could the piano teacher possibly have known that she was his 5th piano instructor and that he actually wanted to sell his keyboard? DUH! 3. Why would a PHD educated university professor lend his keys to a Rushing immigrant? DUH! 4. Why did the PHD university professor tell the young couple "Who is IVUN?" after he had lent him the keys in the first place? DUH! 5.How is it even possible to survive in New York the BIG RED APPPLE by holding garage sales and playing a drum in a park with approximately 40 other people? DUH! 6.How did the New York City Police Department know that the Arab terrorist would try to break the law at a particular bus stop? DUH! 7.How can a so called ILLEGAL ALIEN even survive when he/she is clearly illegal and on the run all the time? DOUBLE DUH! 8. How come the police officer with the latest computer technology didn't even know where the terrorist went? DUH! 9. Why would a PHD educated university professor choose to live with a woman who admits she is ILLEGAL just like the terrorist? DUH! 10. Why would a PHD university educated professor choose to become an ILLEGAL alien himself by banging on a drum in a public place without a permit? Triple DUH! DUH! DUH! Expecially after all the other ILLEGAL aliens were already gone back to Pakistan and there was no longer any need to listen to them any more? DUH! DUH! DUH! DUH! DUH!

Overall, it was an okay film, however as you can see there were lots of problems with continuity and such. I give it a C+.


You obliviously didn't watch this movie.


I think you need to pay more attention and get out more.
1. He mentions early on that he is working on his 5th book. He's apparently a successful author. The whole movie is about how his life was put on hold by his beloved wife's death(she apparently had a very nice piano so it is possible she was a successful pianist). He is living like a "visitor" in his own life. Many great authors and politicians take teaching jobs. (Tony Blair, Al Gore).2. The piano teacher only knew she wasn't his FIRST tutor judging by his own impatience with his lack of natural talent. HE tells her she's the 5th.
3&4 He never loaned his keys or apt. to anybody. I am a son of immigrants and growing up in LA i know there are many people in big cities looking to cheat and swindle ignorant newcomers. "Ivan" is probably some wise guy that knows many people with apartments in the city leave them unattended for extended periods because they own houses in the 'burbs. During last year's Superbowl in PHX, people were putting up houses for rent that did not belong to them.5. Many immigrants will take multiple menial jobs or "gigs" to support themselves because poverty in America is better than life in the war-torn or third-world countries they come from. Also, Tarek's mom seems like she has the means to help him out.6. Where the hell did you get the "terrorist" angle? Just because he's Syrian? As for the cops, they bust him for "turnstile jumping" when his drum gets stuck. Ever heard of "racial profiling"?? 7.How do illegal aliens survive? Who do you think picks the fruit you eat, busses your tables, sews your clothing, mows your lawn, etc???8.Ever been to a DMV or Social Security office?? Even if gov't employees have answers, they're too digruntled to give you any.9. again with the Terrorist thing?10. Last I checked, playing music in the subway(or anywhere else)does not rescind your citizenship. He does that in tribute to Tarek who mentioned he always wanted to play in the subway but never had the guts. Tarek was the impetus he needed to start living his life again.

"That's the last time I let you stab me, Pagoda."


You've got to be kidding me..... this is a fake post right?


Yeah, the OP is what you would call a troll.


Yes, the OP does this for a lot of movies and somehow (bafflingly) people take him seriously.



Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


1.How could a PHD educated university professor afford two homes when he only teaches one class a weak and pretends to write books? DUH!

Big assumption you're making. You don't know what his class status is. The NY apartment could have been inherited. It happens all the time. No "duh" to it. I'm not going to address your other fallacious assumptions about a PhD professor but I'll say that you clearly have a very limited.. "duh".. understanding of the lifestyles of college professors, particularly those in liberal arts.


I do not make "assumptions" because when you do it makes an "ass" out of both you and "umptions"okay? The thing is, it is clear that he hardly ever works and woe and beholden, he's got all these apartments and such. So mister anthropo sir, I would kindly ask you to back off with the accusations okay? And instead of being insulting, how about discussing the movie like grown adults okay? What? You think you're better than me do you? You think your fancy college degree makes you better than me huh? Well think again my fine feathered friend.


