MovieChat Forums > The Danish Girl (2016) Discussion > Transgenderism is mental illness...

Transgenderism is mental illness...

...which is currently enabled and encouraged by mass hysteria and cultural brainwashing, combined with extreme PC conformity.

My crazy neighbor most closely "identifies" with birds. Perhaps he should be granted species reassignment surgery, and widely celebrated too?

What truly odd times in which we live. Think for yourselves, mindless sheep...instead of simply regurgitating what you are told, repeating slogans, and following the lead of others. Have some pride in your individuality, you shameless lemmings.

Here's another fine lad who very much identified with something he was not born into:

Conformity outweighs common sense, awareness, and rational/individual thought. least, with the vast majority.


"Political Correctness is the new McCarthyism" - a dude I know


Are you from the 16th century? What you are preaching next: witch hunt or what is this? Are you sleeping on a bible avoiding any science and humanism to repeat mistakes of history? What is the matter with you? Just read Adorno and Foucault and try again... mental illness... what a joke!


Well I am trans and agree that it's a mental illness although not in the same way as you describe. I do, however, think that anyone who is trans and understands the nature of their condition properly should surely realise that it's 100% obvious that it is a mental illness. Furthermore, it's not even in our interests to see it as anything else because if that idea was generally accepted we wouldn't be able to get help. I think the reason people try to depict it as something else is due to the stigma of and prejudice against people who are mentally ill. I don't really get why people are so fixated on saying it's not when it so clearly is, and gender dysphoric people ought to be able to realise from their own experience that it has to be.


In some countries - although not in the U.S. - the only way you can get the government to cover the surgery is by saying you're mentally ill. On Facebook a transsexual in Sweden said that's the way it is there.


Oh, if you saw it on Facebook it MUST be true!



Like you, I want facts off the internet. However, it seems BugisStreetAnnie was just relating the personal experience of a transexual from Sweden that she knows from Facebook. The sex reassignment surgery in Sweden IS free...if one is willing to be declared mentally ill, become divorced (if married), and permanently sterilized. Hmmm. Methinks it's not so free after all. 

It is well-known that LGBT rights and services in Sweden are considered some of the most progressive in the world. They have even produced the largest long-term follow-up study of "Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery". Interestingly, the conclusions were discouraging (surgery was only so helpful):

BUT the really weird thing (as mentioned above) is that as liberal as the Swedish rights seem to be, the law not only requires sterilization of the transgender person before sex reassignment, but one must also be sterilized if only to legally update their gender on official ID papers:

So while the Facebook transexual says he can get "free" surgery from his government, he must sacrifice the aforementioned things...before they even think about picking up the scalpel.
 Is any "free healthcare" ever truly free?

List of LGBT rights of Sweden:

More on forced sterilization in Sweden:

"Don't get chumpatized!" - The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (2007)


BUT the really weird thing (as mentioned above) is that as liberal as the Swedish rights seem to be, the law not only requires sterilization of the transgender person before sex reassignment, but one must also be sterilized if only to legally update their gender on official ID papers:

As much as I appreciate people who do link whatever is in question, I would be very very careful when linking something from 2012, in 2016. Because, things have happened after that.

And since your link about the LGBT rights in Sweden didn't include sterilisation as far as I could see, the easiest way is to check Wiki. Which normally is a good source, but not always the best choice when it comes to facts. However, in this case, it is. And I will quote only to the juridical parts.

Unfortunately there's no link in English, so I ran it through Google Translate so the English is a bit shaky. And since I'm a Swede, I just want things to be... right.
Gender reassignment in Sweden

Juridical regulation

Gender Corrections are regulated by Act (1972: 119) establishing gender in certain cases, including both transsexuals and intersexuals. The law requires that the person because of transsexualism applies for sex change, must be at least 18 years old and must have lived in the country at least a year, in order to be authorized to the new legal gender and gender reassignment surgery.

Previously it was required that the applicant was also:

- Unmarried (that is, according to practice; unmarried, widow/widower, separated or not in an established partnership)
- Sterile
- Swedish citizen

The first two requirements have been abolished and replaced by the third; an accommodation requirement. The requirement of sterilisation was also interpreted by the National Board of Legal Advice, Administrative Court and Förvaltningsdomstolen and Kammarrätten, as a requirement that neither reproduction serviceable frozen reproductive cells from the patient might be. Neither this was allowed, as long as the sterilisation requirement remained.

The requirement of sterilisation became 10 January 2013 obsolete, due to a judgement of Kammarrätten in Stockholm. The requirement was also removed from the Act SFS 2013: 405 which came into force on 1 July 2013.

Whoever, because of intersexualism applies for gender reassignment must by law be:

- Unmarried
- Swedish citizen

Any juridical requirements for gender reassignment surgery, in addition to sterilisation, to get a new legal gender has never existed, for any of the groups. National Board of Legal Council decisions can be appealed to the usual administrative matters, the administrative court and then to Kammarrätten.


You define what is ill and what is not and want to sell it as a natural right or something? Trans people do not see it as an illness and if one does he/she is wrong. It is a mental illness if somebody was hurt by a mental "configuration" but it is not by transgenderism. But I see you want to hurt someone with your middle age attitude and I do not believe you are trans and if you were it would not have to do with anything. You do not have any arguments.


