I don't.




i don't..i hate them...they're loud and abnoxious


the japanese are not only better looking, but they are smarter and have better overall standards (cleanliness, aesthetic, health, etc) then italian.

Italians are good musicians though! Good filmmakers too.


Good filmakers? In the past.
Japanese smarter? all of them?? Wow. Congrats.

Anyway, you know everything is relative? Here Japanese are seen as repressed workaholics, bizarre if not perverted, and all looking much the same.

Yeah, stereotypes suck, huh?

IGNORE trolls, that's what they HATE


Me neither.


Well, I don't know where that hate came from, with that remark stating that Japanese people are better-- yada, yada, yada. I will say this though, I like the Japanese, I appreciate their culture, admire their intelligence, and love their cities.

Now, on a side note, physical beauty is a matter of opinion and preference. You believe them to be better looking? Then I would congratulate you on completing the first step toward finding a mate.


that is the smartest thing i've heard on this thread, Vvalenti. Drop the hate everybody. It won't get you anywhere.


I appreciate your continued support, moghman. Thank you.




Funny thhat you mention American Wars. As a matter of fact, more Italians/Americans served in the US military than any other nationality. Therefore, you can thank the guineas for saving the world. Not to mention, Britain was inches away from collapsing before America jumped on the Allied side.

Your welcome. MATE

I'm so glad we're having this stupid conversation online and not in person bcause im sure your breath smells like fresh diahrea. Get those Choppers fixed Brit.


whether you want to admit it or not

1) THE FOOD !!! Pizza , pasta, cannoli, zeppoli, ravioli, chicken parmagiana, Biscotti,

2) THE women!!
3) The style
4) The films
5) The actors/actresses

ANDDDD JUST so you clowns remember - This country is named after a WOP!!



I never once mentioned Italians in the American Revolution AGAINST BRITAIN. The biggest failure in World History. They tried to conquer all the land in the world and their country is still as small as California. I stated thhat more IItalians have served in the US miliary than any other ethnicity. There were more Italians in World War II than any other ss well.

AMERICA is named after AMERIGO. Go read a text book. jackass
Everybody knows that!!

Its sad to see how so many of you are jealous of the Italian heritage. YOu guys posting on here shows it even more. The more time you spend on this films page, the more jealous you must be.



The Welsh are just Irish who can't swim.


now I am even MORE confused about seeing this movie! I actually came to these boards to find out about the film but appreciate the stereotyping, history lessons, sociological projections, etc.

what a relief to be Canadian - the cultural mosaic vs. melting pot is so much more reality based!

we have whole areas in Toronto (i.e. Little Italy) that promote, encourage, nay CELEBRATE the offerings of peoples of different cultures and backgrounds.


The bottom line is that if people come on this webpage specifically to bash Italian people, culture or history - then they are ignorant stereotypical losers and the fact that they came on here to do so shows that they are, deep down, jealous of Italians, and 2, Have NO LIVES!!





hoodballer 23-2,

What the *beep* is up with you. Why are you hating on Italians and making offensive remarks. What did they ever do to you you prick. Italians are important to the US, just like all the other nationalities. You don't see me hating on "English-Americans" or Brits. Seriously get your head out of your ass. Wake up, and drop this hate. It only makes you look like an ignorant *beep* Especially after all this "tony pepperoni guinea wop" bulls**t," you're lucky you live in the midwest. i would not hesitate to find you and confront you face to face. Not fight, (unless you wanted to), but just to see where all this hate comes from.




I'll give you pizza. That's about it. The rest of their food sucks. Italian women are generally not pretty and their language is not the most pleasant to listen to. Also, please don't forget Italians were on Nazis' side during the war; there's nothing to be proud of here. Italy has always been one of my least favorite European countries. Even their national team plays the most annoying, and ugly style of football ever. The title of this movie is an insult or a joke.





didn't mean to put down midwest. my bad. so, you wrote all of those hateful, offensive slurs against Italians because you were peeved at RockyBalboa? Man, I don't care who you've got a little fight with. does that give you the write all of those slurs? even if they're not aimed at the Italians you think are "cool" as you call them? something's wrong with this picture. if you have little fit with RockyBalboa, hash it out but don't bring a whole culture of people into it.


