MovieChat Forums > Se, jie (2007) Discussion > Perception about Asian male's sex appeal

Perception about Asian male's sex appeal

I am raising this subject for the sake of a rational discussion about the perception of Asian male's sex appeal.

Probably no one would dispute that Tony Leung's bold performance in the sex scenes in LC sets a precendent that for the first time an Asian male actor is portrayed as a hot-blooded sexaul being on the big screen. A few posters remark how hot Tony Leung looks. One cannot help but wonder if it would help to change the perception about the sexual image of Asian male in general, and in movies and TV in particular. Let's face it. Here in the U.S., if you ask anyone to quickly come up with a few adjectives to describe an Asain woman, most likely these would be the words: sensual, beautiful, mysterous, delicate, smart, etc.--mostly words implying pretty positive sexual connotation. Ask the same question about an Asian man, what would most people conjure up? Most likely: nerdy, wonkish, awkward, asexual, etc. Why? My theory is that the way Asian male and female is portrayed in the mass media is drastically different.

I just want to start this thread to provoke some discussion. Anyone with an opinion, please chime in.


It really is unfortunate that Asian males are portrayed the way they are in North America. From the time that I lived in Japan, I found that there are many good looking men there! In fact, I prefer Asian men to non-Asian ones, and I am Caucasian myself.

I think Asian males are portrayed the way they are because the world sees as Asian men in the stereotypical sense. They see them as the ones who study all the time and are married to their jobs. Remember the kids who got the top marks in high school/university? I'll bet a fair number of them were Asian. I think that what happens is that in North American media, they combine this "nerdiness" with the North American stereotype of nerdiness, which is the sort of awkward character Asian men often portray.

I hope that made some sense. :) Hopefully, Tony Leung will change some of the stereotypes surrounding Asian men in North American cinema.

¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ Victoria


Well, I don't find Asian women better looking than the Asian men at all. And they are not the words I would use to describe Asian women either.



Ok, I thought I'd put in my two pence worth into this thread about the attractiveness of Asian males as I am a white woman who lives in Britain. In addition (or in conjunction) with the rise of topics such as these, there also has been a recent rise in discussions about why heterosexual AF/WM seem to pair up a lot more than heterosexual AM/WF. Therefore, there is obviously a growing need to understand how WF perceive Asian men, East Asian men in particular. Just to clarify, in Britain, Asian cultures have politicised themselves quite differently from Asian cultures in America. I work with the black & minority ethnic (BME) and recently there was a focus to drop the "black" as white workers saw it as a racist term. It was the BME community who rejected this change as a lot of minority ethnic communities have united under the banner of 'black' and see it as a positive term. In Britain, you cannot call someone from African-American origin "African American" as that is termed racist. The African-Americans I know prefer to be, politically, referred to as "black".

Also, in Britian we have a much higher concentration of people from Western Asian origin (either direct descendants or 2nd//3rd generation, etc) living here than we do Eastern Asian. As a result, the term Asian is used to desribe those from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. To differentiate, we call those who have descended from the Mongoloid race either "Eastern Asian" or "Oriental". I don't like the term "Oriental" due to it's negative connotations so I'll use the term "Eastern Asian". I hope this doesn't offend anyone as this can be tricky in an international forum.

My view is that, in Britain, Eastern Asian men are not sufficiently (or accurately) covered by the media. We have a growing number of films in Scotland that deal with Western Asian idenities living in Scotland (the marvellous Ae Fond Kiss is an example) but very little about Eastern Asian. In addition, although we do have an Eastern Asian population, they tend not to be very visible in more "mainstream" society. Although we have a growing number of Eastern Asian men and women studying at Scottish Universities, they tend to study subjects that are more 'male-dominated', i.e. science & techology (engineering, medicine, particle physics, etc) therefore AF have more access to meet WM than AM do with WM (I know a number of WM/AF couples who met this way). In addition, WF that I know are not clear about Eastern Asian culture and the whole concept of arranged marriages, etc. Therefore, Eastern Asian men can be regarded as 'not being allowed (or preferred)' to date WF, similar to how Western Asian men are viewed by WF. Like Western Asian men, WF recongise that Eastern Asian culture is more saturated with religion and family match-making than ours is. A lot of WF in Britian are not religious and their families have little influence in their choice of partner. WF can be intimidated by the fact that they may be expected to convert to a religion to date an Eastern Asian man or that their family will not approve of the match. These factors can help explain why there are not a lot of AM/WF couples in British society.

