MovieChat Forums > Skins (2011) Discussion > Who for you has had the best career from...

Who for you has had the best career from the Skin's cast

It doesn't have to be just one person either.

Kaya Scodelario has done fine, not a superstar although the studios clearly were pushing her.

Hannah Murray had Games of Thrones, done a few biggish films not a major star but has done well.

Nicholas Hoult has turned into a very good character actor. Has done some major work. Definitely in for a shout.

Joe Dempsie, like Murray went on to do GOT, and has had a decent TV acting career.

Dev Patel, like his fellow Generation 1 co star Hoult, Patel has done very well for himself. Been in a Best Picture Oscar winner.

Jack O' Connell, is another I'd put up there with Patel and Hoult. He's done very well for himself.

Daniel Kaluuya, is another who's in reckoning alongside Patel, O'Connell and Hoult.

Aimee-Ffion Edwards is one i put on the list, she's done some great work since Skins.

I rank my top 5

1. Nicholas Hoult- just for his body of work, Fury Road, X-Men films, About A Boy, The Favourite and many others. I also think he's a good actor.

2. Dev Patel- He was the main star in a Oscar winning film, has done some very good work and has grown as a actor.

3. Jack O'Connell- For a while there I would have put him first. He's slowed down a bit in recent years and some of his recent work hasn't been great. But he's still a fantastic talent.

4. Daniel Kaluuya- Many will put him higher. He's got Get Out plus a oscar nom, Black Panther, Sicario and Widows delivering very good performances in all. If he adds a few more to his resume he get top spot.

5. Kaya Scodelario- I expected her to be the most famous a few years back from the Skins cast. She was always the most pushed from the Skins cast in promotional material and stuff. She's done pretty well compared to most others but she's yet to have those great films like the others I mentioned above her.


Has to be between Hoult and Kaluuya. Patel is not as hot right now, the other two have been more consistent.

Kaluuya also had Black Mirror.


2 years later, I still say in order Hoult, Kaluuya then Patel. All doing well for themselves though and I can argue Kaluuya over Hoult now.


I might change my own answer and put Patel ahead of Hoult now. Lion and Green Knight gave him some more popularity and cred as a serious actor.


I'm guilty for enjoying "The Great" on Hulu right now is why I stuck with Hoult on a personal level. I have enjoyed all three of their careers, so it would probably flip depending on what mood I am in for.


Oh haven't heard of that then. Kaluuya is still my No. 1.


Kaluuya for sure, he won a Oscar and has a few great films under his belt and is considered a great actor. I put him at the very top of the list.

Hoult, has kept up his great work since I did this thread. Is about to be in the new Superman film as Lex Luthor. I think he's turned more into a strong character actor then leading man imo.

Patel, has gone on to direct a great film with Monkey Man. And has done some good work since this thread. So maybe not a big time star but still churning out interesting work.

Jack O Connell is still doing well. Although feels like he's slipped into supporting actor roles then leading man ones. He did A few indie films in late 10's and early 20's that didn't do much and his hype died down a little. But has bounced back a little with Ferrari and Back to Black, and is about to be in 28 Years Later and the new Ryan Coogler film. He did do the excellent TV shows Godless and SAS Rogue Heroes and the underrated The North Water with Colin Farrell. His TV work in recent years keeps him high on the list.

Kaya Svodelario, deserves a mention too. She might not be have as many great films as others mentioned but she's done a lot of big franchises and B Movie type of films. Maybe not reached the levels in her career that many Skin fans expected from her (many thought she be the biggest star from the bunch) but still a successful run overall.

Honorable mentions

Freya Mavor, got to mention someone from the Third Generation. And although she's not a star she's the only one working constantly on decent sized productions on TV and Film.

Generation 2, Luka Pasqualino and Kathryn Prescott have knocked out decent TV careers.

Generation 1, Hannah Murray and Joe Dempsie, both ended up on GOT. But Murray hasn't done any work since 2020. Dempsie is still working hard on TV. Aimee-Ffion Edwards is probably one of dark horse success from the cast, she was on Peaky Blinders and Slow Horses. And is working Constantly and is in leading roles on TV.


It's got to be Dev Patel - which is not what I would have anticipated from watching and loving the show. But he is the one in the high profile, of not necessarily most commercial, films.