If we are less productive, why do we work 9-6 and not 9-5 like in the US?

As for artistic talent, what a cliché. Italian *scientists* work at very high levels - though they do so in other countries, since Italy doesn't offer much to them (opportunities, money and such). This has been dubbed "brain drain".

IGNORE trolls, that's what they HATE




The name after Welshman??? Please USA users, don't be so FALSE


Amerigo Vespucci !

Stop making up phony rumors. I did google Amerike and that whole stole sounds like a hoax. There is no valid proof of that at all


I don't have to say much. I'm Sicilian. We're what the "boot" of Italy is kicking, or about to step in, depending on your point of view.


pmiano, what the hell are you saying? What's got to do this with Amerigo Vespucci? I hope in Sicily you know his name!!


It has nothing to do with Vespucci, which is my point. Who cares? Sicilians are too practical to argue about an obscure navigator from centuries past. They know his name in Sicily. They just don't care. Your family must come from Napoli.


My family DON'T come from Naples. My father was Sicilian.

I suggest you to not speak in the name of Sicily.
"Sicilians are too practical to argue about an obscure navigator from centuries past". What are you saying? Columbus was an "Obscure navigator"? I'm shocked.
The past doesn't matter for you Sicilians? Maybe you think Pirandello was an "obscure writer" to forget bacause he lived in the past?

I want to warn non-Italians to not consider all Sicilians are like pmiano100. Actually it's an island of very intelligent people.


In my last post I digited the name of Columbus at the place of Vespucci. My mistake. But the sense remains the same: Pmiano100 calls Amerigo Vespucci " AN OBUSCURE NAVIGATOR".
That's all folks.


"I want to warn non-Italians to not consider all Sicilians are like pmiano100. Actually it's an island of very intelligent people."

It was. Then the intelligent ones all moved to America like my family. Thank God they didn't depend on Vespucci's maps or they would have all wound up in South Africa.

To those of you unfamiliar with Italian culture, for many centuries Sicily suffered under the heel (pun intended) of mainland Italy. To this day, we Sicilians do not get along well with many mainland Italians, especially Neapolitans and anyone from any place north of Rome. This is understandable as Northern Italians are very snobbish and Neapolitans are an especially sneaky and treacherous people. They're still mad that the Mafia beat the Camorra, their pathetic excuse for a crime syndicate. Much of this resentment followed the immigrants to the New World where it continues from Canada to Argentina.


P.S. That's "My family DOESN'T come from Naples!" Not "DON"T!"

Well, your father was Sicilian so at least you have some good in you.

Uno, Nessuno e Centomila (One, No One and One Hundred Thousand), was Pirandello's greatest novel. I have read it and it is brilliant. However, he died in 1937. Vespucci goes back a lot further than that.


"Then the intelligent ones all moved to America like my family."

So you think Sicily now is full of idiots.
The "intelligent" ones like your family ESCAPED from problems, they didn't try to change Sicily.
In our years, Sicily has solved many of his problems thanks to the people that stayed there.

"However, he died in 1937. Vespucci goes back a lot further than that"
It doesn't matter how many years ago a great personality lived. His memory has to be kept. According to you, in the year 2500 people it will be a right thing forgetting Pirandello, as we have to forget Vespucci, Dante, Spartacus, Galilei, Giordano Bruno, etc etc... All people died too many centuries ago, not so important to remember!
The future is based on History, man. Italians are FULL of History, you America not. Maybe for this reason you don't feel it important.

If you are not proud to be Italian you can't change History. Vespucci wrote History, he'not obscure.
With Vespucci maps you would wrong the itinerary? Damn, you're confusing Columbus - that discovered Americas by accident - with Vespucci.

