Most pointless film ever?

I can seriously say I've never seen a film that I found this pointless. What was the purpose? It didn't have any technical or artistic merit, the acting was poor, non existent characters, just no...point to it.

Can't think of a single redeeming feature. Genuine 1/10.

Just interested in what other people could of possibly enjoyed about it?


Kid - I think somebody turned off your cartoons and made you watch this.
Have you ever seen To Kill A Mockingbird? How about Stand By Me?
You see these movies come under the heading of Drama. To someone who only understands Action and Adventure films (like live action cartoons), Drama is a difficult concept to wrap your head around.
If you don't have the maturity to understand Drama, You definitely shouldn't watch it. Even more important, you shouldn't be voting on it at IMDb

It's only with the heart that one can see clearly. What's essential is invisible to the eye.


You stupid or what? The whole movie is about Davids guilty reminiscense of being a bystander to a horrible child abuse. There was even a scene where Ruth teaches the children about connivance.

Was it a difficult format for you, maybe you needed a flashy MTV kind of editing, or a cartoon version of the film to get it? Hehe


Exactly, just let these little kids play with there cartoons. They are just tooooo stupid to whatch movie's like this!


I think the 'purpose' was to shock and make people think. I enjoyed it - far more so than having to debate my opinion with some d**kheads on here. 7/10.


100% spot on, particularly the d-head bit ! Since when was any art form supposed to be simply about 'entertainment' or 'enjoyment' ? Art is all about the coveying of messages, emotions or feelings to others, via a medium other than mere conversation or touch. It doesn't HAVE to be positive, and it most certainly does not HAVE to be 'enjoyable'. For instance, how would you make a film about the Holocaust, that was actually enjoyable ?


+1, ignore the morons.


What a despicable movie. It will teach children that will watch it (and they definitely will watch it) that gang raping a girl is fun and has barely any consequence when you are young enough.
This movie is POINTLESS.
Horrendous movie about violence against children.


Nice trolling.


The only thing that's pointless is your post. The movie doesn't have a gang rape in it so how, exactly, is it going to teach children that gang rape is fun? The mother is beaten to death so how is it going to teach children that there are barely any consequences? How on earth are children going to be able to watch this film? Does your brain function at all or has it been completely removed? Maybe just stick to X-Factor and Real Housewives in future and leave these types of movies to the bigger kids until you grow up...


agreed. there are some equally pointless films with similar themes, though. every film that is based on a ketchum novel is like this. also the movie "senseless" comes to mind. equally pointless. just torture for 90 minutes and then (spoiler!) a copout ending.

"laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone." - Dae-su Oh


"Are you serious? What is more entertaining than a female being abused in the most horrible ways? You have sh***y taste, and can't appreciate great film-making. Maybe I should lock you in my basement and rape you repeatedly with my psychotic misogynystic friends."
- the average Jack Ketchum fan

đŸș Boycott movies that involve real animal violence (& their directors) đŸŸ


Look at you buffoons, all butthurt and offended because you got your "precious little feelings" fĂč^!ed with. You knew about the plot, so why did you even bother watching it? Makes as much sense as going to KFC and complaining that there's chicken on the menu.
The movie was ok, I won't watch it again but it certainly doesn't deserve 1/10 (you do), and it's certainly not exploitation. You don't even have the maturity to not take it personally (you sound like it was you that got raped in a basement), and in this regard the film hit its mark. Try to stay objective and recognize that the film has some qualities to it...but I guess I'm asking for too much. Please find another forum to spread your ignorance and idiocy.


Yup. Too romantic and "sensitive" to be a good gore or horror film, too demure to be torture porn, too horrible to be a drama, no plot development, 1-dimensional characters, no artistic merit, no lesson to take from it. Just a young girl being humiliated and tortured for no reason at all, with almost everything taking place offscreen, until she dies. Uch. What exactly was supposed to be the point of watching this?


Since no one else seems to have mentioned this, this movie uses elements surrounding the torture murder of Sylvia Marie Likens.

Born January 3, 1949, in 1965 Sylvia was just 16 years old.

”Sylvia was the third child of carnival workers Lester Cecil Likens (1926–2013) and his wife, Elizabeth Frances "Betty" (nĂ©e Grimes, 1927–1998). She was born between two sets of fraternal twins, Diana (also spelled "Dianna") and Danny (two years older), and Jenny and Benny (one year younger, the former disabled by polio).[2] The Likens' marriage was unstable. The family moved frequently, and the couple had difficulties financially supporting their children. Likens and her sister Jenny were often boarded out or forced to live with relatives such as their grandmother so that their schoolwork would not suffer while their parents were on the road.[3]”

”In 1965, (Sylvia) and Jenny were living with their mother Betty in Indianapolis, Indiana when Betty was arrested and jailed for shoplifting. Lester Likens, who had recently separated from his wife, arranged for his daughters to board with Baniszewski, the mother of the girls' new friend Paula (17) and her six siblings Stephanie (15), John (12), Marie (11), Shirley (10), James (8), and few-months-old Dennis Lee Wright Jr. Although the Baniszewskis were poor, Lester "didn't pry" into the condition of the house (as he reported at the trial), and he encouraged Baniszewski to "straighten his daughters out".[5]”

”While Lester Likens agreed to pay Baniszewski $20 ($149.67 adjusted for inflation) a week, this stipend was (apparently) sometimes late, and Baniszewski, described by The Indianapolis Star as a "haggard, underweight asthmatic"[5] suffering from depression and the stress of several failed marriages, began taking her anger out on the Likens girls, beating them with paddles.”

As time went on, Baniszewski began to focus the majority of her anger on Sylvia. (According to some accounts, Sylvia herself may have encouraged this in defense of her disabled younger sister Jenny!)

Sylvia endured, in my opinion, some of the most hair-raising atrocities known to man! In fact, her case was called by some the worst case of abuse and torture inflicted on a single victim! Before the “Crime Library Website” was shut down, the entire disturbing story of Sylvia’s suffering and ultimate demise was told in graphic detail.

Thanks to other websites like Wikipedia, most of the true details of what was done to Sylvia are still available to the public.

”The Girl Next Door” is an admitted horror story that uses the basic bones of the Likens case to tell a fictional story. It is not a "docu-drama".

(This post was created using excerpts from the Wikipedia article “Sylvia Likens”

There are also a number of memorial pages dedicated to Sylvia, some of which which include the words of a poem that is on a memorial monument created in her honor...

