MovieChat Forums > Jack and Jill (2011) Discussion > Adam Sandler just killed his career.

Adam Sandler just killed his career.

I saw this because I was still hoping for a quirky comedy that Sandler used to give in the 90s/early 2000s (despite the bad trailer). Well this movie was pure garbage. I would just like to know WHAT THE HELL happened? I want to see more of Happy Gilmore/Waterboy/Deeds...not this Happy Madison related stuff.

I feel that Sandler has axed his career. Thoughts on his recent works?




Big Daddy was his best.



So the OP automatically thinks he can predict what films can kill an actor's career. If the OP is a fortuneteller, can he tell me who's gonna win the 2012 election?


He could tell you a bunch of people who won't be president, which was entirely his point

"You're killin' me Smalls!"


i love the logic of simple people like comicman117.

why is there always one of these simpletons saying stuff like "if u cant say anything nice dont say anything at all" or "why come here just to complain?" or "how do you know the future?" or "id like to see you make a better movie"

ugh its so annoying. its like you are completely oblivious to the fact that you are a 55 year old fat ugly old woman who doesnt understand reality and has been stuck talking only to their kids as they grew up.



"All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy"



what is it you guys don't get that this is all personal opinions? Stop bashing each other because you have different tastes.

I am an Adam Sandler fan, I can name so many movies he stars in that I love, does that make me an idiot?

This is just pure entertainment, why insult people like this randomly, this is ridiculous.


The only decent Adam Sandler's movie is surely and only "Punch Drunk Love".


Hated Grown Ups
Loved Funny People probley his best movie next to Billy Madison
Didn't wanna bother with Just go with It
Will never watch Jack and Jill



About about cemented?


Yeah I hated Waterboy even back when I was the target audience and I was a big fan of Sandler from SNL, Gilmore and Wedding Singer. Then he made Mr. Deeds and then I realized those films were a fluke and this man has NO CLUE what a good comedy film is. Mr. Sandler's good films were an accident, he has no taste. He does a film with actual substance lie Punch Drunk Love because the price is right and I guess his agent thought it would be good for him to do a film with some prestige. All he wants to do is make garbage because he doesn't know any better.


What are you on? His best role is Punch Drunk Love.


"What are you on? His best role is Punch Drunk Love. " - lol, that was hillarious you should write a movie for sandler and revive his career... that movie proved he has no acting ability outside of comedy... even a mate of mine who loves all of his movies (even the crap ones) said that was a horrible movie


I would agree that Punch Drunk Love and Funny People are his two best works.


All your post proves is that your mate has questionable taste in movies.

I'm the grim reaper, lardass, and you're my next customer.


What about 50 First Dates? That movie is very underrated, I loved it!



I liked Little Nicky! I've seen it about 50 times lol.


this was sandlers "love guru" the film where it showed how he has fallen out of touch with what's funny and what is even just interesting. I couldn't watch too much of it after all the boring dialogue involving jill. What a stupid idea of a film and david letterman talked about how good it was.


And yet for the most part, those movies make money (being realistic) that means his career is well and alive in hollywood. Crappy or not, he has a career.


Sandler has never been a great filmmaker; though verily consistently for a number years he made enjoyable films that were a good night out. I think he has sunk below even his relatively low standards recently though. However, his films do keep making money. Even Jack and Jill looks like it isn't going to a complete disaster financially.

I think the opposite of what has been indicated by some posters here is true about his film choices. Sandler wants to do mature films but there is a lot of pressure on him to keep making films that fit with the happy madison brand. All four of his attempts to make more serious films combined do not equal the gross of Grown Ups.

Finally to Destani, I'm sure the approximately 2% of america that is jewish are responsible for Sandler's 12 100-million earners over the past 13 years either that or his BO prowess must be some kind of evil zionist accounting scam.


Are you talking to me?



No Destani and I will edit that.


Thank you!


I never cared for the sort of humor that Sandler expels, but this is the worst: crude and tastless in addition to terminally silly.


we're all entitled to our opinions but i find him incredibley overated never liked any of his films very much click and little nikki okish but the nail in the coffin for me was funny people god i hated that film it was cringeworthy so sugery i thought my teeth were going to fall out..


Punch Drunk Love and Funny People were by far his best movies. But they're not the typical Adam Sandler movies.

From the standard Happy Madison style movies, I loved Happy Gilmore. I never really got Billy Madison like most people did but I did enjoy it. After that though they have been going steadily down hill. Big Daddy wasn't terrible, but wasn't up to par with Happy Gilmore. Grown Ups just seemed like he wanted to get the band back together and have fun, while hoping to make money on a movie. Also Kevin James is not Chris Farley, and Kevin James character in that movie just screamed Farley which only took even more away from it.

Just Go With it wasn't terrible, but it seems like it was nothing more than a movie sponsored by SI's Swimsuit issue to promote Brooklyn Decker's massive money makers. Didn't like Dave Matthews or Nicole Kidman's characters in it though.


Yeah Punch Drunk Love, Spanglish, and Funny People were quality films.

His other movies for the most part have been crap. They are however movies aimed at 12-15 year old boys. That is a demographic that watches a ton of movies so his movies make money. If you are an adult, I would hope you are past thinking someone getting hit in the crotch is that funny.


I thought Spanglish was one of the worst movies I've ever seen.

Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds.



Don't expect his career to go the way of Burt Reynolds.