Then, you're full of a lot of stereotypes about Naples, Northern Italians and so on.
Now you're neither Sicilian nor Italian: you're only an American with only 517 years of History

You are surreal, man.



As a Northern Italian, let me ask you guys to resolve this issue. We're all Italians, so why don't we resolve these problems among us. If not, we'll just look like all those jerks who stereotyped us with "tony pepperoni," and "guinea." If we're just fighting like this, what good will that do?



Thank you, hoodballer23-2.


The animosities of the past are well-documented. You forget that Sicily once had a powerful secessionist movement. However, I wrote my postings largely with tongue in cheek. If I were really so ethno-centric, I would not have married a Puerto Rican woman.

I freely confess Americans are really no better. Our presidential campaign should be proof of that. I lived in the American South from 1982 to 1984, not that long ago. The resentment of "Yankees" by some Southerners was unbelievable. I'm a native New Yorker. We're famous for being hated. Maybe I'm exaggerating, but not by much. Europeans stereotype Americans too. It's a fact.


"We didn't try to change Sicily because it couldn't be changed"

The mentality of losers.

"I've been back to Sicily many times. Life isn't all that much better."

You shouldn't understand anything backing in Sicily sometimes.
You don't know mafia has lost all appeal it had in the past. The most of young Sicilians are rebelling, and mafia bosses are almost all been arrested. People changed many things in those years, and you can't be so arrogant to say it's not true. I LIVE in Italy.

"I've heard British and French tourists laugh at you and call you children behind your backs. The Germans call you worse"

I've heard the same at Americans: big-childs-with-no-brains is the best thing I've hard about you. From all Countries. You're known as superheroes-fans, bigbutted and baddressed people, puritans, warlovers and Paradise of serial-killers. You are considered the Nation of kitsch and junk-food. Sad but true.

"America doesn't cower from the terrorism of the fanatical Arabs"

Yes, attacking Iraq and Hussein after Bin Laden terroristic act. Bin Laden stays on still.
Italian soldiers made a grat diplomatic job with Arabs that USA could not to do anyway. Italian controls defend ALL Europe from possible new terroristic acts succesfully. Also USA government admits it.

"I have something to be proud of that isn't at least 500 years old. It's 2008!"

Yes guy, and in 2008 Italy is n.1 in FASHION, in DESIGN, in FORMULA 1, in ARCHITECTURE, FOOD, WINE, MUSIC, with USA and France is one of the best 3 CINEMA INDUSTRIES in the world. We're SOCCER WORLD CHAMPIONS (after 3 other times in History). Italy is number 9 in 2008 Olympic Games above over 200 countries (and we have to search our champions among 56 million people, not among 300 million as USA). The n.1 in sunglasses and shoes production.

Try ask to Chinese growing market from what Country in the world comes the most of prestigious things? You can bet they 'd say Italy, not France anymore and not America at all.
Have you music marks like Pavarotti, Bocelli, PFM, Ennio Morricone, Nicola Piovani? Have you cars like FERRARI, MASERATI, LAMBORGHINI? No, you have Crysler, that out of USA is totally ignored.
Have you stylists like ARMANI, DOLCE&GABBANA, PRADA, CAVALLI, VERSACE, VALENTINO and then more? Your girlfriend could teach you something about that.

Italy is like a prestigious boutique, USA like a supermarket. In 2008 After Christ.


Inform yourself before writing about things you don't know.



"Unfortunately, Italy is NOT number 1 in formula 1, its england i belive with some kid called hamilton"

Hamilton?? Please don't you joke. He was born 'yesterday' as in Italy we use to say, and he never acted correctly in his sport. Without Ferraris Formula 1 would be a total bore and only a few people in the world would see it. McLarens are not the dreamcars the way of Italian sportive cars. McLaren and the other teams win or lose expecially because of their pilots. Ferrari wins with or without pilots like Schumaker because it's a greatest team of these years.