I only have one main question for you: why does it matter to you so much what people do with their own bodies?


Imagine if a perfectly healthy person decided that they identify as disabled (it's called trans-ableism), and ordered surgery to make themselves blind or unable to walk. Would you feel that it's alright to do so instead of offering them mental help?

But it doesn't end with their own bodies. Nowadays, everyone is supposed to cheer these mentally ill persons for doing what they did, to address them using specific pronouns, allowing them access to ladies' bathrooms etc.


Nowadays, everyone is supposed to cheer these mentally ill persons for doing what they did, to address them using specific pronouns, allowing them access to ladies' bathrooms etc.
No, they just want to be treated like anyone else.

"Leave me to do my dark bidding on the internet!"


Not so. Here's one of transgender men threatens to send someone home in ambulance for calling him "sir".

There is a law in NY which requires businesses to address transgenders with specific pronouns, or else.

There are infamous bathroom regulations which insist on letting mentally disturbed men into ladies' bathrooms.


Not so. Here's one of transgender men threatens to send someone home in ambulance for calling him "sir".
Well, I'm shocked! A transgender person being an a$$hole. No non-trans gender people EVER behave offensively, do they? 
There is a law in NY which requires businesses to address transgenders with specific pronouns, or else.
Or else what?
There are infamous bathroom regulations which insist on letting mentally disturbed men into ladies' bathrooms.
That's a bullsh!t talking point for bigots, who - it seems - are more fascinated with the private parts of the people in the next stall who just want to pee in peace.
People who are transgender aren't the problem.

"Leave me to do my dark bidding on the internet!"


1. The problem is, all the rest in the video do not see that as transgender being in the wrong. Instead they accuse Shapiro for calling that man "sir" and justify the reaction as appropriate.
2. Or else huge 5-figure fines.
3. I don't think any men should be allowed in ladies bathrooms, period. Predators pretending to be trans to get access, is merely an additional argument as to why this is a terrible idea.


2. Or else huge 5-figure fines.
I'd really like to see the proof of that. Would you happen to have any links?
Listen, I get it. You think transgender people are against god or some sh!t like that. You're more than free to have that opinion. Just don't use an example of one being as a$$hole to say, "Here's undeniable proof that they all are!"
I could point to Robert Padgett, who shot Gary Durham to death four years after he was released from prison after serving more than a decade for killing Timothy Gibbs - both "road rage" incidents - and say all Florida motorists are killers. I could, but I'm not a dumbass, so I don't do things like that. Bad apples are everywhere, and they come in all shapes, colors, sizes, genders, nationalities, get the idea.

"Leave me to do my dark bidding on the internet!"


I'm not sure the comment system allows me to send links or it will be considered spam, but if you look up "not using transgender pronouns could get you fined", you'll find the article. I was wrong about 5-figure fines, actually it's up to $250,000, therefore 6 figures.

you get the idea.

No, actually, I don't. I described specifically what the problem is.


You're an idiot, but that's obvious. Especially now that I see where you get your "news."

"Leave me to do my dark bidding on the internet!"


You're an idiot

Oh wow, thank you for civil discussion.


Oh wow, thank you for civil discussion.
Stop posting lies from unreliable sources like Brietbart and Allen West, and maybe I'll take you seriously.

"Leave me to do my dark bidding on the internet!"


I treat trans-women as men for dating purposes.



Time wounds all heels.


You would look cute with a nice rack.


You are correct sir . It is against God . If people bothered to do any research they would see most of these cases end up committing suicide . You can't be born in the wrong body it's all in your mind .


It is against God .

Good god.

it's all in your mind

So is your god.


Transgenderism is NOT a "mental illness". However, bigotry is, and there is secular therapy for it. Get some.


Transgenderism is NOT a "mental illness". However, bigotry is

As much as I hate to say this and no offence, but Transgenderism is still categorized as a mental disorder, which is just... plain wrong. But at least we're heading at better times, and I'm sure there'll be countries which will follow;
Denmark to declassify being transgender as mental disorder.

Move is intended to put pressure on the World Health Organisation, which has yet to remove transsexualism from its list of mental disorders. Denmark will next year declassify “being transgender” as a mental illness, lawmakers from the parliament health committee have announced.

“It is completely inappropriate to call it a sickness,” the committee’s deputy chairman Flemming Moller Mortensen said on Tuesday.

“There is a longstanding wish from the trans community in Denmark to have it removed” from the health ministry’s clinical guidelines on illnesses, he added.

The move, which would come into force on 1 January, is also intended to put pressure on the World Health Organisation (WHO), which has yet to remove transsexualism from its list of mental disorders.

Denmark has “no more patience” with the WHO, which will discuss the issue later this year, Mortensen said.

The World Health Organization, whose Classification of Diseases considering doing the same.

Go Denmark! ✊

(France in 2010 - according to media reports, was the first country in the world - to remove transsexualism from the official list of mental disorders.)



A long time ago, homosexuality was regarded as a mental illness


To be gay is one thing, but transgender is another. I don't understand nonbinary gender either, but I would never insult anyone.


And it is.

Have you seen the domestic abuse statistics? The substance abuse statistics? The child abuse statistics? The depression and suicide-rate statistics?

Mentally well people don't engage in such self-destructive behavior at such a high rate per capita.
