MovieChat Forums > College (2008) Discussion > You know what happens if you do nothing ...

You know what happens if you do nothing but drink and party at college?

You flunk out and leave. Much like my first roommate (flunked out after one semester). Anyone who sticks around in college is actually studying.

Also unlike these college movies seem to claim, fraternities and sororities are not a big deal. The percentage of students in them is in the single digits and is steadily declining. And my school's political science club probably held more parties that were bigger than anything the frats did. No one cares about them except for the students in them.

This movie should be called "What Idiot High Schoolers Wish College Was Like"


I agree with you about the fraternitites. No body cares about them anymore, and plus any person I've met in a fraternity was really cool and not a douche like in this movie.

But people can party and drink a lot in college and still pass, it's just about finding the right method to study and read combined with partying a lot.


Actually, I'm not in a Frat - I party *beep* hard, I barely go to class. I still study and do work, and I passed first year. Like I only went to 3 classes and CRAMMED the week before, didn't have any entrance scholarships so I didn't risk anything. This year I still party hard, but I've toned it down, go to class more - and am still doing good.

In the case of 2 month old Alisha, Brian, YOU ARE THE FATHER


My freshman roommate flunked out after our first year, but she didn't drink and party, she just never went to class.

At most colleges, like my alma mater, drinking isn't allowed at fraternity or sorority houses. They aren't allowed to have parties. They have them at their unofficial houses, but parties are lame. The bars are way better and more fun.


Both of the big schools in my state(Oklahoma) including the one I went to went dry over the last few years because of incidents involving alcohol, but before that they had massive parties. One foam party at OU was featured in Playboy magazine in the add about top parties in the country. Now that in house partying is not allowed at either school, large parties in Norman have become non-existent but OSU still has house parties nearly every weekend that get up over 100 people. We had a block party in Stillwater in 03 that the police had to direct traffic for( and this is a not a large city) and after the neigbors started shooting artillery fireworks at the cop cars, the riot patrol showed up and started shooting people with bean-bag shotguns. I think OHIO and Arizona State are the biggest party schools in the country now including some schools in Cali like UC Santa Barbara. They have parties that actually make the ones in this movies look small.


First, I went to the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign which has one of the largest greek systems (both in size and in houses) in the country. Frats and sororities are HUGE. I believe its something like 40% of students are in them. I didn't join one, and found that most of the people who did were total d-bags who thought they were better than everyone else. I didn't join b/c of the atmosphere, not b/c I have something against frats, just a good portion of the people at my school. There people in frats and sororities constantly look down on people who aren't in frats and I guess they make fun of them. But that is aside from the point. The real point is, I did nothing but party. I studied the notes I had from the classes I attended, and I used Wikipedia to help fill in the blanks a few hours before a test. A great week for me in terms of attendance was 40% of my classes. I graduated. I now am in Law School. So, just b/c your experience at your specific college didn't have that kind of behavior doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.


grow up. Fraternities are still larger than you think. 80% of US congress members are men or women of letters.


Wow look at all this hate on college fraternities. I'm not really surprised. During my four years as an undergrad greek (Phi Delta Theta) I've pretty much encountered every type of hater, ignoramus, and snob and consequently, they weren't greek, in fact they looked down their noses at us.

But rather than making us question our descisons on being part of something bigger than ourselves, it strengthened our bonds, made us stronger and work harder to prove to others and ourselves that we could weather whatever obstacle came our way. And we did.

For me, I came away from college with this: 3.2 cumulative GPA (3.6 in-major) roughly 150 hours community service, leader experience in the fraternity, inter-greek council and student government, contacts in several industries, a loving girlfriend, self confidence, a $55K/yr job right out of school and a *beep* AWESOME GROUP OF BROTHERS. I have my college fraternity to thank for that, the maker of men. I'm not saying its for everyone because its not but for those who do join and those who do truly take the good with the bad will realize it is unlike any organization save from the brotherhoods formed in the military, religious organizations, or groups like the Freemasons.

So stop the witch hunting and scapegoating. This movie is an insult to actual college men who can both party and make grades. These characters are one-dimensional meatheads, nothing like the real life they mock.

To those who are bitter from a wasted college 'experience' spent meticulously chasing that 4.0, you missed the point. Do not blame fraternities and sororities for your poor choices, in fact if you had removed your blinders you would have found friends instead of enemies.


We all know that anyone who parties as much as what the college students in this film did would flunk out. Now I would go and party down in Carbondale, Illinois when my friends went to school at SIU and one of my friends said that Halloween use to be a crazy weekend but they put a stop to it because it got too crazy.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


pointing out that this movie takes place during a weekend at college..when people at college tend to go crazy..while during the week alot of the time its obviously its not like this all the time but on weekends it is..


It all depends though because I have a little sister who is 21 years old and she says that her roommates like to go out and party during the week. Not all of the time but sometimes though and they are getting ready to graduate this year from college.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


YOu nailed it with what this movie should have been called. I knew people like some of the chracters in this movie. First off, a lot of them weren't anywhere as cool as they thought they were and often made an ass of themselves at parties. Second off, most of them flunked out after their first semester and the ones that didn't quickly realized they had to get their shit together.

Sure college has crazy parties and all that, but not to the extent this garbage movie would make you think.