I do not make "assumptions"

Your "plot hole" about the apartment IS based on assumptions. Your assuming there's only one way he could have gottent the apartment. We don't know all his streams of income. Plenty of college professors have more than one property.

You think you're better than me do you? You think your fancy college degree makes you better than me huh?

Again, that's YOUR assumption. I never said or implied anything of the sort, nor did I mention what MY education level is. I responded to your assumptions about his life as a college professor.


You sound disturbed.


Feathered? Another assumption, that the above poster is feathered. :)

Seriously, no one made fun of you for not having a college degree, but honestly if the movie was too deep and you didn't understand it, just leave it alone. It just keeps getting worse when you make references to feathers and keep using the word "duh".


1.How could a PHD educated university professor afford two homes when he only teaches one class a weak and pretends to write books? DUH!
Actually he had already made money from his previous 4 books.He was only pretending to write the fifth one,because he was devastated from his wife's death.Then he probably got the places,as his wife would have pitched in some money,and they would have paid banks.Could have been his parents house,as it states that he grew up there,but moved later.

2.How could the piano teacher possibly have known that she was his 5th piano instructor and that he actually wanted to sell his keyboard? DUH!
As she leaves,she asks him,"so which teacher am I",and he answers"my fifth"...Later when he returns from New York,he realizes he wants to play drums,and sell his piano.

3. Why would a PHD educated university professor lend his keys to a Rushing immigrant? DUH!
He did not lend his keys.There was a middle man/agent called Ivan,who cheated the couple.This was because he had noted that no one had used the apartment for years.So he though he could make some money,and made fake keys for it.

4. Why did the PHD university professor tell the young couple "Who is IVUN?" after he had lent him the keys in the first place? DUH!
He did not lend the couple the keys.If you notice,the girl screams,and the guy attacks him,thinking the professor was an intruder in the apartment.

5.How is it even possible to survive in New York the BIG RED APPPLE by holding garage sales and playing a drum in a park with approximately 40 other people? DUH!
He was also playing in clubs,and they pay quite reasonably.They were just scraping through.It would have been just enough for rent and some decent food.

6.How did the New York City Police Department know that the Arab terrorist would try to break the law at a particular bus stop? DUH!
They did not know that he would break the law.Post 9/11,there are cops in every subway station.I lived in New York for a while(I am Indian).One day a friend and I entered the station together with one card(paid only for one).My friend was American,so they did not pull her up.But I was Asian and two cops pulled me aside,and asked for my ID. They let me go when I showed them the student ID as well as visa.They have become too sensitive post 9/11.

7.How can a so called ILLEGAL ALIEN even survive when he/she is clearly illegal and on the run all the time? DOUBLE DUH!
I personally saw and met plenty plenty plenty of workers from Asia,who were living illegally in the US,and working there as well.Without a work permit.And they did not hide from authorities.Waiters were most common profession among them.

8. How come the police officer with the latest computer technology didn't even know where the terrorist went? DUH!
They did not know because he was just sitting at the entrance booth.And hundreds were being held there.However when he called his superior,he got the information that he had been deported.And they also tend to act smart by not wanting to give out information because they are immigrants.Typical Americans.

9. Why would a PHD educated university professor choose to live with a woman who admits she is ILLEGAL just like the terrorist? DUH!
He did it because he was guilty.It was because of him that her son got caught in the subway.Because he encouraged him to get through together without two passes.To wash away his guilt,he allowed her to stay.

10. Why would a PHD university educated professor choose to become an ILLEGAL alien himself by banging on a drum in a public place without a permit? Triple DUH! DUH! DUH! Expecially after all the other ILLEGAL aliens were already gone back to Pakistan and there was no longer any need to listen to them any more? DUH! DUH! DUH! DUH! DUH!
He had an empty life.When he went to New York,he got some sparkle through these people,with whom he connected.He was thrilled to break his monotonous life.So he thought he would do something different,just to break his boring life.And also in memory of his new found companion,who gave him a smile when he most needed it.It was more out of passion than anything else.


You are clearly retarded DUH!



Everything makes sense if you're not thick as hell. The movie was fantastic and heartwarming.

Made you look!