"in movies its really the US Japan France and India"

Japan? Only for some horrors? INDIA? Yes, of course Bollywood! Hilarious. Bollywood is big only for its number of movies, but who cares them out of India?
Ask Tarantino or Tim Burton or Scorsese something about Italian cinema, they have many things to tell you. Have you heard about Bertolucci? Fellini? Visconti? Argento or Bava? If in USA and England Italian films have a low distribution, it's your guilt because USA audience doesn't accept films without Hollywood stars and not shot in English.
As you don't accept singers if not singing in English save Bocelli because it reponds to the Italian opera-singer stereotype. In continental Europe we listen songs in English, Spanish and Italian.

"gangster movies whcih are italian AMERICAN, so theyre american [...], he's an AMERICAN now, like me, i don't owe england anything even though thats where my ancestors came from"

It looks like a deny of your original blood. You'd have to consider yourselves Italian-American and Anglo-American, as I'm proud to be an Italian with a far Norman origin.
Now I'm very tired to talk with you ethnocentric fanatic CAPTAIN AMERICAS. You make your Nation like an insular close-minded Country.
Too many British and Americans are unsincere if not hypocrite, considering themselves as the centre of the whole world, the only symbol of civilization and the only example for all. You're not the Masters of the world, you're not the n.1 in all things. You blame people not speaking a good English but you're the only populations in Western world not speaking a second language.
You're nauseating too many people with your arrogance, judjing the entire planet with your clichés.
And still you aren't able to see that the entire planet started to hate you (I don't mean Arabs).



"actually i don't watch formua one"
Well, then why do you speak about it?

"Bollywood is big only for its number of movies, but who cares them out of India? So now you're resorting to this to express your point of view eh?"
Do you mean in USA someone watch Bollywood films? What a disclosure!

"here in america we have something more interesting called nascar"
Of course, you in America have all better!

"we got raped by china in the olympics (where the *beep* was italy!?)"
Last year Italy organized in Turin the Winter Olympics, and its orgazization was successful as the one of the Soccer World Cup we hosted in '90.
Of course now you'll say Winter Olympics are not so important, right?
Let me talk something about the points. Maybe you don't know Italy positioned 9th above over 200 Nations. Before us there were only gigantic Nations like USA RUSSIA, CHINA (full of inhabitants=full of sportives), Germany (80 million hinabitants) and Japan (100 millions). We have to search our champions among less than 56 million people.

"we dont listen to your songs while you listen to ours coz ours are better obviously"

Modern Italian songs are exported in the whole world save English speaking lands (Do you know Zucchero, Ramazzotti, Nannini, Celentano? Of course not. In Europe they are all international stars)
We listen to BOTH your and our songs, beacuse WE are mind-opened. We like music non only for lyrics but for sound and voice too. Then, WE're able to understand other language lyrics.
Then, your taste for music is too commercial.

"No offense but you ask many people where they'd rather be from America or Italy, theyd choose the side that won the war which is our Franklin Roosevelt side over your mussolini side, i dont make myself sound great"
No offense but America has made a genocyde of natives Americans, started a rob of Africans for slavery, was a *beep* in Vietnam and Iraq, when you start a war and all the world is called to follow you. it dont make myself sound great.
So stop talking about Mussolini.

"why? becasue us english speakers are *beep* and unfortunately do rule the world"
Yes, it is so.

"No offense to you italians but your language isn't really widely spoken"
Unfortunately that's true, the reason is we colonized anything (save Ethiopia), so in the world no Nation speaks Italian but us. Colonizations was an horrible thing but it gave you some vantage.
Even if our language is not spoken out of Italy, Germans, Dutch, French, Russians Spanish and Scandinavians listen to uor songs. Damn, there would be a reason!

"....ahhhh how good it is that my last name is MODICA..."

It's too easy anwer Americans, their minds are so simple..




"Oh and i advise you invest in a grammar book, you insult me for not speaking a second language yet yours is horrible."

I'm not insulting you, I'm just making know you many things that no Americans could know.
About my English. Try to learn a second tongue so you could understand how difficult is to express in a foreign language.