In response to the "sexiness" of the Eastern Asian male, I can honestly say that a lot of WF find Asian men extremely attractive. In my own top 10 list of famous male celebrities for attractiveness, I would place Takeshi Kaneshiro, Tony Leung Chu Wui, Tony Leung Ka Fai, Jet Li and Bruce Lee (as well as his son Brandon but that could be regarded more as a Eurasian matter) on that list alongside Western men such as Christian Bale, Jake Gyllenhaal, etc. However, I watch a lot of foreign films which are not so widely accessed by the majority of the WF population in Britain. Popular films with Eastern Asian men tend not to emphasize the more ardent sexual behaviour of Eastern Asian men, i.e. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Hero, Enter the Dragon, House of Flying Daggers, Kiss of the Dragon, Romeo Must Die, etc, and if they do, it is mostly always with Eastern Asian women which reinforces the stereotype that Eastern Asian men prefer "their own kind". Films that do portray AM/WF relations tend to empahsize the "inappropriateness" of the relationship and how it can never be accepted by either culture, i.e. The Lover. Romeo Must Die was an exception to this but, even then, the love story was underplayed (I know it was AM/BW but I'm using it as an example) and there was no real sexual chemistry.

There needs to be more independent films portraying AM/WF couples WITHOUT the whole "inappropriate and never-to-be-accepted" angle to convey to the majority of the WF population that all Eastern Asian men do not conform to the stereotype and that dating an Eastern Asian men isn't going to cause an absolute out-cry. Also, it would help if AM were a bit more forward when they find a WF woman attractive! However, on the whole, both parties probably think they would by rejected by the other due to the whole stereotype thing. We need to work to bring down the barriers. AM, WF DO find you attractive... maybe not ALL WF, but AM are not universally seen as nerdish, assexual, etc. In the coming years I do think these barriers will break down, but more needs to be done now to help this process.

Again, just my two pence worth...



exactly, sexy men are just sexy, whether white, black, asian or whatever. I'm european white female and I was so turned on by Ji-tae Yu in Oldboy. that movie was eyeopening. korean cinema is flourishing for a few years now and yes koreans are sexy. thanks to great asian directors like Chan-wook Park, Ki-duk Kim, Ang Lee, Kar Wai Wong, Yimou Zhang and others and some hot asian actors, (who can act,btw) I became a great fan of asian cinema and developed a thing for asian men. the only problem is that asian men are not very tall especially if you are, but hey Ji-tae Yu 186 cm. I dont recall Tony Leung Chiu Wai was this sexy in 2046 and In the mood for love. he was sexy but not this much, God bless Ang Lee. imperialistic propaganda (cause thats what it is) never had effect on me. actually it makes me sick. Lust, caution is better than most of american production this year (I've seen every american film worth seeing this year), still american critics are dissin it. Knocked up got better reviews.


It's not so much the words themselves, but how they are used. The word "Oriental" has been used largely in a negative/ignorant manner for a long time.


Being Chinese myself, it has appeared to be the norm that Chinese females are marrying white men. Every time I go onto the streets, I see many couples of mixed race - not that there's anything wrong with it, because multi-culturalism is desirable way of life. Today, even our Chinese parents approve our daughters marrying a white guy.. they've finally welcomed the 21st century.

As they say to their daughters - to marry a skin lighter than yourself is acceptable. But they tend to frown upon their daughters marry darker skinned men, such as Africans. But white is okay!


chinesehorse - I agree with everything you said. I've never found Asian men to be attractive, no offense, but I think you could be right that it has a lot to do with the way they are portrayed. I didn't really find Tony Leung to be very attractive but in this movie, maybe it was because of the part he played, I found myself being a little attracted to him. This also happened with Ken Wantanabe in "Memoirs of a Geisha".

I was born when she kissed me. I died when she left me. I lived a few weeks while she loved me.




The truth hurts doesn't it, the fact that I am an Asian man who's ABLE to admit the truth, instead of sweeping the problem under the carpet.

An old Chinese saying: Better short term hurt rather than long term suffering.

Peace out, from Beijing.




You appear to be someone who's been hurt in the past, and I can understand your anger. As a Chinese male myself, I have had many friends who's asian girlfriends have dumped them for a white boy, and sometimes even a black boy. It's tragic I know, but it's NOT the end of the world.

If you really are Asian, then you are a race traitor and a disgrace to Asian men everywhere.

Yes, I am Asian, but that is quite irrelevant. I don't care what race, ethnicity or nationality people are, I am still going to speak out. For I am ultimately a human being.



