Age Issues

When Dewey is about to debut his band at the high school talent show. They try to pass him off as 14, but he's clearly much older than that. That's pretty obvious when he's standing backstage w/ the four teenagers who make up the rest of his band. Then they try to pass him off as 21 when got busted for drugs. Sorry, he didn't look that age, either.


Never go full retard.


He went full retard....whoosh over his simple head. Geez...

Dave "Crown Time" Blankenship for Time Man of the Year.


It is also pretty obvious that Jack Black looks nothing like Paul McCartney, but hey, he's there.


yeah its a parody that means they are making fun of everything and anything including hollywood casting 30 year olds as high school students


They even called attention to it when 34 year-old Kristen Wiig says "I'm Dewey's 12 year-old girlfriend!"