The fanny thing in all this discussions is that I always defended the image of America with my friends. But here USA users say our whole history of arts is considered not so important because it belongs to the past.
Then too many of you call us dumb, arrogant, smelly, criminals and racists. All false things.

You laugh about my Nation. I can't stand it, that makes me FURIOUS.

It offends me you feel yourself better. You're only more powerful.

Italians build America as all other Nations and nowadays is still a graet culture. And we are a G8 member.



1) "yes you are indeed a G8 member, so is Spain and they don't really have much of an economy or clout in EU affairs"

Wrong. Spain is not in G8. However it's economy has grown very much in last years, all Europe talks about it. But is still too far to reach G8 standards.

2) "you guys don't want turkey to join the EU because you say they look like arabs..."

Turkey is not welcome in EU because they never admitted Armenian massacre and because it stil hosts the practise of TORTURE in their jails (most for politic ideals), that is in contraddiction with EU ethic (The same reason for witch China can't be joind in G8). Not "because they look arabs". Are these the reports that USA newspapers give you?? That's so semplicistic that sounds incredible.

3) "...and will hurt your economy"

Ridicolous. Turkey would be very very far to hurt our economy. Boy, we're not Greece, we are Italy. Even when in difficult times, Italian economy is one of the strongest economies in the world.

I think you should give yourself up and stop talking European facts this way. Cause you don't live here. Your information canals are too semplicistic and depict Europeans as caricatures. So be a little bit modest.
I still remember when before 1999 many of your best economists said Euro currency would be a total failure! What can I say, it was a "little" MISTAKE, mmh?

"my jibes have stung a little too deep."





"verbal jousting with your crappy American grammar?"

I don't know what's 'American grammar'. At school they teached me English grammar. I admit I learnt it badly but you can't blame me for my bad English until you learn a second language.

I use my crappy English (I don't consider it a big defect, the important to me is making me understand) for correcting all your wrong convintions.
English-spaeking people really don't know anything about Italy AND CONTINENTAL EUROPE but talk about it with their best arrogance.
Not your guilt. You just have not to trust your Reporters and begin to attend Europeans friendships.
Don't worry for their different idiomas: if you don't speak their languages, they are able to speak your.


"haha i'm sorry you lost me at how the italian economy at its worst is one of the best in the "world""

Yes it is. Sorry for your ignorance.

"in comparison with US, your economy is nothing, think i talk falsities?"

Of course in comparision with US our economy is nothing. All economies are nothing in comparision of yours, I knew it, thanks a lot.
But it doesn't mean that Italian or French or German economies are WEAK only because you are a giant.
They are weaker than you, right, but not weak in the rest of the world at all.
Maybe for you G8 could be unuseful beacuse you're the richest. Would you like a G1 with only USA?
European Countries are the best partnership for USA in economy and in politics. We need you, but also you need us.

And remember one thing: you could say the many economies of G8 are poor in comparision to your, but the world is NOT like USA, so it means our 'weak' economies are enormous in front of ALL other Country in this planet.

To end, maybe you realized Euro currency is as strong (if not stronger) than your dollar. Am I wrong? It means all Eurozone has the same economic weight of USA. Our union made us strong.



Peace and Respect



"NO France and Germany have substantial economies"

AH AH AH! You're joking for sure.
Germany is the first in Europe and France the second. In the world, Germany is the third and France the fourth. Then England. Have you an idea about how many Nations there are in the world? So 3th and 4th are no so bad, right??

"and italy to a lesser stance coz well your prime minister sucks up to us"

I don't like Berlusconi but your President do. So Berlusconi doesn't suck up to USA govern. Italy is important as parner because we are the bridge between Middle East and Western world. Our diplomatic relationships have an undeniable importance.

"Its true your euro is stronger than our dollar, but we still have a higher standard of living"

I knew Americans are convinced of this but it's not all true: yes you still have a highter standard of living than Italy, I agree. And highter than other EU nations like Spain, Portugal, Greece, Iraland.
But you can't say your standard of life is highter than the German, the Belgic, the French, the Austrian, the Dutch just for giving you only a few of examples.