Yes, it is the media that is creating this BS. I used to live in the States and I always have self hatred sometimes. I dont know, maybe it was just me. But when I moved back to my home country Venezuela ( Yes I am Asian from SOuth America) I realized that theres this whole other world out there where Asian males are considered a hottie! I have seen more Asian males with non Asian women (of light skin decent) than I have ever had. And the funny thing is, I have heard white and latina women complain about why Asian males always hooks up with Asian women only (in SOuth America). Its interested, and now I am actually having a lot of "game" in here. I have more dates and sexual relationships than in the States. Even now, I am dating a young white women. Truth is, Hispanic girls are way more open minded than the ones in AMerica and I contribute this to the media. In the US, we asians, particularly Asian males are always being looked with belligerent eyes of the westeneres. HEre in SA, we still get some, but we also get a lot of respect and compassion. Theres is so much more community spirit in here. I know, tell my fellow brothers in US to move out and explore the world that there is so much more out there besides this so called land of the free, the rnited states. I honestly think that the US is really a "cage" with mind manipulation from media, and neverending slavery through credit crunch and employment. ITs sad, but tis true...Im ashamed to partly called myself, an american now, cos all I have heard WAS ALL A LIE. so to my asian brothers in the states, wake up! and see the real dangers and evils of western world.


Hey, if you're an Asian man then chances are you will mostly date Asian women. And they're the best (AW) lovers. Why should you go for second best when you already have the best?



<<<<And they're the best (AW) lovers. Why should you go for second best when you already have the best?

Depends who you ask, really. If you ask the average Greek man, they'll say Greek Women are best. If you ask Italian man they say Italian women. If you ask Indian man, they'll say Indian. If you ask Russian man, they mostly reply Russian (or American). If you ask Japanese, they'll say Japanese women. etc etc etc

It's the same with food. Different cultures usually enjoy their own food more often than not.


actually this is a very true statement. i was raised in america, but upon reaching adulthood, have spent my life traveling the world and seeing/experiencing/living other cultures.

the perception of asians in other areas of the world can be quite different. We Americans are way too caught up on penis size, which is probably associated with our desire for more guns, more aggression, more dominance. Blacks males used to look down on white males for their sex appeal, and this stereotype was then turned onto Asian males. And, as the myth stereotyping white people became clearly untrue, so shall this myth stereotyping Asians in America, especially once after we gain more social clout.

But the funny thing is that this is purely an American phenomenon. It doesn't happen elsewhere in the world. I love my country, and I love being an American, but I find this fact about American society interestingly problematic.

Go figure.



Joy Luck Club has a very sexy scene with Russell Wong.


I find Asian men very very sexy. (I'm white).

I don't need to see them as animals on screen to know that they are as capable of passion as any man from any other country/ethnicity.

What most women want (I think) is an animal that can control himself.

I see Asian men as just that - fierce passion restrained.

Chow Yun Fat, for example, is so serene in his countenance, but you can sense there is something more there.

Ken Watanabe - okay - WOW!

I'll stop there.


"I see Asian men as just that - fierce passion restrained."

White gal here.. I prefer Italian men for their limitless passion. Most men are too afraid to show emotion or passion, Asian men in particular from my own experience.

Chow fat, meh I find his eyes are a bit too small, but he's got a cute little ears. =DD


No disrespect intended, but I really don't give a how white/black/brown women perceive Asian men like me. (I like some of them WW). I am crazy with my gorgeous AW and some of them are crazy about me. That's all I care.


Anyways, back to the topic! I agree, Asian men are hot.. I am one myself I should know! I once dated a white girl - she was fairly obese, and no other white guy would want her, and that meant an opportunity for me. Anyway, we started dating. It went pretty well, but soon we broke up because whenever we went out people were staring at me, probably thinking I'm not even good enough for an overweight white girl. IMO, they were probably right though, and it still hurts to think back to it.



Huh? Btw size does not matter, it's how you use it.


AsianFilmGuru - men would like to believe that but it's not true. If you were a woman you'd know this. Hell watch of few episodes of Sex and the City, they bring it up quite a bit and these are women writers.

Anyway. My best friend loves Asian men, but tall Asain men which is odd and her mum is half Japanese. On the other hand my other friends dad is half Japanese and she's Buddhist (so she spends a lot of time around asians) but she doesn't really care for Asian men.

I was born when she kissed me. I died when she left me. I lived a few weeks while she loved me.