On the other side, many European Countries extra-EU and extra-G8, like Scandinavian Nations or Switzerland, have a very hight standard of life and a graet richness per person, but they have too few inhabitants (=few workers=few industries) to create a real competition with other rich nations. The same reason why many rich non-European Countries like Australia and New Zealand can't join in G8.



"you italians look arab anyway."
I'm a guy tall 185 cm, pale skin and redhaired, skinny. I'm not the only one. You watch too many American silly mafia movies. Make yourself a favour, move over your borders anf fly Italy. You are talking how a person who has never been in our Country... Or how a person who WANTS to believe stereotypes.


"you italians look arab anyway."

I'm an Italian of a dark complexion, some might say I look Arab, yes, that's true. So what's wrong with that? What's wrong with looking a certain way? What's the problem with my dark skin, and brown eyes? You see, that's why I'm wiping myself with your opinion, you might make some good points here and there, but you come off as prejudiced most of the time, and that voids any of your other statements. I love Americans, they have done much for the world, I won't consider you one of them, because you're disgusting.


Valenti, I've seen these anglo-american people are too dumb for worthing answers by Europeans.
I see my anti-American friends were right unfortunatly: they show themselves like a mass of vulgars, fanatics, arrogants and above all IGNORANT.

No prejudice is right save the ones against Americans and muslims.



"i didnt mean that tonny pepperoni wop guinea amerigo vespucci"

"italian immigrants just came to make pizza"

"ever heard of google? for help researching? it's somethin us non-italians use"

"I insult you because you're ignorantly trying to suggest that italians are acually important to the US"

"now go eat a pizza or something"

"you think our country would be named after a tony pepperoni guinea wop?"

"you italains are just too *beep* stupid"

Very well, benefit of the doubt and such. Tell me, being the great intellectual that you are... what exactly makes someone prejudiced, if not the garbage you've been spewing all over these boards? You have my pity, little man, for you are what I call socially retarded. Italians have done much for the world, as have Americans, and every other nation around the world. We all contribute what we can, because we all share this globe, whether you like it or not. Try as you like to achieve this point you speak of, anybody with an open mind and common sense who comes to this board will only be disgusted by your offensive remarks. You aren't making a statement, you're embarrassing yourself. I am myself before I'm Italian, meaning I'm an individual, I'm unique, and I'm more man than you'll ever be. I'm not born from a mold, I'm not a walking stereotype, I'm a person, I'm proud to be Italian, and I have every reason to be. Why? A person of your intellectual capacity might ask, well, the answer is simple, the same reason you're proud to be American, you look at the positive and not the negative. There's nothing wrong with pride, as long as you don't let it blind you, don't let it hinder your appreciation for other cultures. Guinea is a place in Africa, you are saying Italians are not white when you use that term. Which is fine with me, because I'll never let a color define who I am. Denial is the first step, admit you are prejudiced, and perhaps someday, you will be able to find peace within your angry mind.

Do not speak on behalf of Americans, you're a poor example.


Im an "Ex-Patriot" I call america my home but I live and make my living over-seas. I agree with you on 1 or 2 of the things you said, I feel ashamed sometimes when I see the way Americans act when they are abroad and in the states.

I still believe America stands for something more than that, more than the way its people are sometimes portrayed and I think Americans should take more responsibility for themselves, unfortunately I cant do much about that but try to educate my friends on how to act appropriately and try to reflect those teachings in my own actions...

But are you honestly going to sit high on your throne and look down upon "anglo-american people" and call them "too dumb" for "worthing answers by Europeans"? I'm sure your non-fanatic, non-arrogant "Anti-American" friends will be proud of your righteous prejudice fueled thread against Americans and Muslims on this forum about a movie.

When you park your airplane, please make sure its between the 25th and 60th floors so its hard for people to get out of the building.


For MinkStallion.

I like the way you argued. Your post shows still exist Americans like I knew.
I'm sorry to have offended people like you, but you know among these posts the yours is the first wrote by a person with full respect for the proud of a non American.
I know not all anglo Americans are like Chase or like the other USA posters of this forum, but I'm a hot-blooded guy and I'm tired to feel USA laught about Italians without knowing them.

I felt a lot of will to humiliating Italians with arguments like Mafia, dumbness, stink (!!!), ugliness and other *beep* And as you see, no non-Italian before you talked about Italy with respect here.
The best an American said about us was about our "long sausages" for girls.

People like Chase and co demonstrate that stereotypes argued by my friends is not an invention. They ARE that stereotype, act and talk like that. It's so sad. That kind of angloamericans exists for real, and it has been a disclosure for me.
For us, no hate or rage could kill like ridiculization. So I could't stand it.

Your answer makes me newly think Americans are friendly people, and -maybe- my friends are stil wrong.



"indian cinema is irrelevant coz indians dont matter"

I said Indian cinema is irrilevant WORLDWIDE, because it doesn't meet the taste of non-Indians. I meant it's no universal. The reason of the big production of Bollywood filmswas the number of Indians. Out of India who cares that films?

If not, you could see Chinese is the most important language in the world only because Chineses is spoken by 2 billion people. But as you know, the language of the world is English now, even "native English speakers" are a lot lesser than Chineses as number.


I'm seeing it as it is, a person who's insulting an entire country because he can't get along with one person. That is socially retarded, if you can't be diplomatic, than you shouldn't be talking about such things. A point can be made without resorting to childish insults. Grow up.



I'm at a loss for words. I cannot believe how foolish you are. You make prejudiced remarks, then claim that you aren't so. You bash an entire country because you can't get along with one person, then claim I am ignorant. You claim my country is terrible, then say that MY opinion is retarded and judgemental? Then you laugh at my concept of maturity?

You, sir, have psychological problems. Seek help. Otherwise, take your comments into an Italian bar, they might be kind enough to knock some sense into that fat, pompous head of yours. Takes a big man to hide behind his keyboard, after all. I for one, am above prejudice and stereotypes, and I will say it again, I love the U.S. I have been there many times, and have yet to meet anything like you during my stay. Perhaps I'm fortunate? Anyway, I'm done with you, so do the world a favor, and hurl your body into therapy. Testa di cazzo.



Chase and ex-patriot, from what American States do you write? I'm so curious.
The States are a wide and various nation, and so people's typologies....



...A Newyorker!
Am I wrong if I recall to you Fiorello La Guardia? He's another example of Italian American GUINEAS gave no contribution to your city, right?
Wait, It seems that the most famous song about New York was performed by a singer named Minnelli, right? It seems Rudolph Giuliani was a guinea wop, am I wrong?
New Yorkers have to build a monumentum to Italians for what they are.


I'm a disgrace? I couldn't be happier to disappoint someone like you Chase.



And to do that would be extremely arrogant and ignorant to all the other ethnic groups who did other or similar things for new york.


I'm not actually living in America atm, I haven't lived there for many years now, I live in Doha, Qatar in the UAE.







You sir, are indeed an American, even if you are a turncoat. You are part of a spoiled, cowardly, apathetic, decadent society soon to be overrun by the Moslems who will make your lives a living hell. I belch in your general direction. Spregevole!



Europe is falling apart. Only whiny, lazy, self-entitled Europhiles like you are too blind to see it. Europe is only a great place if you don't like to work. If the Moslems take over, and they probably will take over Europe, and deny you your drugs, sex, rock music, medallions of pork, liquor and entitlements, you will finally learn your lesson, too late.



Which only goes to show why Europe is falling apart. You're too complacent to see that the new Moslem immigrants are far different from the old and won't be content until you are all bereft of your decadent pleasures and bowing five times to Mecca. You are now on my ignore list. Rant away.






Oh, but I do!