I love how men here in IMDB just dismiss women's opinion. It's like you all love to believe that women will love you, small penis and all. Everytime women bring up that size matters you all jump on them, and are like no size doesn't matter, my gf says size doesn't matter. Maybe she's just saying that for you so you won't feel bad, but no woman wants to *beep* Mr. PinkieDick, get over it already.

And that may be the case when it comes to men and breasts but comparing a penis size to size of woamn's breast, there's just no comparison. Woman don't *beep* you with their breasts.

It is scientifically proven that women only need five inches but that doesn't mean anything. What you want and what you need are totally different.

Being a man of course you can't go up to women and ask so does size matter because most of them will lie to you, but being a woman, knowing women, etc. you'll hear differently. However there are a few women out there that don't really care, so maybe those women are giving you an honest answer.

By the way Sex and the City was written by women.

And if you still don't believe me, go onto a website show a picture of a man in his underwear or hell go onto a gossip site, find a picture of a celeb in wet swimwear or underwear and you'll see conversations between women either stating he's too small, just right etc.

Here's a few examples and there are many more discussions just like this. This is just a few snippits from one website. You can find more under the "endowed" section or you can go on other websites and find even lengthier conversations: e_whats_the_appeal.php e.php heat.php _boyfriend_stands_out.php _some_heat.php

I was born when she kissed me. I died when she left me. I lived a few weeks while she loved me.


I have a sister, female friends who talk openly, so I know — to a certain extent — size matters. However, a man can be "too big" as well. There is a "sweet spot" for most woman concerning the size of the man. That size where, the man is not too big, or too small, but just right.

Of course it is ABSURD to try to assert that all women have similar tastes concerning size. That is just stupid. Taste varies from woman to woman. I've known women who had very small openings, but for some reason they simply *loved* a large man who would just go to town on them. Then, some women like a man to be a comfortable size, they don't like something big.

The variation of taste concerning size is as infinite as the sizes available. It's similar to the sexual tastes of women. Some women like a lot of foreplay, while others just want a couple minutes and then want to get wild. Some women like lovemaking to be slow and gentle, while others want a rodeo ride... some want both, at different times. So there is simply no way anyone can speak for "all women" concerning size.

However, I do think it is true that performance can significantly alter a woman's enjoyment. In other words, performance can either greatly increase satisfaction or totally ruin it. A guy who knows how to work it can make up for small wedding tackle (unless he has micro equipment), and a guy with a significant phallus can negate this advantage by love making like a cold fish.

I think it's true that performance is FAR more important than size, but there is a point of diminishing returns... meaning performance can make up for only so much. If a man suffers from micro penis, no amount of working it is going to substitute for a woman feeling "filled" to satisfaction.

A good female friend told me that her greatest lover was a man with an average to below-average size penis, and one of the worst lovers (not the worst) was a man with (as she put it) a "glorious member".

Point being, what a woman wants varies from woman to woman, and performance matters more than anything, but there is something as "too small" and "too large" and... just right.

"...nothing is left of me, each time I see her..." - Catullus


She's right fellas. Size does matter. HOWEVER, if you really like a guy and you have chemistry then size can be secondary. I once dated this short, fat Italian guy with the prettiest green eyes and a small penis (no Italian Stallion was he) and I used to hyperventilate at just the thought of having sex with him. When flaccid, his penis was like what I call an eraser tip, head, but no noticeable shaft. Erect, it didn't get much bigger (lengthwise) but was normal around. I also dated a guy (tall, not fat) with one the size of a baby milk bottle (regular condoms did not fit) - no chemistry and I never got as turned on by him as the little short, fat one with the little penis.

So, guys, you can't change the size of your penis, but you can do other things to turn her on so she'll hyperventilate at the thought of having sex with you. Like improving lovemaking skills, doing really nice, thoughtful things. And for you married guys? Vacuuming and washing dishes is a real turn on (and taking a shower and brushing your teeth before getting in bed)...and I am not kidding.

As my ex-husband use to say, when you're weak in the hips, you get strong in the....


"I know you cannot date an Asian girl. It's not your fault. It's not white/black/yellow here. Just that you have a little fking dck!!! "

It amuses me whenever a white guy talks about other guy's dick size. I they did a lot of BJ's in order to come to that conclusion. LOL.




The above stereotypes are similar to ones about Asians in the United States. But in Latin America, they are used to construct an overall positive, powerful image of the Asian Latino."...

In other words, the stereotypes are the same, but in South America women find money much more important in a man.
